Children can be 17 and legally consenting with one another

I once saved a raid from wiping on a naxx boss by doing the last 1% of damage myself using LOH and bubbling at the opportune moment. Everyone else was dead.

Facebook used to (or still does?) have games on it. When Tetris was added, I climbed to the #1 rank in the world in one of the modes, I forget which. Didn't last long though

What's the efficiency for turning jet fuel into mechanical work? I'd suspect the efficiency is somewhere around 45% for liquid fuel where it's nearly 100% for electric. So you're really trying to reach the equivalent of 5500 Wh/kg.

Yep it only took 1000 allu akbars to get my mechanical engineering degree 🤡

Here's an industry talk about how to prey on whales

I'm an engineer in a totally different industry but I want to know what the numbers are

[-] 40 points 4 weeks ago

Now he's getting other people's shit together

[-] 46 points 4 months ago

I didn't call out a specific dimension on a machined part; instead I left it to the machinist to understand and figure out what needed to be done without explicitly making it clear.

That part was a 2 ton forging with two layers of explosion-bonded cladding on one side. The machinist faced all the way through a cladding layer before realizing something was off.

The replacement had a 6 month lead time.

[-] 65 points 4 months ago

A heartfelt, handwritten thank-you letter telling them they're a great teacher and how they positively impacted your life.

[-] 34 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If they're in California, they might have gains of over a million dollars. The exemption cuts off at $500k of total gains; anything beyond that has to have taxes paid.

So they're whining about paying taxes on a million dollar capital gain. They can go fuck themselves.

[-] 38 points 5 months ago

100 microwatts.

Lol so the same as almost every other nuclear battery.

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