[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 3 points 21 hours ago

Looked a bit like morphed SpongeBob in the thumbnail. Not so much up close.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago

In a system where all the non-winning votes are lost in a step and not counted at the end, like the USA form of weak democracy, this becomes a valid tactic.

It's not only the presidential vote that's like this, but ALL fucking votes. It's astonishing how weak the US system is.


With Suno AI making some passable music, is it welcome here?

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 37 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

According to Norwegian news the ambassador compared it to calling the Earth flat.

*And the Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the disputed area of ​​the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday and called this a response to European countries' recognition of Palestine.

  • We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state, said Ben-Gvir.
[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 84 points 1 month ago

There's seems to be no end to serious failures of the Eurovision leadership. Jury votes, Israel and now EU flagban.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 81 points 3 months ago

In the post Trump world, irony is dead.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 64 points 4 months ago

Is it possible to set a roof on private wealth? Everything above put into public funds? Give them a "you win at capitalism" trophy and let them into some other game to play.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 109 points 4 months ago

Well, when else would they be used? The other case I see would be Russia winning in Ukraine and blitzing onward, so why not stop them in Ukraine.


Three moose was seen on the roof of a supermarket. One calf is suspected fleeing the scene while the mother died jumping down, as did the last calf seen on the video.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 43 points 9 months ago

Housing is a human right, and should in my socialist inclined opinion be a state business.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

Between Elden Ring's UI-free exploration and Baldur's Gate 3 character interactions, I'm sadly doubting Starfield will do for me.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

So, how are they affected by momentum? Like, are they dangling all over when fighting? Then it wouldn't be of much help other than visually would it?

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 29 points 9 months ago

That too, but this is more on honor culture.

[-] positiveWHAT@lemmy.world 113 points 9 months ago

Those are the type of crimes I would give a death penalty exception for.


I'm afraid that with how quick, "thoughtful" and personalized these can be, I will have even less human interaction. Noone can keep up with this?


I have some points to make myself:


  • The map, which is a satellite/god view, rips you out of character. Paper maps keep more mystery.
  • The quest icons that it relies on should be changed for better quest directions.
  • Seeing enemies' exact health (and name) is also not great for immersion. More visual/audible damaged states is better.


  • Very few choices are made in the quests, instead one has to be in character by choosing what quests one embark on. It would be great to have some conversational options with consequences. Relations are important in RP.
  • Few people acknowledge you, to the degree you don't actually feel that you are saving anyone unlike in Oblivion. IDK if it's the voice actors or characters or that I haven't got to actively save anyone, except DLC Serana. There's that guy in the web that dies. In Oblivion there are monks fleeing towards you for help and more noticeably the knight in the Oblivion gate. I miss such moments.

When we post to Beehaw communties the posts will become hosted exclusively on our lemmy.world instance and not interact with other instances.

Further info:


People denying realities like anthropogenic climate change. I can respect opinions, like applying full human value to an undeveloped fetus, but the straight up denial of what is verified truth I can't even tolerate. It's false. It's lies. It's brainwashed tribalism. And they are gonna dig their tribal community hole and stew in reactionary rage and fear with their incoherent arguments whilst following their strong leaders, because gods forbid they are wrong on anything. No, truth itself is gonna bend around the word of dear leader.

The hateful cult newspeak is also rubbing me, but the denial of reality is the killer. And the mindnumbing memes that try to outwit with one-two sentences on comprehensive subjects. Political memes are a blight upon humanity and should be banned. Thanks for reading my sour micro(?)thought!

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