[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 13 points 3 days ago

If people are happy, who will make our memes???

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 19 points 4 days ago

Oooo - you posted this in the same minute I did, but you actually managed to link it properly. Well played.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 17 points 4 days ago

I have no idea how to properly link to a community in my app, but here you go:


[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 12 points 4 days ago

I'm pressing X to doubt.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 16 points 4 days ago

We need to revise that for Lemmy.

"Lemmy: Where men are men, and men are women, and women are men, and I think we've got a few women who were born women, and also there's a whole bunch of new genders as well, and no genders at all, and that's all cool with most of us."

It's a mouthful and might not read well on a t-shirt, but we can workshop it.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 18 points 4 days ago

That's a very good question as it sure doesn't feel like misinformation has declined much in this timespan. My guess would be that the traffic is finding its way to smaller websites, like those used in astroturfing campaigns, though the article speculates that Facebook's algorithm changes may have lessened the flow of traffic to rightwing sites, and I'd guess that'd include these one-offs. Maybe X is picking up the slack there? They've certainly gotten fully unhinged and pandering to this crowd.

Could YouTube be another possibility? I think the algorithm is going strong there in favor of extremist content. My disabled dad, for example, spends his days jumping between watching shows like Cops, and watching YouTube videos of sovereign-citizen types harrassing cops. That's mixed in with all the other garbage his algorithm throws at him. Over the years he's gone from economically centre-left to fully buying into the Trump bandwagon (and we're not even American).

Whatever the answer, I think people are still getting this info from somewhere and apparently in droves.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 26 points 4 days ago

Now I'm no American, but something smells FBIish about that address.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 64 points 4 days ago

I'm kinda shocked that the Trump campaign would agree to this. These rules seem directly in response to his debate style.

For all Biden's many faults, having to share a stage with him in a civilized manner is almost certain to work against Trump. Especially when his campaign is consistently trying to paint Biden as mentally unwell and out of touch.

I'm glad it's happening, just shocked that it's happening under these conditions. I fully expected the Trump campaign to find a reason to back out leading up to this, and any of those rules would likely be a justification for that that his base would be fine with.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 68 points 4 days ago

ICQ was my first foray into meeting girls online, back when that was a really weird thing to do.

Post a/s/l to pay respects.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 26 points 4 days ago

For me they're aspirational. I haven't played a pen and paper RPG in over 20 years, but like to imagine I'll find the time. With a baby on the way, in about 8 to 12 years I'll have a captive audience to play with, between her and my wife.

It's the same with our giant shelf of board games that are better with 3 players. We're playing the long game here.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 71 points 5 days ago

From what I remember from writing an undergrad history paper on these dudes, it was used for lots of things such as a treatment for chlamydia (or another STI - I don't remember exactly). These dudes were banging their way across America, especially the black slave they brought along as apparently the locals thought he had big magic.

I'm not condoning any of this sort of colonialism - just clarifying that these dudes probably single-handedly introduced some new STIs to whole populations, and they were dragging their leaky mercury-riddled dicks along in their boats.

[-] herrcaptain@lemmy.ca 100 points 5 days ago

It's weird how in the Western world we rarely call them oligarchs. That seems to be reserved for the wealth-hoarders in former-Soviet countries.

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