
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

this is great if we can make an updated version that's mechanized?? oo many cranks turning chains etc in this one.

looks to be doing 1 garment at a time, is that for the sake of the video?

it would be really cool to just dump my clothes into a canal, then stroll down to the end to have them come out cleaned.

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

absolutely a utopian question. thank you for the utopian (if 19th c answer).

“Fifty fires burn where one would suffice!” said some smart lady ?200? years ago. Foretelling climate catastrophes...

Because those who want to emancipate mankind have not included woman in their dream of emancipation, and consider it beneath their superior masculine dignity


[–] 2 points 23 hours ago

people in urban settings to cook their own food

I've already solved this problem in my mind. Got the basics of a system worked out for neighbourhood cafeterias.

You can still cook at home if/when you want to, but you can also attend the local cafs. There is 1 caf per x population, adjusted according to how heavily used they are. You can eat there or pickup (returnable, standardized) tupperwears for a middle ground if you prefer to have private at-home meal. I think it would be a great benefit especially for families. Reduce the amount of time you need to spend at the grocery store, cooking, cleaning, dishes etc. Would overall reduce the amount of food waste at both the individual kitchen and the grocery store level.

The food would be prepared according to healthy guidelines. We also have some sort of accounting for regional availability of foods. The selections would be subject to some sort of democratic control so that people could get food they liked. Regionalism would be accounted for. Some kitchen teams might decide to be extremely specialized in a given cuisine. I'm sure at the end of the days we'd have something that takes things like lent, ramadan, whatever, into consideration.

You don't have to go to your own neighbourhood caf, you can go to other ones too for variety or it's more convenient for you. Maybe there is some sort of reservation system (website/phone/walk-in) so that food can be produced in correct amounts. But extras can always be portioned and frozen for pickup later.

For those who have extremely specific dietary requirements such as intolerance/allergy, religious, ethical, cultural, there can be specialized cafs which they can either attend physically, or if too remote, have pickup/delivery of meals. Delivery could be either at the home or to their local caf. So if you are a tiny minority vegan in a constituency which largely favors vegan-unfriendly food, the vegan kitchen can drop off meals for you at your caf and you can still go to the collective meal with everyone else.

Kitchen teams could do fun events things like swap locations, tours or guesting at other kitchens, come up with contests etc if they wanted to. In a dense urban environment you'd have lots of cafs all over the place so it wouldn't be like needing to travel a long way (unless they wanted to!). In terms of a workplace, I think you could keep some of the elements of kitchen culture that suits a certain kind of person, like competitiveness and showing off, but without it being so toxic and abusive. Because there would be many, many teams in a city, they could sort themselves by work-style preferences. Those who wanted a totally different wokrplace culture could have it.

Also include some way to teach cooking skills, particularly with an eye to preserving cultural styles of cooking. both to other professional food workers but also to whoever just wanted to learn.

This is my delicious dream.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

never done any caregiving eh

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

When I was a little kid it was explained to me that Under Communism this is how things worked. You don't even get your own clothes. Since I was a freaky little kid with a ....distinctive.... fashion sensibility it was horrifying enough.

Now that I'm adult and worn down by the world it doesn't sound like a half bad idea.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I was eyeing a wash n fold for a while but then I moved and now there isn't one anywhere close. I was procrastinating the whole thing because it felt too.. lazy. But holy fuck I hate the laundromat.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

Laundromats are fine

What's your experience? I've been washing my clothes mostly always in laundromats for 20+ years. They are not fine.

  • You need to spend so much time either hanging around or going back n forth. Every week I spend 1-3 hours of time that I wouldn't have if I had an in-unit washer/dryer.
  • Lots of maintenance/equipment problems
  • Uneven availability of machines

you can show up and have to wait around because someone else came and filled every single machine at once

  • Problems like the last person used bleach and it didn't rinse properly so now there's just bleach and your clothes get ruined
  • machines are really limited in their settings, don't allow the freedom to add things at different parts of the wash, let is soak for a bit, or other things you can do with a normal domestic unit
  • people are always there with all their bed bug stuff
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (8 children)

For most of human history there have been professional clothes launderers

For rich people sure. But for normal people?


Under communism, how do we clean our clothes?

  • It's not really efficient for every housing unit to have its own washing machine let alone dryer
    • some people can dry clothes on lines but some can't
  • Washing clothes by hand sucks
  • Laundromats suck
  • Industrialized clothes washing? I have no direct experience with this

And it needs so much water.

To my mind laundry is one of the most intractable issues.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

thanks that is rly interesting!!

now i know

[–] 12 points 2 days ago

camo sux. find $15

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

One question I would have is whatever happened in the old lib group? Wouldn't be surprised if this person eventually got themselves run out of it or it folded due to chaos. There might be insightful gossip available to you.

For me personally, with situations like this I am inclined to consider the person's age. If they were 17 and now 23 that's a much high probability of change compared to 40 now 45.

But all this talk about change and no idea if person in question is even claiming to have changed.


A while ago Knowledge Fight podcast had on Jon Ronson to talk about his latest podcast Things Fell Apart and it was a friendly discussion. But when I started to listen to it I was like what the fuck. It is some anti trans anti vax nonesense.

Ronson is well liked by a lot of libs due to his pretense of taking a fair and compassionate outside view of difficult to understand subjects and relationships. I dont personally find he is so great at it but this case is epic fail as the old ppl say.

Recently this other show, Where There's Woke has been doing a take-down series on it and I'm finding it fun. They do their own primary research to fact check statements made. Especially when Ronson claimed it was "impossible to know" etc.

It is currently eps 56-63 of WTW.




i had pork bung once. it tasted, uh, "rectumy" but was not bad. i was at a restaurant with a friend who had eaten them growing up, but prepared differently. friend said could be prepared to have a less strong taste. But we both enjoyed the meal.

be it resolved that meat-eating hexbears must consume pork bung.

needs a couple of whereases. friendly amendments accepted.


If you aren't up to it, you gotta go vegan.


yo i am probably going to need a surgery and I noticed I was referred to a religious hospital by default and am not sure what to do about it. I haven't gone there yet. I don't know if I should just ignore that religiousness of it. I was kind of shocked to get a letter in the mail addressed to me with a big ol cross on the envelope.

how do you feel about hospitals (and other health care organizations) that have some tie to religion? I guess a lot of them used to be totally run by churches or whatever but have become somewhat secularized over time. now they get funding from taxes, non profits, insurance companies or whatever.

In my experience it is usually catholic with other christian denominations showing up and many major cities having at least one jewish hospital.

In terms of the anglosphere are there any other religions that have hospitals? I have never heard of a muslim, hindu or buddhist hospital in "the west" though these of course exist elsewhere. do they exist in the US? has anyone ever tried to start one?

In terms of your own (or your family's care)

  • do you judge them on their own merits?

  • Prefer/boycott them compared to others?

  • LGBTQ+++ people: do you trust them?

  • women: do you trust them? if you were choosing to carry a pregnancy would you have doubts about going to such a place when the time came?

  • religious people: do you trust the ones of other religions? or your own?

  • atheists: do you trust them?

  • indigenous people: do you trust them?

What kind of hiring practices do these places have? I remember hearing about Salvation Army being anti-queer in hiring. Are they generally allowed to discriminate in accordance of their religious bigotries?

Any other general political ideas too.

Is there any reason these places should be allowed to exist?

Which Side Are You On? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

there's a few versions out there. linked is "REMIX - Rebel Diaz ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Iriscience"

Florence Reece wrote the original in 1931. 93 years later still a question worth asking.


August 16, 2024

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The top United Nations court announced Friday that public hearings will open Dec. 2 in a landmark case seeking a non-binding advisory opinion on “the obligations of States in respect of climate change.”

The U.N. General Assembly sent the case to the International Court of Justice last year, with Secretary-General António Guterres saying at the time that he hoped the opinion would encourage nations “to take the bolder and stronger climate action that our world so desperately needs.”

The court said it had received written comments from 62 nations and organizations related to 91 written statements on the issue it had earlier received. Under the court’s rules, the written filings are confidential. The court can decide to make them public once the hearings open in early December.

The U.N, court’s panel of 15 judges from around the world will seek to answer two questions: What are countries obliged to do under international law to protect the climate and environment from human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and what are the legal consequences for governments where their acts of lack of action have significantly harmed the climate and environment?

Here is the ICJ page for the case: Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change


COVID started in 2020 and now it is 2024. Most jurisdictions, organizations and structures having a nominally democratic process will have had at least 1 round of elections since that time.

Has anyone done analysis of what effects COVID has had?

for example

  • were incumbent candidates more/less successful than excepted?

  • were parties in power at the time more or less likely to stay in power compared to expected?

  • moving to the left, moving to the right?

  • differences depending when the democratic processes took place, e.g. elections in 2020 vs 2023

  • were any effects seen at local levels compared to national?

  • overall an change in voter turnout or public participation?

Probably lots of other interesting questions that could be asked. These are just examples to explain what I'm getting at.


Brass Eye was a brilliant TV show satirizing the news. Hard to believe season 1 was 1997. Totally called so much about media crazed panics.

CW - All the shows are truely about the subjects listed and can go past edgelord.

I can't get any of the invidious links to work so here is all the Brass Eyes on daily motion, which hopefully work OK:

S01 E01 - Animals

S01 E02 - Drugs

S01 E03 - Science

S01 E04 - Sex

S01 E05 - Crime

S01 E06 - Decline

Season 2 only has 1 episode because it got their asses CANCELLED.

S02 E01 - Paedo-Geddon

One thing you have to understand about all the Brass Eye episodes is that not everyone involved knows they are on a comedy show. All the people doing PSA-type bits are UK celebs and their participation is totally in earnest. There are multiple MPs as well as media people who are tricked into advocating totally crazy shit. The absolute best ep for this is Drugs. It shows the lack of vetting famous people do when they are asked to lend support to something. The deceit was not intricate and many clues were intentionally left to allow the people to realize it was a scam. For example in the Drugs episode they all parrot that the new drug is from Czechoslovakia even though that country hadn't existed for a while at the time. Also Chris Morris didn't hide the fact it was his TV show and he was known to do these kinds of shows previously.

They got this guy to seriously say pedophiles are genetically crabs and then symbolically hammer a nail through a crab to fight child sex abuse


One of my top 10 songs of all time. I understand it to remind us not to take each other, or ourselves, for granted.

Another similar rendition of the song I like

This may be the last time we shit post together

May be the last time, I don't know.


For the dunk tank I would like to submit whoever designed the fire alarm (or some other device) that has been chirping loooudly every 15 seconds for the past day. Probably has low batteries. I guess whichever of my neighbours is in charge of it isn't home to notice.

I will assume it's a smoke detector or other legitimate safety device and not something stupid.

It makes sense to alert rather than silently failing but how about every few minutes rather than multiple times every minute.

This is good intentions gone bad so I think on topic but I will accept cancellation.

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