welcome back,
so like, 1500 people working for a year on 1 kilometer. Nice productivity increase since the 1800
Increase in price of bad behavior (i.e. getting shoved into a mine shaft by a collective of like minded people) is perfectly adequate position. American ancap perverts thus explicitly say that state has to do the policing, cause they are very uncomfortable with anarchism.
If they are against that, and start mumbling about laws, they are just ancap who hates taxes
Some second tier never sold to sheikhs/mericans? (with some investigation they aren't milwall tier dipshits)
or celtic
eu might get its own dipshit central 😮
seems like get civil war recipe
this is the plot of silence
They specifically ~~dropped it~~ changed how it works, ~~i think after~~during reagan, you have to use cpi-urban or some shit to get unfucked data (and then chained dollars and shit fuck it all ass backwards again, so all economic data is unusuable
see: https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CUUR0000SEHA
alleged reasoning: https://www.bls.gov/cpi/factsheets/owners-equivalent-rent-and-rent.htm
Invidious got unfucked a little bit
I think bds-named groups do that kinda stuff, also unity of fields (which is former pal_action usa as i understand it) (they dont have social media after becoming too based)