Blahaj Mahal (lemmy.world)
[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Edge is entirely as privacy violating as chrome

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 60 points 11 months ago

Chappie (32%)

I love that movie and have seen it several times. Directed by Noel Blompkamp (District 9) and starring Die Antwoord.

It’s extremely original and entertaining sci fi.

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I think making effective use of those tools is it’s own skill. They can give you bad results if you ask things too broadly. But copilot chat has become a pretty invaluable part of my workflow.

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

I mean... he is the fearsome scourge of the neighborhood rodents and butterflies. But as long I can pick him up and twirl him around, he'll always be a little guy to me.

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 16 points 11 months ago

spoken like a true geezer

fwiw "unalive" came about to circumvent automatic censorship, It's the young people being tech savvy. Meanwhile, you're over in the corner stewing as the world passes you by.

Don't fall into the perpetual trap of thinking the current crop of young people are the worst thing ever, it'll make your hair fall out


lounging on his belly, I sneaked a pic through the window

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 12 points 11 months ago

With that short lived bit of nostalgia for cringy old meme formats I think it's also safe to say that this platform skews old.

[-] improvisedbuttplug@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

It’s a mixed bag for sure. If I hyperfocus on a project I care about then I’m at least happy about the progress, and I do enjoy the process while it's happening. But if I hyperfocus on some frustrating ass task that I thought would take 20 minutes but ends up taking all day then I feel less good.

Either way, at the end of a big hyperfocus session I feel like I squeezed all the brain juice out of myself.

I had a job interview at the end of one of those once and I felt so brain dead I was forgetting basic words. I literally apologized to the interviewer about it. Luckily she was understanding.

No corporation is the “good guy”

Every product has trade offs and it all depends on what you personally value in your device

Note the part where I said “for me”.

I’ve had plenty of different smartphones over the last 15 years. Most have been android.

I happen to currently be very happy with my iPhone.

Green is what means it’s an SMS. Whereas blue is the much more modern iMessage platform.

That’s the point, SMS sucks

Weirdly, the limitations of my iPhone are part of what makes it good for me. Because it lacks a lot of “power user” features like split screen multitasking, I actually end up using it less.

I appreciate that using my phone is frustrating sometimes because I put it away faster. Big plus for my adhd ass.

My other reason is the comparative privacy benefit of apple services vs google services. Apple equivalents of google things work a little less well but they harvest a lot less personal data.

I switch to signal with my android friends, vanilla SMS is rough, particularly for group messages


30yo male, 6' 155lbs, Athletic

I've been on Vyvanse 50mg for about 6 months. It works very well for me but has my resting heart rate sitting close to 100 bpm. My unmedicated resting heart rate is 80 and has been since I was a child. So I do have a naturally high heart rate. 20 bpm increase seems reasonably normal, but if I get stressed then it spikes more and so does my blood pressure.

My doctor suggested adding guanfacine taken once a day before going to sleep as it supposedly lowers blood pressure and is used on it's own to treat ADHD through a different mechanism.

If I could have the benefit of my vyvanse dose without the cardiovascular side effects, that would be sweet. Does anyone have experience adding guanfacine to an already effective dose of stimulants?

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