[-] porkins@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

The solution is to base it upon the user session timer.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Mine told me that I should be a plumber. I took it after graduating college with a degree in Data Science. I kind of wish I did the plumbing thing considering the money they rake in. Problem is that I don’t like crawling in attics and under houses.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 15 points 10 months ago

I see it as a hot tub with a bar top. Kinda cool for hanging out.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

My DoorDasher picked up my order the other day and went to a mall parking lot and sat there for an hour until the order was cancelled since DD couldn’t get ahold of them. They presumably ate it. They should be deactivated. Bad workers shouldn’t get extra protections.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

We have plenty of nuclear fuel and waste is a drop in an ocean compared to that of fossil fuels.

submitted 11 months ago by porkins@lemmy.world to c/plantclinic@lemmy.world
[-] porkins@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I use Memmy and have a porn account and a non-porn account. On the non-porn account, I block any porn communities that show up in the All feed and eventually I stop seeing them.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

Ketchup and MSG are the secret ingredients in my marinara sauce. I go as far as to use proper other ingredients likes San Marzano tomatoes, fresh basil, and garlic, but I am fairly certain that my special additions to the recipe improve it. I’ve been told never to utter this to an Italian mother.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Perhaps they chose to have children ahead of being able to afford them and haven’t attempted to find a better job. People tend to create their own traps. Sure, the game is hard right now, but there are plenty of winners. I had a really bad job once and learned a lot from it about being a better boss than he was. Before that, I was an on-the-road consultant. Made great money doing that, but couldn’t establish a social life. Was all about finding the right fit. Starting out at my corporate gig wasn’t sunshine and rainbows. I had cubicles outside the HR office and hear people get yelled at my the hostile person in charge. What I learned though was how to win people over and find a mentor. The mean HR lady became my ally and watched out for me. She was nice, but had a hard exterior. Still perfecting my social skills. I’m a beast at what I do, but I wouldn’t get very far if I wasn’t nice to people. Finding out all the time that people like to talk about themselves and feel useful. I read a lot of books on everything and regret whenever I consider having a defeatist attitude. Just finished a Ulysses S. Grant biography. That dude packed, so much into a short period of time and had a lot of my eccentricities. He’s a testament to how you can learn to be the best at something by applying yourself fully and valuing relationships.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)
  • The top menus are buttons and look weird and cheapen the experience.
  • Voting can’t be done via swipe.
  • You should be able to search all communities across all federated instances.
  • You should be able to browse the full list of communities for a selected instance.
  • The sorter for message replies doesn’t make sense. Why would I need to sort Active message replies?
  • If I check a message reply as read, their doesn’t appear to be a way to see it again.

To be very honest, Memmy is currently my favorite and I have been testing them all pretty extensively.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 23 points 11 months ago

If it were in the center, everyone would need to walk around it. This is more efficient for the foot traffic.

[-] porkins@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

We put hamster dance on all the computer lab computers and cranked up the volume to max then locked the door from the inside using a trick, so that they would need to get the facilities people to get in. It was really dumb.

submitted 1 year ago by porkins@lemmy.world to c/scuba@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago by porkins@lemmy.world to c/limbo@lemmy.world
  • The number disappears and reappears when voting. This is a bad feel. Can you make it just change the number instantly, even if there is still potentially some behind-the-scenes server processing going on? Also, the vote button itself just slightly changes the arrow color, it would be easier to see and more satisfying if it create a colored-in box around the arrow.
  • Posts with hundreds of comments fail to load the comments. For example, see https://lemmy.world/post/373743. The comments won’t load on that post. Also, when you click into a post, please load the comments instead of making the user have to hit the comments button to load them. I consider a post to be as much about the comments as the post. Many times, I read the comments first.
  • The post cards have rounded edges and gaps between each post, which is a bit distracting. It would be better on my eyes if the user can turn off the rounded card theme and have that screen real-estate used to show more of the post and pictures. All in need to know when the next post has started is a very thin line.
  • Sometimes, the subscribe button doesn’t work.
  • Sometimes, the All feed for an account won’t load and I have to first click on the server itself instead of the All option in order to fix this.
  • Even though the project is young, opening up the Repo and Issue/Enhancement trackers is ideal. This will have the residual benefit of having others contribute potential code suggestions / merge requests in order to make the app get to a production-ready state faster.

Keep up the good work!

submitted 1 year ago by porkins@lemmy.world to c/limbo@lemmy.world

This app is amazing! Tons of the features that I was interested in that other apps are working on are already in yours.

I have some UI feedback, but want to log it to someplace meaningful. I didn’t see it in the About section, but can you add your GitHub link for this project, so bugs and feature requests can be added there? Also, do you have a Matrix or other chat room like Mlem does? I think that would be valuable as well to discuss enhancements, announcements, etc.

Keep up the great work!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by porkins@lemmy.world to c/scuba@lemmy.world

My current dove kit

My current dive kit:

  • XDEEP Ghost Deluxe with both back cargo pockets (one for backup mask, other for SMB+line)
  • Apeks XTX50 with DIN DST and yoke converter for travel (at the moment, I’m diving with pretty standard length hoses, but may move to long hose in the future) I use a bungee necklace for my octo, so take a bit of a hybrid approach.
  • Shearwater Perdix with AI sensor
  • I have an old Oceanic watch dove computer as a backup
  • Cressi Digi 2 as an in-line backup to my dive computer as well. I’m not afraid to have my pressure be digital. If that ever breaks, then I may change my mind. It’s nice to have the digital depth as well in case my dive computer ever malfunctions.
  • Backup ScubaPro compass
  • Fins are not pictured, but currently using Folding Fins. I really like them except the way that the boot holder clips into the base feel like a bit of a point of failure. Have been exploring travel fins, but they all appear to be positively buoyant, which I’m not sure about.
  • My masks are both Hollis M-1. Highly recommended for comfort and visibility.
  • Sola Wrist Light
  • DiveRite CX2 as my backup light
  • I carry standard line scissors and a Zeagle Line Cutter
  • Camera is not pictured, but is a DJI Action 2 in a waterproof case with a handle. If I use the double case, it will last two hour-long dives. If I use the single case, it’s about 1.5 dives. It really varies though based upon resolution and whether I keep it on the whole time.
  • I have an XDeep bolt snap on my primary second stage reg and the one with the larger hoop on my Digi 2 pressure gauge. The octo uses the bungee bolt snap system in case I want to clip it off instead of using the necklace. I’m doing PADI Rescue Diver soon and they don’t teach using a necklace, so I’m forced to do it their way for that course, then will go back to necklace.
  • Wetsuit is 3 mil Henderson
  • ScubaPro booties, hood, and gloves
  • I found that a roll-up tool bag works nice for a save-a-dive kit.
  • Additionally, I alway pack some o-ring lube because I hate having a hissing connection with the yoke.


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