[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 20 points 9 months ago

charging small amounts from every user instead of having an ad-funded business is probably the most honest and fair way to have a healthy internet

I agree, but wouldn't you think it's far more likely that they would charge small amounts from every user AND have an ad-funded business?

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 22 points 9 months ago

I used to work for a guy who inherited the family company. He used every single loop hole and dirty trick to pay his employees as little as possible, no benefits or insurance... Nothing.

He found out I was turning 40. His advice to me was "a man's age should never be a higher number than the footage of his boat".

He didn't understand that I don't own a boat, didn't own a house, didn't even own my car.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 22 points 9 months ago

I am happy with my job. I am paid a fair wage for the work I do. I am given a ton of leeway with arriving late/leaving early to accommodate my kids and their various goings on. All in all, it's a great arrangement.

I am still out the door at the very minute my shift ends. Not a second later.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 21 points 10 months ago

False. I briefly worked on a crew that cleaned commercial airliners between flights. We cleaned every single seat, deep cleaned the lavatories etc. We were required to inspect every single seat to make sure nothing was left behind that someone could use as a weapon or could endanger the next passengers.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 23 points 10 months ago

So if the paramedics take me to the hospital for a broken leg or something... and I claim that I don't remember any of my identifying information, they'll just treat my leg and let me go? They won't keep me around to get to the bottom of my sudden amnesia?

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 22 points 10 months ago

I legitimately do not understand the logic behind this.

What about people without kids? Why don't they get money off their student loans or vouchers for college or vocational classes?

I don't have a car, so can I get back my portion of the money that went to widening and resurfacing the streets? Or maybe a voucher I can use at the bike shop?

Just because I don't directly utilize a tax funded service doesn't mean I don't indirectly benefit from that service, let alone that I should be reimbursed for it in some fashion. And this shit is somehow even worse. It's taking money that could be going to a public school and giving it to psycho home schoolers or people who are already rich enough to afford private schools. It's actively making things worse.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 22 points 10 months ago

Competitive Excel Esports.

On ESPN 8, The Ocho

It's a real thing, and I love it.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 19 points 10 months ago

Thank you for letting us all know how little you care.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 17 points 10 months ago

In that scenario I imagine there would be a large number of maga goons who would still write in Trumps name. I can also see people angrily crossing out Bidens name or otherwise defacing their ballot, spoiling their vote.

This next election is going to be an absolute shit show.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 17 points 10 months ago

Not really. If there's a known defect in a product that has the potential to severely impact the quality of a person's life... and the company decides it's cheaper to pay the lawsuits than proceed with a recall... that's greed.

Any time profit takes precedence over the customers health and well-being... that's fucking greed.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 18 points 10 months ago

"Hurr durr people don't like greedy corporate goons ruining things for everyone for generations. Stupid teenager thinking they're being d3ep."

Is that how you mean to come across? Because that's how you come across.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 23 points 11 months ago

How do you quantify "qualified"? And why were you allowed to completely rewrite your job description to one you were "more qualified" for?

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