[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 hours ago

I mean, if the bias was based on skin-colour or sex, would you feel differently about it?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

No, because it’s circular logic.

It is, and that's inherent in the problem under consideration, the problem of the 'uncaused caused' or the 'first mover'. Logic can either be A) circular or B) not-circular. Any not-circular logic must explain each element by referring to a prior, but then you've got an infinite regress. So you're trapped in a dilemma: do you want the circular logic or the infinite regress? Liebniz's choice was to say that God was inherently existent, like when Lao Tzu said 道法 自然

There’s no reason for a necessary being to exist before it does

Correct. It is necessary: it is self-causing. It does not stand upon a 'reason', unlike everything else in conditioned existence.

to exist before it does

You're assuming it is subject to the laws of linear time and causation, and point out how that assumption leads to a contradiction. But Liebniz's God is not subject to the laws of linear time and causation. Which is the whole point of positing it: because if it were subject to those laws: infinite regress.

and no evidence that one does in the real world.

Well the world exists, so all this existence must have some cause. That was the starting point of the conversation: Why is there something instead of nothing?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 hours ago

What's that got to do with the meme?


Deer populations have got out of control and are causing danger on the roads as well as being a disease risk for farmers, according to Clare County Councillor Pat Hayes.

National Parks and Wildlife Service data show 2,140 wild deer were culled during the last full culling season in Co Clare, the seventh-highest county deer cull in Ireland, with 44,381 deer culled nationally.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 8 points 5 hours ago

I was complaining about this on !noyank@lemmy.ml

About 10% of pop culture stories, maybe more, are about billionaires. Are 10% of people billionaires?

And even in a medieval fantasy settings, it's about gold-decked kings: the billionaires of the setting.

It's to perpetuate a class bias.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Well Liebniz said it's because of a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself, if that helps.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 3 points 14 hours ago

Reminder that he’s a racist

Name one racist thing he ever said or did.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 77 points 16 hours ago

How much general legitimacy does the regime have there? Do people not want to overthrow/replace it by this point?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 3 points 17 hours ago

Why is there something instead of nothing

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 3 points 22 hours ago

wait Fitbit was killed off?


The pact has been in discussion at EU level for the past eight years and the Government announced three months ago that it would be opting in to the pact, which will come into effect in two years’ time.

Under the pact’s rules, there will be tougher border security checks including identification and health checks with the collection of biometric data including fingerprints for anyone above the age of six.

A substantial increase in the number of staff processing applications will now be required along with new processing and accommodation centres.

Migrants will be accommodated in holding centres close to airports and ports, which the Government has insisted will not be detention centres, while asylum seekers’ applications will be processed within a maximum of 12 weeks. Where an application is rejected, asylum seekers will have to be returned forcibly to their home country within the same period. Member states will be required, based on their population size, to take in thousands of migrants from “frontline” countries such as Italy, Greece and Spain, or provide funding instead.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee said, “Those who have a right to international protection must be given that status as quickly as possible. For those who are found not to have a right to international protection, they must return to their home country as quickly as possible.”

Mary Lou McDonald has said the Government’s failure to opt out of any aspect of the pact is a “dangerous erosion” of Irish sovereignty.

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns described individual aspects of the pact as worth opting into but her party had “very serious human rights concerns” with the overall pact which she described as “dangerous”.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml to c/ireland@lemmy.ml

Although its location and existence remain unconfirmed, Deputy Crowe said that some believe the former High King of Ireland’s crown has been in the possession of the Vatican for over a millennium.

Crowe suggests forming a team to search for this long-lost artifact, which has been the subject of legend.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin has previously noted that the current status and existence of the crown are uncertain and subject to debate among experts.

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