[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

Finnaly, a Debbie who isn't a downer!

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 6 points 2 days ago

Still far less than solar or wind for kW/acre

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 3 points 4 days ago

Thank you, will obtain it tonight

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 9 points 4 days ago

What movie is that meme from (not talking Groundhog day)

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago

Who ever ordered the burn should be charged with environmental terrorism, willful negligence and every other charge that applies

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 17 points 4 days ago

Grabs popcorn let's find out

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 3 points 4 days ago

TankieMore generally, a tankie is someone who tends to support "militant opposition to capitalism", and a more modern online variation, which means "something like 'a self-proclaimed communist who indulges in conspiracy theories and whose rhetoric is largely performative.'"

How is asking a simple question suddenly make one an Alex Jones Tankie? Yes there is a implication, but I don't see a conspiracy theory here.

Plus Alex Jones target audience aren't tankies. They are racist, Christian white nationalists

Once again, please leave your bubble every once in a while

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 25 points 4 days ago

Do people not know about browsing history?

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 19 points 4 days ago

Phone link is SHIT, it only works sometimes and never when ya need it to

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago

I did the same and this comment made me look again. Was bout ready to say does this guy have a news kink? Lmfao

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 7 points 5 days ago

I'm pressing X to Doubt this post

[-] n3m37h@sh.itjust.works 8 points 5 days ago

Perhaps it is just me being ~~pessimistic~~ antisemitic.



submitted 2 months ago by n3m37h@sh.itjust.works to c/ontario@lemmy.ca

Yay! More BS that only puts us further behind!

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