[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago

Oh nice blend of sci-fi and fantasy. Here is another comic about mermaids and environmental catastrophs, but more of a slice of life:


[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Any recommendations for fine tuning Sunshine to match Nvidia's local Gamestream? I haven't had much luck in getting Sunshine to run as smoothly at 4K 120Hz HDR 150Mbps via LAN as Nvidia's deprecated streaming server software, so have to slow to migrate over.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

Segway buggies? Sounds like a great way to exacerbate the issue of runaway baby carriages. When they tip beyond the point of no return, they'll just yeet themselves off into the road.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

That clip was really short and sweet.
Really enjoyed the hand painted water color animation.
Would also a perfect cross post for Deep into YouTube.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

What about a hyperspace bypass?

"You've got to build bypasses." - some earthling

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

But why did he give the bird of prey more than three front talons? It interferes with suspension of disbelief in this fictional horror. /s

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

I think the cat is more appalled with the fact that someone would boil chicken. He's just sharing his sympathy for the poor ingredients.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

You got to wonder, who were bankrolling these crazy looking ventures and why? Was it eccentric and wealthy personalities, or passionate and dogged craftsman? Maybe there was a similar aspect to pursue and develop absurd engineering spectacles for viral entertainment and publicity? Just like today with the YouTube content creator scene? E.g instead of customizing a expensive early combustion engine for a absurdly large mono wheel, we now outfit absurdly expensive Tesla vehicles with antique wagon wheels for the views:


[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

It feels like we're finally, and thankfully, coming full circle. I remember buying my first digital camera in the early 2000s, specifically chosen because it was one of the many that included USB web camera functionality. Aside from downloading the photos on its internal storage, external storage was optional, you could also use the included software to serve as a webcam source.

I can't remember if it included a microphone, I'm thinking it didn't. It also ran off on those small stubby film camera batteries, and not off USB power from the cable you connected it to, which was kind of dumb, and made it expensive to use as a webcam. The video quality must have been something around 140p, and any kind of conference call software was garbage back then as well. Yet the premise of a single device having multi-use features was such a no-brainer, given you already had have the PC USB integration to use it as a point and shoot digital camera.

Modern smart phones have such excellent cameras, it felt really odd that you had to use a lot of hacky work arounds and reencoding over network streams to emulate the same functionality that some of the first affordable digital cameras on the market had decades prior. I spend some time looking into weather a custom Linux kernel could be used with Android to emulate the standard USB profile of a UVC camera device, but it's really nice to hear that this kind of functionality is being pushed through Android mainstream development.


Guess it only took a pandemic and Apple to showcase the same functionality to spur the core Android development into gear to match feature parity.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

~~Genesis~~ Pastafarian 1:27: “So ~~God~~ FSM created man in his own image, in the image of ~~God~~FSM he created him; male and female he created them.”

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

I do as well. I really appreciate the information density, key bindings, and optional web UI. Although I found if I leave glance is running for a prolonged amount of time, it has a tendency to crash from some python issue I haven't dissected yet, as it takes so much time to reproduce.

[-] rustyredox@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

I'd like to see the earlier Hot Pursuit and High Stake releases remastered. I loved those long scenic and rural tracks. I played a lot of NFS3, and then a lot of the 2010 reboot because the graphics where better, but I still miss that retro '90s hypercar aesthetic and soundtrack.

The 2010 NFS HP reboot helped supplement my nostalgia, but sometimes I'd just want to go back to that grippy arcade style of driving dynamics, but with modern graphical realism. E.g like this vision of NFS3 ported to use the Unreal 5 Engine:


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