Why not ban American imports, ban American passports, close American embassies, order American businesses and schools to leave the country?
Preference for AnySoftKeyboard.
Why is there so many censored posts about keyboard apps?
That title is ideological indoctrination pushing fanaticism.
Canadian people don't care about others as much as they claim they do. Would you vote for government to take away more of your money, pay a higher sales tax, higher government fees, higher income tax for all people, to pay for helping needy people, or would you vote to eliminate income tax and you give away your own cash to help people around you?
I tried a GPS app with wi-fi and it wouldn't work without SIM card installed or phone service.
I wonder if the reporters appreciated asking questions to someone who can stay on topic explain the answer and form whole sentences.
I will second the others that only suggest Signal or a variant of Signal like Langis or Molly. Everybody has each other's phone numbers, go with Signal so people don't need any other contact information.
Which means Canadians will lose their jobs, they will be out of work, and some companies in Canada will not hire because there's not enough sales to hire anybody new.