[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

I feel that you missed one basic aspect of economics. Competition is one reason prices might go up. There are other reasons, which are relevant here. Monopolies, collusion, price fixing, goods that people can't live without, speculation, those are also reasons that prices go up.

In the housing market, it's not fair, it's not free, this isn't a basic supply and demand situation.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

I think we agree, with the caveat that you need to be careful when stating a position like yours, because it's often used as an excuse to do nothing at all.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

Is there anything specific to open source about this question? If you're a software developer, you might have to decide whether you want to work for a shady company, or whether you want your smaller company to contract with a larger shady company. Those are I think harder decisions to make, because it could be your job on the line.

In the open source world, at least you don't know for sure what people are going to do with your work.

But we do know that if a company is looking to be evil, it's probably going to find a way, whether or not it uses your library.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 9 points 1 day ago

I like how they already frame it as him taking the bait. Because they're desperate to have an excuse, and they want to blame the moderator or his opponent for tricking him into being an a******.

They know that he will, they know that he'll say ridiculous things, and they're trying to come up with as many preemptions strategies as they can.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

I don't think your definition of middle class is what most people use when they talk about it.

This is really obvious if you think about people remarking on the death of the middle class. They're not saying that the mean or the median doesn't exist. They are saying that families like the Simpsons are much less common than they used to be.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 16 points 1 day ago

What a joke of a headline. That's not what making ends meet means. They are wealthy, by definition they can afford to make ends meet.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 11 points 1 day ago

Comedy in general. Others have given specific examples of things that are discriminatory, including racism and sexism.

On the one hand, it's sad to realize that your old favorite movie is no longer that, but when you realize why I think it's actually uplifting. You can feel that you've learned something, you've improved as a human being, that you care more about society.

And because there are many genres other than comedy, it's not like you lost all of your favorite movies.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

Yes. My interpretation is that the above person knew that, but they didn't think it was even a remotely funny joke, not that they didn't understand what the implication was.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago

Historically that's not true. We have had disastrous governments and Supreme Courts in the past, and yet the country somehow survived. It's just that they do so much damage while they're around.

And just because things held together in the past is no guarantee that they will hold together in the future.

Rather than saying that the system has failed us, I think it's more accurate to say that the system has been failing the vast majority of Americans for many years.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 9 points 1 day ago

Since long ago, my friend. Citizens United was a landmark in my opinion, although there are probably older rulings that showed how little they care about basic functionality in a democracy.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 38 points 1 day ago

My interpretation of the article is that it's a question of timing. If you offer me money in order to hook you up, that's a bribe. But if I hook you up and later you give me money in thanks, that's not a bribe.

Obviously both of them are corrupt. But apparently this law can only target the former.

[-] orcrist@lemm.ee 88 points 4 days ago

What a terrible article. The solution is throwing more subsidies? Of course it's not! The solution is making it illegal to own more than a few properties. It really is that easy.

submitted 1 month ago by orcrist@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Can you think of any titles from real journal articles or essays that are eye-catching?

I'm writing a document for high school students taking an English writing class, and rather than create my own examples, why not use real ones? Several of my students have expressed frustration, and I have some guidelines and brainstorming tools, but what I don't have are two dozen neat examples.

submitted 9 months ago by orcrist@lemm.ee to c/japanlife@lemmy.world

OSAKA – An American man known for streaming provocative videos has been arrested on suspicion of breaking into a construction site in Osaka, police said Friday.

Ramsey Khalid Ismael, 23, known as "Johnny Somali" on YouTube, was arrested with another American, Jeremiah Dwane Branch, 24, who says he is a university student, according to police.

Ismael's videos include those in which he makes light of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and makes racist comments about Japanese people.

The two men allegedly made an unauthorized entry into a hotel construction site in Osaka's Chuo Ward on Aug. 30 with Branch filming a masked Ismael at the scene, according to the police.

They have told police they will not speak until they see lawyers, police said.

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