[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 1 points 27 minutes ago

So the short answer is that it's complicated. Long answer is (with the caveat that I'm not an attorney and we have one that guides our licensing board) that those are crimes of moral turpitude, which are considered when evaluating a new application or renewal. Per state law, the existence of a conviction isn't enough on its own to deny the license - the board has to consider things like length of time since the crime and the applicant's conduct since then. I genuinely have no idea what would happen if someone was in jail. I mean, I'm sure their license would be denied, I'm just not sure if they'd even be allowed to renew or maintain ownership in the first place. It's never come up. More than likely, they'd sell it or transfer ownership before it ever came to me.

I don't know NJ liquor laws, but if they're similar, I can see them saying sorry, the conviction was too recent and you've shown zero remorse, no license for you. That said, I have no idea if Trump, individually is considered an owner, or if the license is under a subsidiary company where everyone knows it's ultimately his, but he's not involved in any of the day to day, so the establishment can remain licensed. Frankly, it's not going to hurt him as much as the people who will lose their jobs if the license goes, but I'll be interested to see what happens.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 13 points 3 hours ago

In this instance? Probably. We just had a hearing for a guy charged with bigamy and DV, and he got to renew his license. We have another guy who owns a bar (thank god not in my city) that's known for being a dangerous shithole, and he keeps getting licensed somehow. Most liquor laws make it pretty hard to essentially take away someone's livelihood, regardless of what you or I think about it. I wish it was treated as more of a privilege than it is, but Trump is far from the only felon with a liquor license.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 41 points 4 hours ago

Anyone applying for or holding a liquor license is entitled to a hearing if they're denied. That doesn't change just because it's Trump. I do liquor licensing in a different state and you really can't just take it away without due process. He may well get to keep the licenses, because his conviction wasn't related to liquor laws, and for us, that's one of the only times we can revoke one. This is really not a case of him getting special treatment.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 11 points 6 hours ago

Don't forget about the wifi might be damaging kids' brains thing. That was fun. Less fun is that people have pointed out that a lot of her stated foreign policy goals happened to align with Russia's. She's a big ol' no for me.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 21 points 6 hours ago

No, I'm just not an idiot and I know how the real world works. I wouldn't vote for Jill Stein even if there was a chance of a third party win, but in this case, there isn't, and anyone who votes for her is playing right into Trump's tiny baby hands. And, by extension, Putin. Though, tbh, I kind of wonder if you're actually even American after looking at your comment history. The grammar and spelling are mostly good, but there are a couple of slips with terms that aren't really used here.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 30 points 7 hours ago

The only way we’re ~~stopping fascism in Israel~~ ensuring Trump wins and enables Netanyahu to finish his genocide is if everyone votes Green.


[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 28 points 1 day ago

I mean, I'm fine with it? There's nothing wrong with being alone. There's a lot wrong with being with a guy with a comment history like yours.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

That's where I'm at. I moved back home after my divorce about 8 years ago and it's been really nice. My mom and I have always been really close, and it's nice to spend more time together as we get older. I'd rather pay rent to her and help with the bills than pay a landlord, too.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 19 points 1 day ago

Yeah I can see that. I guess where I have an issue is that the old white guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood a few years back was taken alive (and he's far from the only example) and it's like, why is it that they can negotiate and talk guys like that down but don't bother to even attempt to de-escalate with brown kids? Or brown adults, really.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 71 points 1 day ago

You guys ever see a horse eat a baby chick? I have. The only thing surprising about this is that he wasn't eating the pigeons.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 61 points 1 day ago

Thank god for that. Imagine the horror of human babies just clawing their way out when they were ready.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 28 points 1 day ago

After reading the rest of your comments, you could've just saved a lot of time by saying you don't know how the government works. And if anyone else happens to read this and think, "Hey that's a good point," no, it isn't. It's ignorant at best, actively malicious at worst. Sounds a whole lot like many of the comments trying to get people not to vote.


Finally sprung for the 12lb bag because we love these things. I usually make buffalo soy curls and throw them on a salad or mac and cheese, or make lemon "chicken" orzo with them, but I'm open to other suggestions from anyone else who likes them since I have enough for about the next decade.


I looked up the ones he shows in the video and basically all of them are the equivalent of 30 year old participation trophies. He's posted the video on every city fb post for days, and he calls volunteering slavery every chance he gets. There's a reason his own political party disavowed him a couple of years ago.


This guy has been running for local office and losing every election cycle for years. His latest thing is that he is a victim the same way George Floyd was because DEI has made it hard to be a white man, I guess?

For the record, his "wife" literally left the country over a decade ago and I think his son has also moved to her country. The last picture he has with them is easily 15 years ago, so I don't think they really give a shit if anyone votes for him. Oh, also, they're Asian so he regularly refers to himself as a "person/father of color."

submitted 5 months ago by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@lemmy.ml

I don't do much handheld gaming, but I'm going to have some overseas flights and long-ish train rides later this year, and may also be having surgery that will keep me fairly bedbound for about a month. I'm just not sure how much money it's worth spending on a deck that I likely won't use much outside of those specific cases - I bought a switch when I got covid in 2020 and used it a ton at the time but I've only used it a few times since, though I miiight use a deck a bit more just because I already have a pretty extensive steam library.

Is it better to stick to the cheapest model or is there enough of a difference that it might be worth spending a little more for a nicer one?

Getting wild on NYE (lemmy.world)

This is one of the first kits I got really excited about and I finally grabbed it on Black Friday. I've never done buttonhole stitch and it's a lot of fun now that I have the hang of it. It's a party at my house, as you can see.


Yeah, definitely don't put any of those profits toward a living wage though. Make your employees trauma dump for the chance at a few extra bucks! Probably comes as an Amazon gift card, too.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_stitch@sh.itjust.works

I don't know how to cross stitch (and did absolutely zero research before starting this kit), but this is a mood, especially after I realized I miscounted and put the s one space off and now have to pull it back out.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_stitch@sh.itjust.works

Well...mostly. I need to fill in a couple of gaps on the bear, but I lost my mind and decided to try to finish a whole new pattern by 10/1 so I'll have to worry about that later. I'm overall really happy with how both came out. I can see mistakes up close, but I think from a distance, they're both nice. Also, this was before ironing both, please disregard any wonky satin stitch - the thread moves when I wash off the pattern.

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