
joined 1 year ago
[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 week ago

Really, if you ask yourself “what would happen to someone in an anarchist society who killed a serial killer/rapist/molester/etc etc in revenge” and the answer is “little or nothing” you probably have your answer to how that society would handle serial killers, rapists, molesters, etc.

A rapist/murderer might be just a rapist/murderer to some, to others the person might alsl be friend, relative, lover, child or parent. While I do not see myself in the position to stop someones revenge against their abuser or the killer of a loved one, I really hope this will not be the norm. Because as I said, the killed person might have people that care about them that most likely will get hurt by this and also might want to do revenge for that. I also believe that the act of killing can be very harmful to those doing the killing.

I think anarchist societies should focus on prevention and doing things that actually help those that got harmed, which might vary widely by the individual.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think there are far more alternatives and also ways to mix them.

One more alternative would be constant care taking by one or more people. In case the community cant/doesnt want to provide that full time, it might be possible to mix this with other options that might reduce the persons autonomy.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I made one theme that tries to mirror the current default one on slrpnk.net. You can add it to your list of themes here: https://photon.slrpnk.net/theme

{"slate":{"25":"249 253 252","50":"226 245 243","100":"249 253 252","200":"226 232 240","300":"203 213 225","400":"148 163 184","500":"85 187 184","600":"105 122 121","700":"85 187 184","800":"35 51 51","900":"35 51 51","950":"35 51 51"},"zinc":{"50":"85 187 184","100":"226 245 243","300":"226 245 243","400":"157 175 174","500":"153 214 212","600":"85 187 184","700":"105 122 121","800":"105 122 121","900":"105 122 121","925":"58 73 73","950":"35 51 51"},"primary":{"100":"184 202 201","900":"85 187 184"},"other":{"black":"36 31 49","white":"249 253 252"}}

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 15 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Man kann schon fragen, ob die Scheiße richtig gekontert wurde.

Besonders dem mysogyne Hass, der sich gegen Lang gerichtet hat, wurde sich in meiner Wahrnehmung nicht solidarisch genug entgegengestellt.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Hey if you have multiple things to say, please try to add them to one comment with the edit feature instead of making multiple top level commands.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 9 points 1 week ago

However, as I understand it, at times the only real way to protect the community in the society we currently live in seems to be talking with the pigs.

I think this is true in some situations and imo its okay to call the cops in a situation that not only endangers the community but also oneself. Like people trying to physically harm you and you don't have any safer alternatives to protect yourself. Sadly many people are not part of communities that enable them to fully skip every interaction with cops.

To your serial killer example: If in your hypothetical situation there is a key benefit in turning the evidence over to the police in comparison to just publishing it so everyone(including the police)/only your local community can access the evidence, I dont see why not. Its also not something I would call "snitching".

In an anarchistic society the serial killer could be sent to the psych ward and dealt with humanely.

Also I just want to mention, I think this is not something with a consensus in anarchist circles.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Die queere Community ist so angepasst an den Mainstream wie nie zuvor, trotzdem nehmen die Angriffe auf CSD zu. Deine vorgeschlagene Strategie scheint mit der Realität zu kolidieren.

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Und jetzt stell dir mal vor, viele Mädchen werden heutzutage noch als cis Mädchen großgezogen. Unglaublich sowas! /s

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

To me it seems like you have a really strong image of what you actually want. Because all your questions and concerns focus on things that sound more like life partners. Poly also allows for other types of romantic and/or sexual relationships. Would you be open to that?

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Das ist glaub ich vom Staatsanwalt, also der Anklage. Das Gericht kommt nach meinen Verständnis im Artikel nicht zu Wort.

Die Aussage an sich würde ich auch als based bezeichnen!

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah sorry ich hab da scheinbar deine Intention positiv zuzureden nicht ganz gecheckt und deshalb so reagiert. Zuversicht klingt da natürlich enorm hilfreich.

Falls du Lust hast kurz was dazu zu sagen, was hälst du von Selbstbehandlung von Phobien wie es beispielsweise hier im Artikel beschrieben wird?

[–] punkisundead@slrpnk.net 6 points 2 weeks ago

Deine Angst vor Spinnen ist doch keine geistige Behinderung! Und ich diskriminiere dich nicht, ich konfrontiere dich. :)

Ich finde eine Angststörung als peinlich zu bezeichnen ist genau das. Freu dich doch, dass du so einen locker formulierten Hinweis darauf bekommen hast und mach das Ding nicht größer als es ist.


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