[-] maniii@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

If everyone was being responsible, there would be a social net, a garbage sorter job, a garbage recycler employer, an ethical reasonable salary, and it would be a safe governed work environment, it would give dignity back to the downtrodden. People would reject corruption.

Garbage dumps get set on fire, the fumes are toxic, medical waste gets thrown out and mixed in, people who are living on garbage dumps are in HELL. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE ON GARBAGE DUMPS!

Set up NGOs and involve government orgs to regulate and oversee care and attention for these people.

These things cannot happen in India because the indian population will not care. FUXK YOu GOT MINE is a typical indian mindset.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

I live in India. I have 3 sorting bins. 1 composting organic waste bin, 1 non-recyclable plastics/glass bin, 1 recyclable plastics/metal/paper bin.

I spent 3000 INR buying the composting organic bin ( to support the local business selling it and reusables about 1000 INR per year )

I get back about 200 INR every 6months for going to local recyclers with roughly 2 to 5 kilos of metal + plastics.

About 2 kilos of waste not-recycled every month total ( 2 people ) .


Im sad my fellow humans do not understand what responsibility is like.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Yup. If they skip all the steps until the end, there would be no need to go through that wall of green text :'D

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

She aggressively enforced Marijuana convictions that had a pre-dominant predisposition against her own community.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 0 points 3 days ago

Shillary Clinton will be the DNC nominee again if too many people complain about Joe.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

As an outsider, I havent ever seen 'Muricans give a flying-fuck about international repercussions from their actions foreign or domestic including their election/results.

If DNC fail, RNC win. So for the next 50 years starting Dec2024 .... we are going to see an 'Murican Dictatorship in action. Hunger Games for all.

Good Job Y'all won the Pulitzer Darwin Nobel and every award there ever was and ever will be ! @#$@#@##@$#@@#@****

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Oh I don't know. Maybe the DNC can now be honest about choosing a popular candidate, and changing gears, and playing to win the election instead of whatever that was happening on stage during the debate.

Drumpf can lie through his teeth and people will vote for him. At this point DNC doing even the most basic stuff. Cancel student debt. Not write-down tax savings, not low-interest maybe if you apply for these 50-form 100-hurdle govt-red-tape process. Cancel medical debt. Not ooooh we wont send you to jail if you dont pay for your medical bills garbage. Medicare-Medicaid for ALL NO EFFING EXCEPTIONS. Not all the BS of we made drug prices lower for some 10% or 5% of Medicare patients etc etc etc.

The DNC don't have any solid wins to talk about. This is why they can't run adverts blasting the airwaves with their "Mission accomplished".

There is always some fine-print and wriggle-out-of-this-room in anything that the Corporate Dems have engineered so far.

Biden was a stopgap for the next candidate. Remember? He promised that he wouldnt seek a second term? Liar much ? Stuff like this drives people mad. And mad people like to vote for Drumpf. Mad people want to watch the world burn.

So y'all need to get into the DNC, torch the entire structure, find someone like Drumpf but exactly opposite, the very Jesus of Democracy and Values. Put that person as the nominee , vote for Demo-Jesus until the DNC party and elite literally are crying rivers of blood.

That is what the Republizards have done to the RNC. Every RNC elite and power-monger better kiss Drumpf or they will be shit-canned.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Did you watch even 5% of the entire Presidential debate 2024 ?

Are we living in the same timeline ?

It was like two Granpas going at a verbal contest while high on ketamine. or fetanyl. or whatever drugs old people do.

Im not 'Murican, but y'all are effed to the tee.

Biden and Drumpf are BOTH TERRIBLE choices. We are all screwed for the next 50 years. Hunger Games here we come!

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 19 points 1 week ago

Actual Indian here, please DO NOT live the way Indians live in India. The worst unplanned urban sprawl and urban density and squatting and squalor and slums :-(

If you are referring to the Ancient Civilization of local produce and local distribution and local Kingdom Tithes to the Empire while living in villages and the concentrating political, commercial and military power in the major cities. Education "institutes" in deep forest with no "fees" but labor for classes. Since that type of Civilization did once exist and thrived before being wiped out by repeated invasions and conquerors. Most definitely there were social and technology issues, but the slow pace of development did not destroy the landscape.

Medicine, Technology, Transportation, Global Trade need tempering with ecological ethical and sustainable standards of implementation, research and development.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

Clintons are the "NEW-Money" in politics. Bill was governor and Hillary was a lawyer getting kickbacks from Bill and vice-versa. Nothing illegal but it was all "gray-area". People hated this type of double-dealing. Just barely-legal but completely unethical and morally-bankrupt. Then Bill got caught lying with his pants down.

Hillary never understood peoples sentiments that the Clintons smooched on the system and tax-dollars yet they still got away with it.

This is a problem of character meets long-term actions and tendencies.

Hillary never got "her turn" because dirty politicians are not loved. She forgot that hard-work pays off when you are clean. And she forgot to campaign in Michigan and other places instead wanted to take a break.

Hindsight 20/20. If she and Bill had come clean, told the voters that they wont be doing the old runaround and clean up the system and take responsibility and have Bill "SHUT THE EFF UP YOU PERVY IDIOT". There might have been a chance that Hillary could have garnered sympathies as a hardworking housewife with a screwloose husband.

Dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and all that.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

A Database that stores a List of Armed and Dangerous Pregnant women. All Pregnant women are given high-power Full-Auto weapon-of-choice and a License to Stand-their-Ground. Also another Database of Not Pregnant persons and who are also Armed and Dangerous but they can go buy their own weapons.

That way it is fair and equal to everybody and no one has to feel left out :-D

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

Is that the same chick from Fargate? She always funny.


Im on openSuse 15.4 and DX12 doesnt seem to have any workaround. How do I fix ? Can i install DX12 somehow ? Will Proton fix it with winetricks or steamtricks ?

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