So refreshing to see a mainstream story that gives a little space to the protesters' message. These people are getting records to have 10 seconds of your consideration.

Has it ever happened to you that you slip a little bit on the stairs and end up surfing along the edges to the bottom? I only did it once by accident, but my dad claims he was able to stair surf at will when younger. Anyway, thats probably the safest way to navigate these stairs.

Immature Cooper's are brown, but I agree with you that this guy looks more like a red tail.

If you can see any sticker in that location, it's the right thing to do.

I don't know how these things usually work as there was no indication in any of the articles how the successfully media handled it. It seems crazy there would be such a knowledge gap.

Feels pretty obvious that seating would be limited and coveted, and there was contact information in the announcement for "more details". If I had no idea how to get an invite, I'd have written that email May 15th. But maybe there's more to the story than either side wants to tell.

Oh. I don't know anything about this. Is it weird for an app to be pulled from all of these sites? Do they have a way for the original developer to take it down if they want or some kind of flagging? Does your new phone have a higher Android build, maybe the site checks somehow to match with the right version and then fails? Wild guesses

This article explains it better. First of all there are plenty of black owned media companies, more than one in Atlanta who were denied credentials:

The NNPA represents the 197-year-old Black Press of America, which counts among its more than 230 newspapers and media companies, The Atlanta Voice, Atlanta Daily World, and the Atlanta Inquirer. The popular Rolling Out magazine also counts among the Black Press’ members frozen out by CNN.

However, they were apparently all denied based on the Jun 7 deadline.

CNN implies the deadline was stated in their announcement of the debate on May 15th but the only deadline mentioned is for polls determining which candidates could participate.

President Biden and CBC and Rep. Meeks lobbied CNN for Black media inclusion after the denial.

This is a great article describing the multipronged, multiagency, do science, make laws, buy land, empower stewards approach necessary to save species in the face of increasingly fast-paced changes to natural spaces. A small sign of hope, but just think how many people are involved and fighting for love of life on this planet.

Omg, this is amazing. Ok hear me out, you think bribes are expensive, but at local or even state levels they can be very reasonable, so here's what we do is GoFundMe for legislators, where regular people bid money into escrow for a certain rep's vote and if they do it, they get the cash. Of course people of wrong opinion can also bid so it's not guaranteed to get you what you want, but you can collectively at least make it more expensive for them! Normal bribery requires all kinds of relationship development and professional lobbyists to make sure it's works right, so it's available only to the well funded few. Post-vote bribery is open to all and cuts the smarmy middlemen.

I know you're appalled, but consider how out of touch most reps are from their constituents. They are told all day long by these lobbyists that you don't really hate genocide or that you really count on them to keep drilling for oil. Here you can tell your real values to their face with money, the same arbiter of truth those billionaires are using. Not for a campaign, but for a specific vote!

I would try that

This is really interesting to me from the angle of why do some species coexist with humans in suburbs, etc, but others are pushed aside by development. I'm sure there are many factors, but I think sound is a big one. I wonder if it's possible to teach a population of a skittish species to be comfortable with suburban life over a few generations.

[-] 125 points 6 days ago

This is ludicrous. The Republicans have nothing to worry about. It does not matter to their voters at all. He could start shouting "kill, kill, kill" until he has a seizure and craps himself on stage, voters: "just like Jesus"



My recent experience is no -- the first backup went just fine, but all subsequent attempts to add to it have failed, giving various errors in the logs, including mounting problems, timeout during the initial write test, bad database, etc. I did rename the drive between backups, maybe that was bad? The log shows Time Machine using the new name and finding the drive just fine.

Googling this I see that people have these same problems with external hard drives, though, so I'm wondering if anyone has been successful using a thumb drive and if there's any trick to it.


Usually the option is there, but sometimes only block user is available.


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