
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Follow up questions: Were you saving up the shit for 3 days for the sex party? Or was it that you didn't want to shit at a sex party? Was it a personal decision or a house rule? And was that 3 day shit afterwards more enjoyable than the sex party itself? Sounds amazing

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I'm using Memmy and it's great so far. Now I'm kind of wondering how to get a more diverse feed

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There is definitely a huge difference after 6 months of focusing on one thing. I've done hot yoga off and on over about 12 years and I'd say it took 6 months of going consistently before I felt like my body adjusted and it was more enjoyable. After 2 years I didn't feel like I was going to die and it actually became very enjoyable.

I've fallen off recently because it's easier to sit around and initially it does suck because you need to readjust. But I when I had gone 2-3x in a week, man I felt like a god. I started going in my 20s, I was high af all the time and knew I needed some exercise or I was gonna die.

I think it takes a certain person to love lifting weights of all things. But luckily there are lots of things out there

[–] 16 points 1 year ago (12 children)

I don't think I truly understood why some people don't like spicy food until reading your comment.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Personally I think VSCode is a pretty weak IDE in a lot of ways. Half of the suggestions are more like "guesses" without any real context-aware processing happening. It's performance in automated refactoring or automatically detecting/fixing stuff like import errors is highly language dependent and poor quality for many (esp dynamic languages).

I've used many text editors and IDEs. Textmate 1 was the first I truly fell in love with, and over the years heavily used Textmate 2, Sublime, Atom, and VSCode. Spent a solid 6 months with SpaceMacs (look it up if you want to hurt your brain) but wasn't for me.

I started using IntelliJ at work for a single feature (the diff tool) and eventually switched over entirely to Jetbrains. WebStorm is by far the best web programming IDE I've used (react support is insane, w/ 0 time spent configuring it). I've used a few others (Ryder, CLIon) but IntelliJ is the work horse that gets it done for me.

I sometimes go try out VSCode again or other IDEs. They're fun and shiny for a day or two until the minor annoying issues pile up and the lack of depth in the features / code introspection becomes more obvious. Then back to IntelliJ.

I usually pirate most tools until they've demonstrated substantial value for me, and really hate subscriptions. But Jetbrains entire suite with the "returning customer" discount is like $150/year. And I got the discount on the entire suite because I had paid for Webstorm in the past, which seems really customer friendly. Really not trying to ride their dick or anything, I just feel like they really save me time and mental effort which is my most valuable resource these days.

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