
joined 1 year ago
[–] p3n@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

This has not been my experience with my FW16. I also have an XPS for work, and had a Gigabyte Aero before that, but I would hands down take the the FW16 over the XPS 9510. While the XPS doesn't have any major issues running Linux (though I am unhappy with the trackpad), I haven't had any issues running Linux on the FW16 either, and I absolutely love having whatever ports I want available. I really missed the great port selection I had on the Aero, which made the XPS painful for me to use (I am so sick of dongles). I use my FW16 for a bunch of different requirements and have a ton of ports for it: ( 4x Ethernet, 3x USB-A, 3x USB-C, 2x HDMI, 2x DP, 2x MicroSD, 2x 3.5mm). Being able to reconfigure on the fly for whatever my workflow is for the day has been great.

Also, something that really galls me about working on the XPS series vs. the Latitude series, is that even though the XPS is supposed to be the premium line, the Latitudes are much nicer to work on. For example, Latitudes have captive screws on the back cover whereas the XPSes don't, and they also have razor sharp un-polished edges on the covers (always great to have to clean the blood off your motherboard traces before you can power it back on. )

As for the display issues, I can't speak to that because I use Hyprland and don't have a DE, but don't see any issues.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

ATAK-Civ originally developed by the U.S. Military for tactical use on Android phones. It was open-sourced and released on the Play Store several years ago.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The lock: There are rounds made specifically for this https://clucas.com/ammunition/hatton-round/

Aiming at two targets: Only if you're Jerry Miculek ...



[–] p3n@lemmy.world 49 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] p3n@lemmy.world 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

There is a very logical progression of basic human needs. Without oxygen, a human will die in less than an hour. We need clean breathable air. Without water, a human a will die in less than a month. We need clean drinkable water. Without food a human will die in less than a year. Shelter is trickier because people can die of exposure and hypothermia in a matter of hours, but may be able to survive without it.

  • Air for profit
  • Water for profit <- This exists
  • Food for profit <- We are here
  • Shelter for profit
[–] p3n@lemmy.world 74 points 1 month ago (2 children)

He should definitely be wearing orange, just not Netherlands Orange...

[–] p3n@lemmy.world -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The whole purpose of separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches is to prevent consolidation of power. It is supposed to be like the 3-way standoff from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

I think the root problem here is that a justice shouldn't be allowed to serve until after the president who nominated them is out of office, and if they would be otherwise eligible for another term, would no longer be permitted to run for the presidency while the justice is serving on the court. This would also cut-down on the issue of lifetime appointments by shortening their appointments by 4-8 years.

That and the President obviously shouldn't have immunity from the law.

What happens with the vacancy on the court while we are waiting for the president to leave office? It gives the legislature plenty of time to argue about the appointment, which they will do anyways.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 55 points 1 month ago (20 children)

Not to take anything anyway from the Olympic athletes who are incredibly talented at their sport, but their sport doesn't resemble the practical shooting of real guns.

There are actual competitons for that, such as the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) world shoots. The U.S. is much better represented in these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPSC_Handgun_World_Shoots

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago (18 children)

I'll probably get down-voted to oblivion for asking, but continuing this train of thought: If a woman gives birth to a baby and simply walks away, should she be charged with a crime?

If not, why?

If so, why?

There are plenty of examples of this, so it really isn't thoeretical.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Thanks, really no need to apologize. I had assumed it was just selective memory myself and hadn't considered the temp/voltage drop possibility, but now we have learned something.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I would say some of them are, but some are just funny observations. Like the current issue: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/olympic_sports_2x.png

Zero science in that either.

[–] p3n@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I wonder if there are things you’d judge god for.

I often catch myself trying to do just that, and I have to humble myself and remember that I don't even have the authority to judge other humans let alone God. It is my observation that human beings are incredibly arrogant, myself included. We are tiny specks of dust on a tiny planet that we have barely explored outside of, and we want to declare ourselves masters of the universe and holders of truth. This is a characteristic that I have observed in myself and in others that I believe goes all the way back to the temptation in Genesis 3: "ye shall be as gods". It is in my nature to want to call the shots and decide what is right and wrong and I see myself unconsciously try to slide into that mindset on a regular basis.

Is there suffering so great that you would ask “how can he let that happen”?

This is a separate question. There is a big difference between judging God in my heart and deciding that He is wrong for allowing the suffering I am experiencing or observing, and asking why he is allowing it; Asking: "how can you let things like this happen?" "This seems to be against what I understand your nature to be?" "How can you be who you say you are and allow this?" is very different from saying, "You are wrong and I hate you for it.". The former are genuine questions spurred by a conflict between what I understand about his nature and what I perceive from my experience. The entire book of Job revolves around these very questions and offers some interesting insights.

Or is your god compatible with even the worst realities imaginable?

God isn't my god. He isn't whatever I want him to be, if that were the case, I would never find myself in conflict with him. He is what he is. He is I AM.

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