submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by opposide@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net
submitted 3 years ago by opposide@hexbear.net to c/food@hexbear.net
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Link to the glorious AMA

Apparently many of you don’t know about this and I figured you would all love to see it and read the (many) hilarious comments calling her out on this. The AMA went downhill immediately as people found out who she was and what she did. Much hilarity ensued and I won’t give away too much here as to not spoil the fun for you.

Whatever attempt at propaganda this was, it was obviously thought out (poorly) ahead of time. Now that we are a year removed from the event, we can see several of the accounts asking questions which received answers were brand new and had never posted anywhere before this post and went on to never post ever again. There is something very off putting and inorganic about the way some of these planted questions are asked and you will probably spot them before you check the accounts. It is definitely fucking hilarious that the CIA doesn’t know how the internet works though.

Edit: for some more fun, read her bio on her ISI Consultants page. Some of the hits include: “consultant at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom during 2002- 2003”, “has also worked as a linguist and translator for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush.” and many more!

submitted 3 years ago by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

⬆️🆙🐻to will red Alabama into existence

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Address to send food and coffee:

772 Edgewater Rd

Bronx, NY 10474

(Thanks guys and yes this address is public too so no worries)

These strikers (1400 strong) were not even compensated an extra $1 per hour while being responsible for 60% of NYC’s fresh produce and providing produce for 30 million+ people in the NYC area. They’ve worked long and dangerous hours during the pandemic with no compensation and they are standing up!

Link to the tweet

You should all be aware that instead of public I accidentally wrote pubic at first. Call the volcel police on me please

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

Wow this is literally so pathetic lol

submitted 3 years ago by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Kinda crazy that the ideal way they’d like to experience eternity can actually be fought for here on earth right now :thonk:

submitted 3 years ago by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net


submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Link to article

For those of you who don’t know, this is huge news because these kinds of things typically only get filed after the union advocates determine that there is overwhelming support in that workplace. There are 1500 staff in this warehouse . Alabama is one of the most anti-union states in the country.

Absolute support for these workers.

Website for the Union here

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Yes! I’ve actually written papers about China’s “Green Wall” initiative back when they were doing trials for it and watching it actually succeed feels amazing. These sorts of large scale projects are certainly possible but any large scale project will also have large scale impact. I know one thing that hasn’t happened with the green wall initiative that was predicted is that it HASNT increased rainfall, and as you’ve said this has had an impact on ground water. As for these projects elsewhere in the world, some will have water issues and some won’t. It really depends on where they are happening.

One very scary example, at least to me, is that many places in South America that used to be rainforest but were clear cut for farming simply no longer have the moisture or biodiversity to support a rainforest in the area. Many of these cycles are self-perpetuating, which is what China anticipated happening but unfortunately didn’t.

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

Think of it like this:

Let’s pretend the natural, completely free of human influence planet has 10 carbon units in the carbon cycle. If something were to burn down trees it does upset the natural balance of atmospheric carbon, but you are simply changing where the carbon is, not the total amount. This might upset the climate temporarily, but the total number of carbon units in circulation is still 10.

Now let’s add human activity to the equation. We are taking carbon that was in long term storage (oil, coal, natural gas) and adding it to the 10 carbon units we had before. So now instead of a total of 10 carbon units either in trees, the atmosphere, etc, we have a total of 13. Ignoring the fact that we can’t just plant or expect lush forests everywhere, the maximum impact they could potentially have us not actually all that great.

If we wanted to biologically sequester carbon, we would have better luck using fertilizers directly into the oceans to force algal blooms which then die and sink. Of course, this has other consequences unfortunately

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 0 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

As current tech stands, it is pretty much always better to plant trees than worry about this. One of these capture systems does the work of less than 10 trees before maturity (plus trees serve other great purposes). Granted, this system will continue to sequester carbon while a tree will no longer effectively do so once it is full grown.

In the longer term though, systems like these will ideally be what is used to accelerate the process I was speaking of in my original comment.

Also I have not see the show/movie but we will, at least in my opinion, NEVER have an overpopulation problem in any foreseeable future, and I’m talking thousands of years. I do think it’s fairly obvious, especially when living western lifestyles, that the issue is overconsumption and production, as well as commodifying necessities like housing and healthy foods

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 0 points 3 years ago

Well actually this is the first time I’ve ever been asked this and it’s a hilarious question (BUT NOT BECAUSE IT IS BAD OR DUMB) so let’s undress the question a bit:

Is plastic sequestration? Short answer is yes. There are ways to lock the carbon in plastic out of the carbon cycle for a very VERY long time.

Long answer is no, because as far as Im aware nobody is making plastics out of atmospheric carbon, like you said. If they could this is still a good idea on paper, but any long term storage that I can think of for plastic will result in its eventual decay back into carbon.

It is a great question though, because in theory if we could add plastic to deposition environments and make sure it remains contained that could definitely be a form of sequestration but I don’t see it being feasible at current rates of consumption.

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Edit: sorry for the giant fucking wall of text. I do hope this helps some of you guys though. Cheers

Hello it’s your Chapo climatologist here:

None of you are wrong for doomposting about this. We are legit so fucked. We need to SEQUESTER carbon at this point. Emission reduction is obviously good but if we went carbon neutral TOMORROW I don’t think (in my professional opinion) it would be enough on its own to achieve what people think it would. Things will not be fine. We have already baked in several feet of sea level rise at current atmospheric carbon concentrations. We’ve been saying that we had that several feet of sea level rise baked in since pretty much 2000 and literally nobody listened or cared because they just assumed we would have improved by now.

I’ve addressed questions about this before on Chapo and figured I’d answer the most asked few of, “Well what can we do?” And “What can be done?”

You personally? Nothing basically. As we are all likely in agreement here, capitalism and overconsumption are the root of this problem. Without a massive class uprising to overthrow this, I doubt the global consciousness will be coherent enough to have an impact of the powers that be.

On the, “What can be done?” side, luckily you have some of the smartest and most dedicated scientists in the world working on ways to sequester carbon, and the most promising method is accelerating the silicate weathering process which is the most effective tool to combat man made climate change.

For those who don’t want to read or don’t understand, I’ll briefly summarize why this method is important and the most likely candidate:

You may be thinking “oh let’s plant trees” which is good, sure, but consider that we are re-adding carbon which was not actively in the carbon cycle back into it. A mature forest is most times carbon neutral, as carbon output from decaying biological matter is roughly equal to carbon uptake (think about the following: how could forests continue to exist in the first place if they sucked out more carbon from the air than was added to it?)

Now think where we are getting our carbon that we add back to the atmosphere from. We pull it from underground deposits. The beauty of silicate weathering is that it incorporates carbon into rocks, and thus acts as a long term storage vessel when removing carbon from the atmosphere. The big problem though is that this process happens naturally over the course of tens of millions of years as a result of plate tectonics uplifting mountain ranges and these ranges getting weathered (as implied by the name “silicate weathering”).

So now geologists and climatologists are trying to figure out ways to massively accelerate that process, which has only become a remote possibility over the last 15 years.

Of all fields in science, people often don’t realize how young climate science and geology are. We didn’t even know the earth had other layers until less than 100 years ago. We didn’t take our first deep ice core samples until the 1960s. We couldn’t model climates effectively until the 80s. Think of how far we have come in just 60 years. There is a lot to be afraid of, but also a lot of hope to be had. There are tons of people far more intelligent than myself who realize just how dire our situation is and have dedicated their lives to solving these pressing issues.

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Jen Bush voice: “Please ignore the 9 million who die globally every year of starvation”

submitted 3 years ago by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Seriously tho these people can’t be serious, right? Like this has to be a fucking op

[-] opposide@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Last night I rearranged all of the furniture in my apartment. This morning I woke up and put on a blindfold and pounded 6 shots of vodka in a row. Then I spun in circles for two minutes straight and tried walking to the kitchen.

I heartbreakingly stubbed my toes 42069 times on the way there.

I just demanded we cut off my feet so I never have to stub my toes again.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by opposide@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

For saying Biden doesn’t represent any of my interests lol (we work in a job where politics are relevant and he asked me about it)

Anyway Upbear this post to transcend reality and digitalize your consciousness into a Russian bot


joined 3 years ago