[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 12 points 5 hours ago

Miau! Mio! Miau! Mio! Wo sind die armen Eltern wo?

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 60 points 5 days ago

why are they always doing this stupid questions where you have to click on "see more"? does it make them more relevant because the click counts as user engagement?

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 25 points 6 days ago

"Logi AI prompt Builder". Guess it's time to sell my Logitech stocks

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 7 points 6 days ago

but the research began already back in the 60s.

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 107 points 1 week ago

wow this is very good news. I always feared that at some point some billionaire ass will buy Proton. That will be impossible now.

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 32 points 1 week ago

they can do statistics but they absolutely can't implement a working search function.

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 45 points 2 weeks ago

what a sad boring place. don't go and spend your money somewhere else.

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 48 points 2 weeks ago

To neighboring countries yes, if there is a good connection. If there is a night train even further. However, the price should not be much higher than a flight and I want to change train as little as possible. Buying tickets should not be too complicated either. Unfortunately, taking an airplane is often easier in my experience. We need a true high-speed railway network across Europe. Something like the Shinkanzen.


I am using the offical Linux Client (4.3.2) on Fedora but the connections are very slow. I played around with the few settings the client offers but it's not getting better. Sometimes the speedtest seems okay with UDP, but when I download large files the speed stays around a few hundred kilobytes per second. Without VPN the same downloads are much, much faster ofc.

Anyone having the same issues? Is anyone even using the official client? Or is it better to directly add the connection? Also the GUI of the VPN client seems to be very slow and buggy.

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 57 points 1 month ago

And don't forget that Spotify can only handle around 150 songs in the queue. It doesn't matter how big a playlist is, it will start repeat after a while. The proposed solution by spotify itself is to just deactivate shuffle and start on different songs in large playlist. It's absolutely ridiculous. It bothers thousands of people but they won't fix it. https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/All-Platforms-Option-to-have-a-true-shuffle/idi-p/4880594

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 46 points 1 month ago

could be?? ofc it's bad for the environment..

[-] sasquash@sopuli.xyz 30 points 1 month ago

I was thinking about buying the game since it was a massiv hit. But guess I will pass now. Even though it wouldn't affect me as PS5 player. I just can't support such decisions.

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