[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 11 points 24 minutes ago

The article went out of its way to not mention Lemmy

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)



Calendar, contacts, files and the kitchen sink. Based on https://github.com/nextcloud/server/releases/tag/v29.0.3

submitted 7 hours ago by sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al to c/evs@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/15030023

This story has been floating around for a couple years. Maybe there's some truth in it?


This story has been floating around for a couple years. Maybe there's some truth in it?

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 2 points 13 hours ago

If you pin and unpin, it should federate the changes.

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 1 points 20 hours ago

How does it differ from Codeberg and Forgejo?

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 1 points 20 hours ago
[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 3 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

I believe a couple Android clients have multi support. Voyager IIRC.

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 4 points 20 hours ago

That's a stellar post. Shout-out to you!


This is hilarious. It essentially says that fifteen minute cities aren't feasible in North America because the cities weren't built with fifteen minute cities in mind.

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 8 points 23 hours ago

Last I checked, the issue is down to different people wanting different things. Some people want instance.tld/multi/community1@instance1.tld1;community2@instance2.tld2;community3@instance3.tld3, others want instance.tld/multi/hash but some people want instance.tld/greedy/topic of which, there's no easy way to do and definitely won't happen, but because they're so vocal, it's just stalled the whole implementation.

But I think that if multi community view is implemented and we can opt communities out of all, it might increase quality, which could be interesting.

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 16 points 1 day ago

Nope, you can find the feature request here https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/818

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 10 points 1 day ago

I'm pretty sure the answer is yes


Why is this still so funny to me?

[-] sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al 28 points 1 day ago


According to the video, open source software is not necessarily as important for servers and IT in the modern world as it was in the past. This is because software updates are now delivered electronically over the internet, making it less important to have access to the source code. Additionally, companies typically pay for service agreements with software vendors, which means that the vendor will fix bugs and update the software for them. Even if a company has access to the source code, they may not have the expertise to fix the software themselves.

I believe this is a perfect example of what I believe is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. In the same way that I'm glad amateurs are given a platform, I rue the fact that amateurs are given a platform as a little bit of research would've prevented them making themselves look so stupid. "Servers don't need open source" with 97% of the top 100 servers running Linux looks like an odd position to take. Maybe they're trolling.


cross-posted from: https://aussie.zone/post/11061877


#Jellyfin Server 10.9.7
General Changes
Fix HDR detection for 4K Blu-Ray BDMVs [PR #12166], by @Bond-009
Log album name and id in normalization task [PR #11911], by @Bond-009
Try to add extracted lyrics during scanning [PR #12126], by @gnattu
Fix season backdrops [PR #12055], by @Shadowghost
Rewrite PlaylistItemsProvider as ILocalMetadataProvider [PR #12053], by @Shadowghost
Fix empty image folder removal for legacy locations [PR #12025], by @Shadowghost
Fix season handling [PR #12050], by @Shadowghost
Only cleanup children on specific exceptions [PR #12134], by @Shadowghost
Remove incomplete mediatype restriction from playlists [PR #12024], by @Shadowghost
Fix MicroDVD being recognized as DVDSUB subtitles [PR #12149], by @nyanmisaka
Fix Cleanup Task metadata saving [PR #12123], by @Shadowghost
Fix the Australian PG rating [PR #12043], by @oddstr13
Map IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses back to IPv4 before running checks [PR #12094], by @Shadowghost
Do not override if is set [PR #12120], by @Shadowghost
Make m2ts extension case-insensitive [PR #12065], by @Rivenlalala
Overwrite supported codecs for livetv [PR #12017], by @gnattu
Check hearing impared flags with equality instead of contains [PR #12026], by @Bond-009
Fix local episode image thumb recognition [PR #12039], by @Shadowghost
Fix video embedded image detection [PR #12031], by @nyanmisaka
Fix replace all and respect metadata settings [PR #12028], by @Shadowghost
Fix Music Brainz release group query [PR #12073], by @Shadowghost
Fix mpeg-ts detection [PR #12046], by @gnattu
Do not fail user deletion if we have no playlist folder [PR #12037], by @Shadowghost

#Jellyfin Web 10.9.7
Disable eval support in pdfjs [PR #5694], by @thornbill
Fix episode overview markdown render [PR #5680], by @Chaitanya-Shahare

General Changes
Fix loading hides too early [PR #5681], by @dmitrylyzo
HtmlVideoPlayer fix and cleanup [PR #5718], by @dmitrylyzo

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joined 3 months ago