
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 4 hours ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

How much is it per cup?

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago

If a 1.3Kg bottle of N2O is $50, am I right in suspecting thats not a lot of high, but a shit ton of foam latte's

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago

Ok a bit more I found.

The 5×10^10 number you referenced is the SMBH maximum mass for typically observed black holes. However, near the maximum prograde spin, given the age of the universe, a black hole would not have been able to accumulate more than 2.7×10^11 solar masses.

So, yes, a practical limit exists. But to point to OPs comment, no they will not explode.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

I didn't know that, but it makes sense that AGN would have a limit. Lemme look this up, we're pretty close to my limit of astrophysics

[–] 4 points 4 hours ago

Black hole behavior has largely been theoretically explored. What's neat with this discovery is that the particle jets interact with stars causing a Nova - this means that there is a way to measure black holes we have a harder time observing and use that in calculating mass of galaxies. This is important if black holes do contribute to what we consider Dark Matter.

Dark Matter is simply something with mass (therefore matter) that does not interact with electromagnetism. It doesn't absorb light, it doesn't emit light. Therefore "dark" and extremely hard to study. We know it exists because it does interact with gravity.

Undetectable black holes can contribute to this measured mass, and are great candidates for some of the dark matter. The problem remains that the dark matter interactions are not exclusively resolved by black holes passing through an area of space.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

It's a bit more complicated than that - theoretically Hawking radiation would cause a black hole with no surrounding matter to evaporate over an extremely long period of time (we're talking 10^10 to 10^100 years).

Additionally, micro black holes have been proven mathematically in the 14MeV range of LHC, but as far as experimental data goes, we have not observed the creation of a micro black hole. The main problem is that they would instantly annihilate (as in exactly 0 seconds) and would be indistinguishable from events already creating gamma rays.

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Black holes? No. As far as we know, there is no limit to the mass of a black hole.

[–] 2 points 7 hours ago

Like his science experiments with a balloon, bowl of water and a marble.

I don't know what he was trying to do, but he was damn sure it was interesting despite getting water everywhere

Look dude English isn't a language, it's a mistake

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Oh that's easy.


Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter Freedom

Monster Hunter Freedom 2

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Monster Hunter Generations

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Monster Hunter World/Iceborne

Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak

I guess you could say I like Monster Hunter

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Wait... During its construction?

I'm pretty sure I've seen subs under construction before, and they didn't sunk because they weren't in water.

How... We're they building this thing?


This is what I do for work I guess


It will still break them if you try it


I'm talking like one person brought in all the money for a decade, then a divorce happens. Some of it makes sense - a house with mortgage, one spouse buys the other out of the house. Which is great, but if one spouse doesn't have the income to take a loan out to buy the other, does that mean that the spouse who does have the income has the choice to buy out or sell?

Similarly, things like 401ks and pensions I imagine you can't just take out half the cash in them and give that to their spouse. Or does that have to be a loan for the amounts in those plans?

Is it debt all the way down for both?


Let me set the stage: Newly single dad of a young kid. After COVID-19 I haven't done much outside of my home and taking care of my kid. I work full time-remote, and between the kiddo and leaving room for a hobby or taking care of the house, it seems like the only other thing I have time for is sleep.

The thing I know is that this is likely an issue with my anxiety and anxious attachment. The conclusion we've arrived at in therapy is that I gotta meet people. I apparently forgot, or don't know how to do that. Where to meet people. It's not a big city, but 200k-300k people in the county.

Maybe I'm looking for something of a strategy more than anything.

edit: thank you guys, I really appreciate it!

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