
joined 1 month ago
[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 3 points 1 hour ago

Unlimited memory safety vulnerabilities on the first world!

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 4 points 1 hour ago

Just rewrite everything the DOD hosts on a server to use spring boot.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 11 points 4 hours ago


I am going to be very condescending and patronizing today.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 5 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Second, these restrictions don’t apply to any third-party app stores for Android that utilize the operating system’s purpose-built API for installing apps. In fact, Android 15’s restrictions on sideloaded apps are merely an expansion of a security change introduced in a previous version, a change that has not materially impacted third-party app stores and can still be manually disabled by the user.

F-Droid should be unaffected, so this doesn't sound terrible TBH. Still hate Google though.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 3 points 1 day ago

I beat Mechanicus early in the weekend. I started playing Tactical Breach Wizards. Very fun game.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

As the founding fathers would say, muh tyranny of the majority.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 13 points 1 day ago

soypoint-1 ZOMG this is just liek the tankietarian Chai Nah!soypoint-2

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There can only be one.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 8 points 1 day ago

Repeat x1000 because there's a lot of traffic, so you'll be on your way for awhile.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Their neoliberal comm is a ghost town. The last post was a year ago, there's only one page of posts, and all the posts are by the comm's mod. Very few comments too.

[–] heggs_bayer@hexbear.net 21 points 1 day ago

I'm surprised Steve-O didn't die years ago due to some horrific yet hilarious stunt.


In 8^th^ grade my social studies teacher showed The Notebook to the class to help teach us about WWII. The movie had less than 5 minutes of content about the war; the rest was only tangentially related at best because it was set in that time period.


Granted, its to prevent overcentralization of Lemmy and not related to their shit takes, but still sicko-laser


... then why was it called MakhnovshCHINA? PRC-emblem some-controversy anarxi deng-stoned chairman


Easily one of my favorite bits up there with confederate Stalin.


So fanum tax.


I keep hearing from people in my life that spirituality is an essential part of living a meaningful existence. I hear the phrase "let go and let God" and "everything happens for a reason" used a lot as advice and comfort. However, I'm an atheist and a materialist. I don't know how I could even be spiritual with those beliefs. At the same time, my life is not fulfilling despite the fact that I am not struggling financially. Moreover, I feel paralyzed when I try to get off my privileged ass and do even the bare minimum for socialist organizing because I realize that it goes directly against my labor aristocratic class interests. I feel like knowing that sticking my neck out and contributing to the real movement to change the present state of things is the morally correct thing to do isn't enough to drive me.

In short, what is spirituality? Is it compatible with materialism? If so, how? And if spirituality is the wrong tree to bark up, how can I drive myself to do what is to be done?


I feel like I get nothing emotionally out of socializing with people. Even when I'm around close friends and family, I basically feel nothing. This makes it so I don't even go out seeking social events anymore and have a lot of difficulty making friends. I know that I have to go outside and interact with people instead of staying in my bedroom 24/7 like some kind of hermit if I want to be a healthy and well adjusted adult, but I have no drive to do so. It's not even a social anxiety issue or a lack of social skills. When I am around others, they even tend to like me. I feel like some kind of sociopath for not being able to like them back though.

Does anyone else have this issue? Is there anything I can do about it? The past several years of my life since I stopped beating myself up my emotional state has been basically a flat line. I feel live I'm incapable of truly living as opposed to just continuing to exist.

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