[-] half@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

With due respect, it is time to go outside.

[-] half@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Individual data points like "I take pilates", "I work nights and weekends", and "I live in Smalltown, ST" might not mean anything on their own, but if you can connect this data to a single person, then realize there's only one pilates studio in Smalltown, then look up their hours and notice there's only one day class on weekdays, you can make a reasonable guess as to a regular time when a person is away from home. This is called data brokerage.

This is a comically contrived example; the real danger is in the association of countless data points spread across millions of correlated identities. It's not just your data, it's the association of your data with that of your friends and family. Most people are constantly streaming their location, purchases, beliefs, and affiliations out to anyone who cares enough to look. Bad actors may collate their data and use it to take advantage of them, and the only move they have is to ask for prohibitive legislation. As if we don't already have prohibitive legislation.

Anonymity is expensive, inconvenient, and fragile, but it's the only mechanism that protects individuals from the information economy, which I would put right next to ecology in terms of critical 21st-22nd century social problems. It also helps us resist censorship, but that's a different essay.

[-] half@lemmy.world 48 points 10 months ago

He cannot protec
Nor can he attac
But he is a little hat

[-] half@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

My pet theory is that NGINX was designed by a pen-tester who realized that all they needed to do to make the majority of SMBs expose their web servers to the internet was outperform Apache

[-] half@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

About seven years ago, I quit dexmethylphenidate after eight years of various stimulants. I wish I could tell you there's a general solution, but I was just reading a completely unrelated book and had to get up, log into Lemmy, and respond to this thread I skimmed past three hours ago. I do take caffeine (~400mg) and nicotine (~6-10mg) daily, as well as a drop of hemp oil weekly to manage the caffeine side effects, so I might be disqualified according to some, but I don't think so. I'm sorry, but nothing will ever approach the unconditional dopamine of strong CNS stims.

Diet and exercise are essential. If I neglect them, I can fall into a loop of unproductive behavior. I mostly eat seeds, legumes, and veggies, with plenty of grain to facilitate cardio. I run 5-10K three times a week. I take protein (pea) and fiber (psyllium) supplements on top of a battery of vitamins. All of this helps me maintain a balance of stable productivity, but honestly the most life-changing thing I've ever done was get to a point in my career where I'm allowed to be productive on my own terms.

It took me until I was 26 to find a job where I was allowed to work mostly alone and be measured by my overall productivity instead of being graded by the horseshit pseudoscience that passes for academics and middle management. Obviously that's not much help to you if you don't have it yet, but please hold out. Don't listen to the horde of people with a work ethic in place of a philosophy. I fucked up or walked away from so many opportunities. You can still find independence. Society needs divergent thinkers, they just don't like to advertise it.

There are still days when I can't get anything done. There are times like this when I abandon what I'm supposed to be doing and fixate on something that really isn't part of the plan. My solution is to practice discipline generally so that I can forgive myself for wandering occasionally. I hope this isn't too disappointing. Take baby steps and trust no bitch.

[-] half@lemmy.world 66 points 11 months ago

That's a good thing. Discord is chugging its way through the last half of the Web 2.0 service to social media pipeline. It's a VC-funded multimedia enterprise extended around a novel technology core optimized for its original service offering, real-time voice/text. Nobody is immune to bloat, but because Matrix is a protocol standard, not an app, users have the option of sticking with minimal clients and servers that won't (necessarily) get destroyed by feature creep.

If you've tried Element and thought "ah, slow Discord," maybe have a scroll through https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/. I don't want to get off topic but all my favorite software is standard/specification-based.

[-] half@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

All it is necessary to do is to abolish all other forms of taxation until the weight of taxation rests upon the value of land irrespective of improvements, and take the ground-rent for the public benefit.
~ Henry George, Social Problems

[-] half@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

Home slice I respect the grind but I gotta be real with you I haven't bought a GPU since the Obama administration

[-] half@lemmy.world 52 points 1 year ago

Oh my God! That's awful! Which ones?! Which sites, specifically, though?! You know, so I can call for bans.

[-] half@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

It’s also not clear how the law will be enforced or to what extent.

No shit. Isn't that the point? Use outrage to justify the growth of an impenetrable body of law addressing all social and economic behavior, then selectively enforce subjective interpretations to satisfy powerful groups and remain in power. So it goes for any population center whose rapid growth creates the illusion of independence.

Can we sell NYC to Canada yet? We'd make a bundle, they wouldn't even be mad, and I'd sleep a lot better with the border of a superpower between me and a stack of nine million people who think privacy is a sin.

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