
joined 4 years ago

I have the same hesitation and got prescribed a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator), Raloxifene. My Doctor said that they are unlikely to get me to natal female estrogen levels and will eventually cause some breast development, but I'm using it to dip my toes in the water and see how it feels.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Got some bloodwork done to get a baseline as I start my HRT (spiro and raloxifene). I have an Estradiol level of 5.8pg/mL and normal range is 11-43 pg/mL. Google says that low etradiol levels can cause: lethargy - check, low libido - check, dry skin - ...check, hot flashes - that you mention it, poor memory - ......check etc.

I'm still not 100% sure about transing my gender (my treatment plan has a goal of limited irreversible changes for the time being), but I have to wonder if it is a coincidence that I came to the conclusion that transitioning and the mental/emotional changes from estrogen might be the best way to help me break out of my depression. Now I'm doubly excited for the changes that might happen.


Expanding on the title: I got my first prescription for hormones today (a SERM and an antiandrogen!) and while there is great hope and joy, I also find the prospect daunting. I am wondering what types of photos, physical objects, etc. other people have appreciated having for themselves. Maybe they mark how far you've come, where you hope to be, or what it means to be you through it all

heart-sickle Thank you in advance and I love you

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

At the risk of doxxing myself, I'm in a large city and this is a well known "LGBTQ+ Health Center". I'm hopeful that they'll know what they're doing. However, considering my unique goals, it sounds like I should get myself familiar with doses and meds.

[–] 19 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I have my first appt at the gender clinic in two weeks! Are there any things I should make sure to know beforehand?

I'm hoping to get on some sort of estrogen and a SERM to prevent breast development. I am still scared of transitioning and want to take small steps and test the waters before permanent changes take effect.

Will I have to self-advocate for specific forms/names of treatment or can I generally rely on the clinician to be knowledgeable?

[–] 18 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I registered with a local clinic to schedule an appointment 2 weeks ago and they finally got back to me today! I was stressing out about having to call in because it was taking a long time, but turns out I just typoed my phone number....

Now I just need to talk to a doctor about what I want. Hopefully they'll have some experience with what I'm looking to acheive.

[–] 19 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I want to try out estrogen without permanent effects (mostly breast growth) to see how it feels and have been looking into options. I want to see how it changes my emotions and, if I'm lucky, my skin, face, hips, hair, and body hair.

It seems like there are a few SERMs out there that can be taken alongside HRT to limit breast growth. Another option is just a very low dose if I'm just 'trying it out' for a few months.

Might make an appointment for a local gender clinic and see what options are available. torment

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Any recommendations for how to test? I've already grown out my hair and recently got a more 'androgynous' hair cut, but I am wayyyyy too scared and unsure to do anything more in public. When I play with my presentation in private there is an occasional spark, but it is mostly disappointing.

Honestly hormones feel like a potential next step, but I'm wary of breast growth and any other irreversible changes that might happen.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

There is definitely a 'greener grass' effect happening here, but my perception of women from media and people I know is that they experience emotion and interpersonal connection in a way that feels entirely closed off to me. I've read accounts of trans women describing whole new worlds of emotion during transition, either by way of estrogen/HRT or self acceptance, and I want that.

[–] 19 points 6 months ago (11 children)

I've been questioning my gender recently and think I might be trans, but I worry that it is for the wrong reasons. I've been depressed for a long time and I'm idealizing womanhood/being a woman as a way out. I dream that through transitioning I will become more inherently lovable, more capable of loving, less lonely, more beautiful, more alive.

More than anything I wish I could 'know' what I'm meant to be, what steps I can take to be happier.