[-] geikei@hexbear.net 29 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

probably yeah, and tbf other than those issues i mentioned they are more so 70% good -30% bad in most other stuff from an orthodox Marxist-Lenninist perspective.

On foreign policy matters idk if much shift may happen but it doesnt matter that much. They are still way more anti-Nato than anything else despite their "China and Russia secondary imperialist powers" positions. I have been personaly been told by one the highest ranking party member in foreign relations matters that "yeah of course we will be expanding cooperation with China, Iran ,Russia etc if the party comes to power or win elections and likely preemptively expand party ties with the CPC before that. If they are still chill with us after we Nationalize most of the stuff Chinese multinationals own in Greece that is. Cause from the other side we can only expect a sanctions regime"

On LGBT issues for example a big factor imo was that the party for decades had a much stronger support and membership in older age groups and in ereas outside the biggest 1-2 urban centers (Athens and Thessaloniki). So there wasnt some upwards pressure from inside the org and voter base to "modernize" in those fronts. But their youth league and support has been marketably on the rise in the last couple of years and they are seeing their best electoral gains nationaly in Athens. There will most likely be some incremental change towards better positions going forward instead of a massive shift or realization of "oh we were wrong sorry" and that has already happened in the discorse and analysis within the party compared to lets say 5 years ago. Thats why their positions are so confused and all over the place at the momment. Progressive gender analysis and positions coexist and are expressed together with more conservative understandings that are sadly also boosted by a "reactionary" opposition to US rainbow imperialism and by the trends in capital and neoliberalism subsuming a lot of the LGBT messaging and movement. Those contradiction has led to the party not voting in favor of the Right Wings government's gay marriage and adoption bills,but mostly focusing on their opposition to certain parts of the bill from a socioeconomic PoV that has merrit but in no way excuses not supporting those bills. Stuff like their opposition to the existance and expansion of surrogate motherhood under capitalism , their opposition to economic and social benifits for Gays (as well as straights ) being tied to marriage to begin with. So they can in the same time be for stronger anti-discrimination laws against LGBT people , free trans healthcare etc etc but also force themselves to take nitpicky and incoherent positions on Gay Adoption or Marriage but not necessarily outwardly homophobic ones

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 19 points 2 months ago

Apparently Miyazaki took it to heart and reworked the manga story to pass the historical materialism Takahata check (Movie was made while the manga was less than midway through)

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 16 points 2 months ago

Some scetches of the incident by the animation director of The Boy and the Heron, Takeshi Honda

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

Xirxes ordered Huawei engineers to whip silicon with iron chains to speed up advanced semiconductor development, sources close to the CCP tell Bloomberg

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 29 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

To be more exact and lib friendly they:

Basicaly supported the center-fascist Bruning government that arose after the collapse of the previous coalition they were part of in 1930 by refusing to attack him cause he was the "lesser evil" and basicaly never voting against him in any junction that mattered. He unopposed or with SDP support accelerated and normalized Germany's military build up, empowered nationalism domesticaly, shifted foreign policy narratives along chauvinist and imperialist lines, eroded whatever democratic and parliamentarian norms Weimar Germany had left (he ended up governing only by decree in his last year) and most importantly completely missmanaged the economic crises with immenselyt anti-worker measures and horrible results. Effectively pushed the political theater considerably to the right.

SPD's toleration policy went to such an extent that in order to save Bruning, the SPD abstained in the 20 March vote on the construction of 'pocket battleship B'. It seemed impossible for the Social Democrats not to vote against this project. Rejection would have been in line with that principle of anti- militarism which in autumn 1928 had inspired the party to rebel against its own Chancellor, Hermann Muller, in the vote on the new battleship's predecessor, 'pocket battleship A'. But as both Chancellor Bruning and Reichswehr minister Groener had threatened to resign if the battleship's construction was rejected, the SPD decided to go along with it, basicaly facilitating the shift towards more militarist and right wing politics and delegitimizing themselves among the people that would be willing to fight the Nazis later, surrendering any chance of SDP leadership in any anti-Nazi movement of mass support .

The next test of the policy of'toleration': the emergency law of 5 June 1931, which involved radical reductions of social welfare expenditure. Bruning threatened to serve notice on the Prussian coalition (SDP stronghold) if it wasnt passed. The blackmail worked. At a session of the Council of Elders on 16 June, the SPD withdrew any motion against the upcoming austerity or the budget committee. It defended its compliance on the grounds that the government had declared its readiness to 'begin at once negotiations for the alteration of the emergency decree"

. As a price for that tolaration the SDP delegitimized themseleves and lost both electoral and grassroots support, vital for any anti-nazi movement. The Social Democrats in autumn 1931 had had to resign themselves to the splintering off of their extreme left wing, which set up independently as the SAP, Socialist German Workers Party). Nor did they allow themselves to be too disconcerted by their heavy losses in the Hamburg and Hessen elections of September and November 1931. The party leadership considered the defence of the 'Prussian stronghold' worth all these sacrifices. Two weeks after Hindenburg's re-election, the stronghold began quake. At the regional elections of 26 April 1932, Prussia's ruling coalition lost its majority. On 20 July 1932, the Prussian stronghold fell with a coup d'etat by which Bruning's successor had the cabinet of Otto Braun dismissed. The SPD showed basicaly no resistance to that, basicaly bend over without a fight and missed its last chance to bar the way to catastrophe while millions of communists and grassroots sympsthisers were malding and screaming for action . As historians argue if the working class had risen at that juncture over that coup they could have succeeded still.

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 21 points 4 months ago

wonder who is by far the world leader in solar panel&tech production and also ignores westrern sanctons on Syria

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Also its beyond meaningless when you consider that at most idk 3% of the population of Xinjiang and 1% in Tibet is considering themselves to be occupied by China and are remotely likely to participate or aid in an armed struggle against the CPC, even at the best possible conditions

Like sure, Tibetians have a right to engage in an armed anti-colonial struggle or kickstart an indeginous liberation movement ok. You probably couldnt even fill an NBA stadium with those willing so what does that leave their lib free Tibet dreams. The CIA was trying to recruit and instigate an anti-chinese sessesionist movement last century and they gave up because they couldnt find enough willing Tibetians to get the project off the ground. And they had a budget of dozens and dozens of millions to pay off poor ass Tibetians and they still couldnt find any fertile sessesionist sentiment. And thats on record

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 19 points 4 months ago

China doesnt decide what EU countries to get bold with, they are responding to interest and oppeness to investing and collaboration from EU countries. They wont reject much. If Germany, Portugal or idk Italy were as or more willing then China would have the same engagment as them. Same with the ME that they work with a lot vs less so. Hungary being the less anti-China EU country or better put the EU country that tries to take a more balanced stance in the emerging multipolar world only reflects bad on the rest of the EU

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 23 points 5 months ago

Actualy i heard its also a result of the CPC cracking down and bustinga lot of online scamming operations recently that where quite widespread and damaging especially in more remote parts of china and opperating with ethnic chinese in neighbouring countries like Myanmar . Thousands fled through and from neighbouring countries to excape the law and the US is a natural destination. Especially if they made some money already

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 27 points 10 months ago

Chinese socialist revolution before Mao's leadership is pretty legit. Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, are all real socialists, they truely cares about the worker and envisions a better future for China.

So no revolution at all? 95% of the critical mass and anything that can be called a large scale revolution (with organizational successes of the masses) happened in China in the 30s and had little to do with Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao previous work ,no matter how admirable. The CPC almost died and was built back up multiple times by the time Mao succeeded and Mao was vital in that. You cant get more legit than revolution under Mao. Under probably the worst odds and situation any communist party and revolution had to face they endured, made correct and miraculous choices and political and military manuvers at every turn and won, uplifting and liberating hundreds of millions of peasants and women. No Mao, no successfull revolution in China and no emancipation of the masses. Good luck doing the long march and outmanuvering the KMT from the countryside by amassing immense support with Chen Duxiu's ideas about the peasantry.

Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao may have envisioned a better socialist future for China but they were and would have been unable to make it happen. They lacked both the military genius, the correct analysis on the peasantry or the rhetoric and vision of mass politics that Mao had that allowed the CPC to pull through against all odds and win

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 26 points 11 months ago

Export decrese is in line with almost every other east asian country and its very much so a "western economies go into recession and import less" problem. Groth slowing to ~5% is in line with what everyone is expected and China doesnt sweat too much about it. Its pretty solid especially since its higher quality. Deflation is only a problem if it persists for a long time and if it actualy spans in various types of commodities. If you exclude energy and housing everything else shows small inflation in China still and the real estate sector is going through tough but needed restructuring and regulation periods since last year. Deflation introduced from that part of the economy is more or less a by product of them deleveraging the sector and bursting some bubbles

[-] geikei@hexbear.net 23 points 11 months ago

these unarmed chinese college students must have been built like Baki characters since 40 PLA soldiers and police officers died in the clashes

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