[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 30 points 4 months ago

Hogwarts is fun for about 30 hours roleplaying as a wizard, as a casual potter fan. I got really bored of it after that and never finished the game. At its core it really is very generic, it's really propped up by the IP. That's not to say it's bad by any means but its not got the depth of Zelda.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 27 points 10 months ago

This part is interesting:

As solar becomes increasingly widespread and electricity prices plummet in the middle of the day when the sun is brightest, some see a risk that the incentive to deploy solar power also decreases, said Esparrago.

That makes grid improvements and the rapid rollout of storage technologies like batteries crucial, experts argue. But the EU is still lagging behind in that area.

I wonder however how far we are from that? There is probably a lot of incentivising that can be done to get people and industry to use this 'surplus' daytime energy up surely. Its weird because its usually the opposite with cheap night rates - I know many people who intentionally consume energy overnight instead of the day because its cheaper. Flip that on its head maybe that isn't as pressing an issue?

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Cue the world's smallest violin. Not sure how this is any consumer's problem lol.

Maybe, just maybe, advertising needs to become more carefully selected and regulated rather than the clown fiesta it has been since the dawn of the internet where Google and friends want to 'set and forget' and milk money for eternity.

But you know the reaction won't be sensible lol, instead we will get an AI arms race of AI adverts vs AI advert reviewers.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 22 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Comparing the two communities, reddit nearly always has way more quality content and news for me though for the time being. Often even with big news it's just not here on Lemmy at all. Many posts also have 0 comments and you just wouldn't see that on Reddit. Once Sync can create posts I will probably start x-posting more from reddit to lemmy for communities I am most interested in.

For now I think I will start browsing Lemmy and then visit Reddit for anything I missed. Keeping my posting and commenting over here mostly because I'd like to see this place grow.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

I think the general consensus seems to be bot and/or spam accounts being removed but I haven't seen evidence of it. Anecdotally I have seen many people say it feels more busy around Lemmy lately but I haven't been here long enough to know myself. It is a curious one though.

If it is genuine then I suppose it could be a typical cycle for platforms that get raided by another, in this case an exodus from reddit to Lemmy - then after the dust settles some people decide they don't like it after all and go back or elsewhere.

I don't think that is a bad sign though that is a natural cycle and as long as some people remain then it shows overall growth.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

Lol yeah I agree with Mastodon. I checked it out and it's like...yep looks like Twitter, and I fucking hate Twitter, just feels like some weird celebrity and brand worship platform. The focus on Lemmy/Reddit at least is the content, and nobody really cares who posted or created it for the most part. Everyone is equal and content speaks for itself, it's a far nicer concept to me.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Interesting take. I wonder how it will pan out.

All this, Ryan said, explains why the trolls "are getting more extreme and desperate." The pool of people available to get attention from is shrinking, so the only way to keep the engagement rates as high is to say wilder and nastier things

If that happens then it will just implode quite rapidly. Regular users will just leave and that fuels the fire and Twitter just becomes yet another niche right wing echo chamber in no time.

I do question the claim that 'the trolls are getting more extreme' though. That seems like anecdotal evidence and I wonder if it's actually happening. The author listed many examples of extreme views on Twitter but I could have done the same thing and made the same claim 5 years ago. There has always been loonies on there and some of them get worse and some don't.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

First president elected from prison. The crazies uniting behind their martyr.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Maybe one that isn't older than average life expectancy already let alone after another term. Just an idea.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

That's wild. Like man I'm impressed with Sync and think it's great but you'd have to be using it for 7 years for this to be worth it...Lemmy is so new you'd be mad to be making a gamble like this.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 23 points 1 year ago

I mean kinda but realistically thats probably like 2% of people here and even most of those will be previous redditors.

You can't make a reddit clone and then moan that reddit users move over here thats my take on it at least lol.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

I like the content but I'm struggling to really dive in regularly without better app support. Hoping Boost for Lemmy gets released before long and that will give a more refined experience.

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