No TikTok, no Kaspersky, I'm excited to live behind the Great Firewall of America.

shit post. peanuts are eaten because they're the cheapest nut. hot dogs and bologna and glorious USSR sausage are eaten because they're cheap. in every culture people eat what's available. the presence of these foods in American culture is not because of a successful advertising psyop, it's because they're cheap! once they become expensive ideology keeps them there sure.

I take particular offense at this poster apparently not understanding peanut butter. Natural peanut butter isn't chalky, those scary hydrogenated fats are just to make it so you don't have to stir. Natural peanut butter will separate and there's a big old layer of PEANUT OIL sitting there. It's full of fat already! That's why it tastes good!

good post happy pride boy boy

leftist meme (

vegans: animals have wants and needs

carnists: but what if APPLES had wants and needs? that's why I am going to throw these live chicks into a grinder

as the Clash said, "You have the right to free speech, as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it"

Shakti: Tiny Desk Concert (

communism is when the teacher makes you share your toys and it's BAD


cross-posted from:

They're still in Kurian's office, still streaming, and starting to get major media coverage: WaPo Wired

In my opinion this is one of the most important labor developments in the US in a while. Internationally politicized worker organization in the belly of the beast by traditionally un-unionizable PMCs.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

They're still in Kurian's office, still streaming, and starting to get major media coverage: WaPo Wired

In my opinion this is one of the most important labor developments in the US in a while. Internationally politicized worker organization in the belly of the beast by traditionally un-unionizable PMCs.

e: finally arrested after 10 hours

[-] 35 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Hopefully this isn't the usual response. Did you call back the detox place you were talking to in January? If you've gotten stuff tidied up for suicide you are certainly prepared for inpatient. Take that plan/surrender energy and give them a call before business hours end today. The option to kill yourself will always be there, so don't be in a rush.

If you were in the Midwest I'd offer my couch + kitchen for a few weeks. Props to you for getting through the winters.

[-] 30 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

you are supposed to PGP encrypt all comms with the seller's public key. The only Incognito customers who will be affected are ones who are stupid and trusted the "auto-encrypt" functionality of a site whose CSS and little fake crypto punks told you it was built by not just ordinary criminals but techbros.

RIP vendors though

[-] 37 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

if you have $40k in a software wallet you are a grade-A MORON. Spend $60 on a hardware wallet and this whole class of attacks goes away. I genuinely do feel bad for some of these people. Crypto is in a state right now where you can use it for the intended purpose (crime) if you're technical, and if you're non-technical it is very easy to be victimized by the people doing crime. The genius is that everybody thinks they're pulling one over on somebody else until they get cleaned out.

[-] 105 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

well goddamn. Too early to tell but I hope I was wrong about news coverage / sticking power. I'm going to a vigil tonight.

[-] 41 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

join an org. We know electoralism doesn't work, we know adventurism doesn't work, this can only be stopped through collective worker action. The power of the proletariat comes from our direct control over the means of production. If we organize we can block arms shipments, strike until our bosses drop their contracts with Israel, etc. I'm a tech worker so I have joined a local group called "tech workers for Palestine". USPCN and other orgs are national. You may have to do some searching, but there are likely people working together in your area.

Social media is okay too. In my estimation the time for "raising awareness" is past. Everyone who's going to get the message has already gotten it. Now is the time to fight. Everyone feels like you, horrified and powerless. We have to give people something real to do, something that makes a concrete difference. No more going home after a peaceful rally wondering if it'll convince anybody. People should go home knowing that the gears were stopped even if only for a moment. That certainty is what will push new people to action and make them keep showing up. As politically advanced people, our task is to start the feedback loop by channeling popular rage into those first productive actions.


from today's protest against Project Nimbus

[-] 82 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"people are less likely to read the original stuff, and it becomes clear that part of the original work is simply wrong"

(a) hexbear is running a Capital book club at this very moment (b) Marx was right.

Mighty Weinersmith, from a liberal perspective, deals a killing stroke to DSA's North Star caucus and possibly Pete Buttigieg types. I'm quaking in my boots

Bulk tofu online? (

Where do I find cheap firm tofu online? Costco used to be $1.25 a block for the good stuff but now is like $1.60 for less than a pound of "firm" that crumbles if you look at it funny. Every other local store has even worse prices, even Chinatown. I am ready to just give up and buy 40 pounds online or something. I eat a block of tofu for dinner most days (or I would, if it was cheap and good again).

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Posting here instead of /c/chicago since it's pretty dead. They've introduced an ordinance that would ban sales of new fur (not leather, not thrifting, but still):

Apparently Gardiner said today he's going to co-sponsor this, along with some others not yet listed. Why the FUCK are Raylo and Gardiner suddenly champions of animal rights? It seems like it should be easier to get the succdems and progressives on board; I'm gonna ask mine tomorrow.


Sorry if this doesn't belong here, I couldn't find the user union comm (am I making that up? the place where people put emoji requests). Had an excellent post idea for /c/fakenews, went to post, button got stuck in the "submit" state. Turns out the RED FASH there only allow mod posts. In network console, the api/v3/post POST was returning a 400 status code with

{error: "only_mods_can_post_in_community"}

Can we get a toast for this error? Also this should really be a 403 Forbidden

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joined 10 months ago