[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 3 weeks ago

Kraken de-listing in Germany, Streisand effect buying.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 2 months ago

While I agree that all on the planet should have knowledge of these trends, it probably does not belong in the main Monero community room. Maybe in Monero Regulatory

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 2 months ago

It's hard to get excited when you still can't live on Monero. I will shout from the rooftops when I can pay my bills with Monero anonymously. Things like property taxes, vehicle registration, fuel, groceries, insurance, internet and mobile svcs, etc. I am poor, so those are the only things I spend money on. Monero is best represented in selling items that are not required for day to day life, so until that changes, it's quite understandable that the Monero community lacks enthusiasm.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 4 months ago

Sounds like a lot of work for a tiny bit of Monero, more explanation of how much it pays out might incentivize folks.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 4 months ago

It's too little, too late, by this point, any app that ties itself to your phone number unnecessarily has already been abandoned for more private, secure, and anonymous options like Session and Element/Matrix that are decentralized. The age of centralized systems that tyrannical governments can co-opt is coming to an end.


I have a Proxmox server on my LAN on my home network.

I have one LXC container running Debian 12 and the Monero CLI tools provided at the following URL: (https://downloads.getmonero.org/cli/linux64). All LXC containers referenced herein will be running Debian 12.

On that first container, I run 'monerod' in a screen session, so I can detach and leave it running 24/7. If there is a better way to do this, like having it autostart upon reboot, I would like to learn how to do that, but I will still want to see the live log somehow, maybe using tails on a logfile or something, but I don't know where that logfile is located or how best to view the live status of the daemon.

Also on that first container, I'd like to run the cli wallet and mine Monero on that machine, which I'm not familiar with how to do that using the CLI wallet.

Next, I wanted to create another LXC container that is only running the CLI wallet, but connects to the node running on the first machine. If this is possible and works, I'd do a few more until I max out on CPU and RAM utilization of my Proxmox host.

Lastly, I'd also like to have the blockchain only stored on that one LXC host, so my existing blockchains on my other PC's where I'm running the GUI can be eliminated, if that makes any sense, and have those GUI wallets point to my node running on the first LXC container running the 'monerod' daemon 24/7.

In summary, what I need help with is the following:

  1. How to have 'monerod' autostart on the first LXC container (ip addr:
  2. How to view live view of the monerod daemon doing it's thing
  3. How to mine Monero from the wallet cli on first LXC container
  4. How to mine Monero from the wallet cli on second LXC container (ip addr: that uses a remote node, specified as the first container referenced in step 1 above.
  5. How to configure GUI to mine using the LXC container running the node daemon as a remote node

I'd appreciate any links with instructions that might help me do all or part of what I'm trying to accomplish using the home server. If suggestions prove out on my network, I'm happy to fully document the entire setup, including the steps to configure Proxmox for the community to do the same thing.

Best Regards, prancing389

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 4 months ago

I went to that allark.io site and I didn't see any support for Monero, opened up to an Ethereum quote, looks less than useful for exchanging Monero for fiat.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 4 months ago

Heard the latest podcast on MoneroTalk on BasicSwap DEX. Impressive capabilities, however with my skills, there is insufficient information for me to safely install the application on my Linux system. Suggest more work on Installation procedure and automating the install process on Debian Based Linux systems at a minimum.

submitted 4 months ago by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/2079592

Is there any efforts or movements underway to solicit Elon Musk to begin to accept Monero as payment for internet services? What an advantage to just accepting Monero and not accepting the risk of fiat currencies.


Is there any efforts or movements underway to solicit Elon Musk to begin to accept Monero as payment for internet services? What an advantage to just accepting Monero and not accepting the risk of fiat currencies.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 4 months ago

I agree with surfer's comments, especially the one about making it more valuable. The hidden fact is that the price does NOT reflect the VALUE at the moment. We will see more representative price discovery when CDBC's track, trace, and programming is introduced later this year or next. I am delighted to have shaken many speculators and profit takers out of their positions. Once the lack of privacy hits them hard, they will scramble to get out of their fiat with or without CBDC's, but I imagine CBDC's will be a tipping point.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 5 months ago

I withdrew XMR from Kraken, in quiet times, that took over 12 hours


It looks like Joe has created a website inside his ecosystem that duplicates much of what is on Monerica as a part of a test.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 5 months ago

Hey Shadow Rebel, I just installed Session Messenger for the first time after it was suggested to me by the MoneroTalk group. I tested it today with another privacy advocating friend of mine and we both though very highly of it. As a messaging app, it exceeds the polish and functions of Bastyon, but as a twitter-like social media app where you broadcast things out to a large group, Bastyon is better suited. Both are very good at helping to remain anonymous, not asking for telephone numbers or email addresses, but their similarities diverge from there. If you've got some very easy things that I can do to help you using the Session Messenger App, I'd be happy to assist. Perhaps you'd want to DM me here in monero.town with your Session ID and I could find you that way. I also called my nickname prancer389 over there, but I don't know if you can find me that way.

Regards, prancing389

submitted 5 months ago by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/1911947

What I would like is all the best Monero stuff (Wallets / Mining Tools / customized browser bookmarks, etc.) preloaded and configured on a full blown Linux Distribution, delivered as a boot-able, installation ISO image where I can burn a DVD or create a USB Startup Disk. You may want to create several flavors, one for low end hardware like what's in MoneroNodo, and one for dedicated mining rigs if that makes sense. I would want the version from the MoneroNodo released first.

It's ok to offer some images for various hypervisors like Gnome Boxes, VMWare, and VirtualBox, but the best format of all would be the LXC container in a tarball released to Turnkey Linux like they use in Proxmox, because the performance is much, much better than any virtual machine and it's most lightweight of the other formats, making the best use of system resources.

I could help test and would donate, especially if the LXC container were released to Turnkey Linux and was made available thru that channel on not a custom download/install.


What I would like is all the best Monero stuff (Wallets / Mining Tools / customized browser bookmarks, etc.) preloaded and configured on a full blown Linux Distribution, delivered as a boot-able, installation ISO image where I can burn a DVD or create a USB Startup Disk. You may want to create several flavors, one for low end hardware like what's in MoneroNodo, and one for dedicated mining rigs if that makes sense. I would want the version from the MoneroNodo released first.

It's ok to offer some images for various hypervisors like Gnome Boxes, VMWare, and VirtualBox, but the best format of all would be the LXC container in a tarball released to Turnkey Linux like they use in Proxmox, because the performance is much, much better than any virtual machine and it's most lightweight of the other formats, making the best use of system resources.

I could help test and would donate, especially if the LXC container were released to Turnkey Linux and was made available thru that channel on not a custom download/install.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 5 months ago

You should join us at MoneroTalk on Saturdays, sometime after noon EST when they call up viewers on stage. There's been extensive attention given to XMRBazaar and I'm sure the topic would be welcomed, maybe contact monerotalk@proton.com ahead of time to discuss when and how to give larger presentation of your thoughts on MoneroTalk as a guest speaker.

submitted 5 months ago by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

Anyone with half a brain will run away from Bitcoin and ANY other crypto with which an ETF is created. This ETF creation brings forth the certainty of Big Banker manipulation, something crypto currencies were intended to prevent. This type of manipulation is not a novel concept, it's already done with the price of Oil, Silver, Gold and a wide array of other commodities thru their use of derivatives, primarly enabled by the creation of ETF's traded on stock markets globally. In short, the derivatives are the tool the bankers use to gain an unfair advantage over the individuals. They routinely sell SLV shares, but do not have the corresponding Silver to back up that trade, something you and I can not do. This also means when markets fail, the banks will own the silver and the investor will lose everything. Self-custody is the key.

I prefer privacy crypto myself, with Monero at the head of the pack for now.

In case someone out there hasn't noticed yet, the people of the world are under assault by the central bankers all over the planet. Anything we do to invite or welcome their participation will most certainly be to our detriment. Resist Central Authority of all types, decentralize everywhere possible and resist all attempts to centralize power and control anywhere you recognize it.

Honest, fungible, PRIVATE digital cash is one important front we can fight this war against us. Opt out of their systems, get out of their debt-based fiat currencies and encourage a circular economy based on something like Monero or it's successor. In essence, do your best to build an ecosystem where we can all "de-bank" ourselves on OUR terms and not have some Great Reset and CBDC's do it on THEIR terms, which I guarantee you will be far less favorable to individuals. This one step alone, if gone widespread, will do more to promote freedom than 100 violent revolutions. The illusion they create is that you can't live without them. Once you prove you can, their leverage over us ends, thus their power withers and dies.

If you're on this forum, you probably already agree with this and don't need converting, but if you're trying, as I am, to proliferate Monero adoption, I'd encourage you to copy/paste any or all of this letter and forward it if you like the message herein.


Hi everyone.

It was a lot of fun joining MoneroTalk and would like to be able to join in viewers on stage in the future and give an update on the CakePay issue I was having, which thankfully turned out positive. At a minimum, I think I'd like to follow the chat on the live broadcast of Monero Talk. I could use a hyperlink to take me to that chat and video.

Doug mentioned a potential central Florida meetup for the regional Monero community. I'd be happy to support that with some guidance from other members of the team.

I'd like to lend a hand for anything related to helping to promote Monero. I could watch every episode and do a write-up as your post requested on monero.town.

I also would like to be a test case user that can document failures and successes of various avenues of utilizing the various payment methods, building upon the knowledge learned from my Cakepay experience. This documentation can include how to videos that can be shared wherever appropriate for greatest Monero adoption.

Currently, One of my primary interests is to be able to pay for fuel at the pump with Monero either directly or via some non-KYC debit card. I've been reading about UQUID, and seem to have local places to pick up one of the physical debit cards, but I've yet to test it fully for full anonymity.

The likelihood of a global failure in the debt-based monetary system is a real threat and going thru the motions of these alternatives will be essential if we are to carry on ourselves, and teach others how to survive the apocalypse.

Also, being a Linux and Open Source enthusiast, another area I may be able to help is testing any new software for the Linux platform.

Please reach out about any or all the topics if interested.



I want to thank Doug and the rest of the team for having me on MoneroTalk. For those that might wish to contact me for any reason, my email address is monerotalk.prancing389@aleeas.com

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

Video feed above taken from this article..

Argentina's Milei in Davos: "Collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause."


So far, he's saying the correct things, wonder how long before he's kicked out of the fraternity. This was such a short snippet, I'd have to say the jury is still out, but good nonetheless.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 2 points 5 months ago

Cakepay stole my money. I purchased a Mastercard, it accepted my Monero from my private wallet and forwarded me to an outside organization to complete the transaction. The card failed everywhere I've tried it, engaged in numerous correspondence to both Cakepay and the second organization that issued card in order to solve issue, all of which were unsuccessful. I requested a refund, DENIED by both vendors. I requested they switch out card balance for Amazon Gift Card, DENIED. NEVER, ever do business with Cakepay again. Cake Wallet is a decent wallet, but CakePay should be avoided.

submitted 5 months ago by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

I'd like you to discuss this topic on an upcoming MoneroTalk.

I'd also appreciate some instruction on how I might join in the live chat so that I could join in on the episode where something like Bastyon is discussed.


I'd like you to discuss this topic on an upcoming MoneroTalk.

I'd also appreciate some instruction on how I might join in the live chat so that I could join in on the episode where something like Bastyon is discussed.

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joined 5 months ago