[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 44 points 3 months ago

Don't do it for meaningless, temporary kinship. Do it for money, money buys things, things form interests, interest make you interesting and therefore legit friends based on common interests and understanding.

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 20 points 3 months ago

:( mein Beileid, bin auch chronisch krank und hatte riesen Hoffnung dass der Geschäftsverkauf zeitgleich zur Legalisierung los geht aber das wird wohl noch dauern, laut meinen depris wird das Gesetz vorher noch wieder aufgehoben von der nächsten Regierung... yay ;; CannaClubs anzusprechen und hinzugehen kostet mich zZ zu viele Löffel

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 24 points 3 months ago

This is also one of the biggest reasons for me why i stopped hosting things for strangers. My country is insanely backwards with when it comes to internet law. For example Mastodon (and others) caches media and text-contents of posts from remote instances on your own server, you are now distributing - you don't even need to directly follow someone who posts media (attachments) or even just links to a website thats hosts unlawful stuff and you're on the hook and considered just as responsible as the original poster. Insanity.

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 25 points 3 months ago

Back in the olden times the Linux kernel had a dedicated parallel-ATA subsystem with /dev/hda devices. It was then rolled up in to the scsi subsystem to simplify maintaining drivers (everything using the same library for disk access). I'm old :(

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 14 points 4 months ago

Auf der einen Seite eine vermeintliche Großmacht mit globaler Diplomatie und Kriegsführung ... auf der anderen Seite sind die Leute so digital-kompetent wie meine Oma. :| man man da bin ich froh das wir keine Kernwaffen haben sonst klicken die irgend eine Spam/phishing email und Zack alle codes geklaut oder so lol

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 19 points 4 months ago

Wo in DE kriegt man denn Long Covid diagnostiziert? hier in der Stadt in der LongCovid Ambulanz wird mir immer gesagt es gibt keine Termine und Warteliste voll..

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 24 points 6 months ago

Oh fuck yes! I hope this works so badly (living the nightmare with crohns)

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 56 points 7 months ago

Going door to door in fresh air is something else than sitting in a room with lots of other people and "you'll be fine" is an insane argument. You'll be fine until you aren't. Every person should be able to make that risk assessment for themselves and courts should not be able to force someone to risk exposure to anything.

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 22 points 9 months ago

I think the poll is kind of pointless. Ask a gamer to pick between discord or matrix and discord will always win. Discord has been oriented towards gamers since its inception while Matrix provides a very specific niche of communications infrastructure that in no way integrates gamers except by virtue of being a chat platform. Matrix is objectively the better protocol if you're interested in safe, decentralised communication. Discord on the other hand has more features that gamers use. Different use cases, different expectations, different solutions 🤷‍♀️

There's no reason the matrix people (or some third party) couldn't build a product that's just like discord but bigger, better, etc, with the best of both worlds. But nobody has done it yet and it may take a long time until we get there.

[-] luna@lemmy.catgirl.biz 22 points 9 months ago

Ihr leutz habt Geld für Autos über??

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