[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 1 week ago

Dunno never saw the appeal anyway

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 8 points 2 weeks ago

I use logseq for work notes and Obsidian for personal. Obsidian is more markdown which I like for my loose notes. logseq, on the other hand, is more focused on productivity and it's fully opensource. Obsidian is only free for personal use, however their notes being closer to standart markdown means that they could be openned with any text editor and be just as functional.

Syncing between computers is easy – it's just a git repo. Dealing with mobile is tricier but I never needed it so can't comment much.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 1 month ago

We do add various cheeses to our pasta and it tastes good. It's usually just a quick and easy meal but it's nothing special.

Not sure how mac and cheese (not the box stuff) could be much different. Although, I've never had a meal that would be specifically called mac and cheese.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 1 month ago

The economic system is broken. It incentivises infinite growth in a finite environment. That's just not sustainable and will backfire in one way or another.

What we need as a civilization is a shift in economic values that would push for a more sustainable model. That shift can be seen, but, in my (expert /s) opinion, it's too little and too late to completely avoid a disaster.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 2 months ago

Ahh… sea roaches, quite good in a salad

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's cool and all, but this feels more like a toy than a tool. I can make dead simple web site in minutes with current stack. Nothing, but plain static pages.

Heck, if I looked for it, I bet I could set up markdown to HTML converter as this is already a widely used functionality throughout the web.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 3 months ago

2 monitors plus laptop. One is mainly used for IDE and git, other one for anything else that's relevant: browser, Jira, notes, second editor to reference stuff. Laptop screen is to the side and mainly used for chats.

Wouldn't mind a third big screen, often notes, DB, RDC or brower have to be juggled around.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 8 points 3 months ago

So my initial reaction was I wouldn't want that teacher. Then I actually thought about it try to find valid arguments for my position and I found none. So here's my opinion.

There are two main issues here:

  1. Teachers are payed way too little for the work that they do;
  2. Sex (talk, work, etc.) still has a stigma associated with it.

This whole situation is a symptom of that. I still think an employer has the right to choose the employees just as I get to choose my social circle. I wouldn't want to be associated with Nazis or KKK. Similar reasoning can be applied to employers.

Now is this situatios fair? Abslosutely no. Should this outcome be expected? Saldy, yes. Until there's a major economic and societal shift in values, these things are to be expected and will happen again.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 5 months ago

How is this even legal?

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 8 points 6 months ago

I just don't like Star Wars and I like sci-fi in general. But Star Wars is just one of those stories I can't make myself to like.

I remember fondly the prequels with pod racing and that red black guy with double lightsaber. I wached those movies as a child.

Later I tried watching all of them and I could not bring myself to finish even one. The dated effects (good for their time) just took me out of the story way too much.

I also tried waching the new ones, but they just felt boring so I dropped them.

I don't know what is it about Star Wars, but I just can't bring myself to like them even with nostalgia by my side.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 7 points 6 months ago

I read this as in the kichen was all covered in blood. Really confuswd me for a moment.

[-] mr_satan@monyet.cc 8 points 9 months ago

Whatever gets the job done 🤷‍♂️

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