Just turn off the oxygen and get better candidates.

[-] problematicPanther@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

He's a redneck deer, as evidenced by the truck, therefore he does not need to wear a shirt while driving,

Photovoltaic cells are even less efficient, I think they're somewhere between 10-20% efficient. I think the way to go would be a solar collector, like the Archimedes death ray, but much much bigger.

So what happened when he tried to plug it in?

Every time I have a problem, I just throw a Molotov cocktail and then boom, I have a different problem

Maybe you don't....

no, not Le Mans, Lemons. it's completely different.

I feel like drunk racing should be a sport. I mean, we have 24 hours of lemons, why not drunk racing too?

I drilled in one before, I had trouble breathing in it and ended up taking it off to get some fresh air every now and then. I guess it's a good thing we weren't in an actual environment where they were necessary, because I'd have probably died

[-] problematicPanther@lemmy.world 88 points 1 month ago

Airman was in a Special Ops squadron, if I read the article right.

Fun fact, for every one person who graduates special ops training in the air force, something like 20 others fail and go on to do other jobs in the air force.

Even if he never saw action, he went through hell and back just in training. Just so he could be murdered in his own home by a florida cop.

Talkin tenant blues (www.youtube.com)
[-] problematicPanther@lemmy.world 101 points 3 months ago

meh, if i die you can check my porn history. You'll just find femboy furry hentai, like everyone else. i'd be more embarrased by the duck duck go searches for when I'm trying to fix something.

My pupper (lemmy.world)

35mm lomography film on an old minolta camera.

I'm still a noob at photography, but this was one of my favorite shots

My pupper (lemmy.world)

35mm film with an old Minolta camera

bonk (lemmy.world)
[-] problematicPanther@lemmy.world 92 points 6 months ago

it makes me think, but just not that hard.


Hey guys. So, I tried making a ginger beer a while back. Recently, the stuff has started to turn more pale and is thinking up. It feels more like drinking a syrup but without the sugar. is it safe?

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