reporting back: after visiting four different local bookstores and not being able to find it anywhere, i caved and just ordered it through the last store i visited. sadly i'm too tired from working doubles all week to even look at it right now.

but i was able to find murray bookchins post-scarcity anarchism for $2, so that was pretty neat.

[-] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

new Alien sequel looks HAWT

[-] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

maybe-later-honey China is stealing tech patents and its not fair, also their tech is 10 years behind, also they live in a dystopian tech-ruled surveillance state, also their economy is about to collapse, also they are single-handedly destabilizing US hegemony

for comparison: over-emphasizing every other word kills the natural flow of reading something yourself (and makes it seem like the writer is talking down to the reader). italics can be helpful for understanding what exactly an author is trying to say by emphasizing a certain word, but when you start forcing emphasis on every other word, and you're doing it every sentence, reading the entire essay/book becomes unnecessarily arduous. I literally cannot read much of Lenin's work, because it reads like a condescending reddit post. when I can find his writing with all the heavy-handed emphasis removed, it reads a lot more naturally.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

over-emphasizing every other word kills the natural flow of reading something yourself (and makes it seem like the writer is talking down to the reader). italics can be helpful for understanding what exactly an author is trying to say by emphasizing a certain word, but when you start forcing emphasis on every other word, and you're doing it every sentence, reading the entire essay/book becomes unnecessarily arduous. I literally cannot read much of Lenin's work because it reads like a condescending reddit post. when I can find his writing with all the heavy-handed emphasis removed, it reads a lot more naturally.

e: sorry i responded so late to this comment, its a good question

also my oversimplified understanding of why the cold war even happened was that stalin beat the shit out of the nazis for the allies but the west didnt want to give him too much credit or put the soviets on equal footing as economic post war partners, so the US basically engineered a long era of continued weapons manufacturing using the domestic and liberated/defeated nations industries to subsidize and expand our military while also protecting western capital interests from having to compete in a multipolar global economy where international prols would have increased bargaining power and autonomy, am i doodoo brained or is this kinda sorta accurate

[-] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

i cant remember whats in the cab blob-no-thoughts i love the jcm 2000 though! literally everyone used the 900 so its cool to have a slightly different tone, also its killer for heavier stuff if you do metal or heavy alternative/hardcore, whatever :) (the guitar in the track is just shitty ableton simulated distortion, the jcm2000 sounds 8 million times better). would totally recommend! i also love that it comes with additional tone control and the double-extra-mega-crunch button to really saturate the distortion, which i leave on pretty much all the time.

[-] 1 points 2 months ago

wow listening back to the song it is not nearly ready to be shared, im gonna take it off and repost it when its cleaned up a little. thank you guys for listening tho!

[-] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Reuben...fired on a vehicle accelerating into an Iraqi checkpoint. As the vehicle approached the checkpoint, he shot into and stopped the advancing automobile. Approaching it to investigate, the unit saw he had killed the driver. But he had also “splattered his head all over the driver’s child. Six years old. He was sitting in the passenger seat. The fifty caliber does a number on the human body. The man’s head was just gone. It was everywhere.”

Reuben has ruminated over that moment for many years, trying to reconcile how he had followed the standard protocol but with horrific results – and trying to convince himself, as he told us, that he is not a monster.

Most civilians will never carry the burden of mortality that Reuben bears.

No, yeah, you are a fucking monster. I don't give a fuck. The second you realized going into someone elses country and firing into people's fucking civilian homes wasnt gonna be "like Call of Duty" (actual quote -- again, fuck off) any self respecting person who gives a shit about the loss of human life would have left, dishonorably charged or not. Oh, sorry, your EGO is more important.

Boo fucking hoo. I'm sure you wish it was you getting your head blown off with a fucking 50 cal, right? Fuck you. Go have your fucking pity party alone in the corner, or see if you can get the warmongering, racist, profit extracting fucking ghouls you murdered for to give a shit.

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