I've had my joycons for 5 years and they still work fine. Tbh I mostly use it as a handheld and probably only play about 100 hours per year, but I think the switch is pretty neat

It's fine as long as you never connect different controllers to the same device. Then it becomes a nightmare

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 2 points 3 days ago

Toddlers do the thing too

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 83 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

They missed out the context code:

trait DoW { def length: FiniteDuration }
object Monday extends DoW { override def length = 24.hours }
implicit def toDoW(s: String): DoW = s match {
 case "Monday" => Monday
var day: DoW = _

(Duration formatting and language identification are left as an exercise for the reader)

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 172 points 4 months ago

Producer of calculators says kids don't need to learn maths, they just need a calculator

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 31 points 4 months ago

I loved LotR as a child so my parents got me the Silmarillion for my 10th birthday..was 16 when I finally read it

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 48 points 4 months ago

Acorn falls on car. 'Shots fired! I'm hit!' Shots were fired. By him. At car. Man was in back seat. He not police now.

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 157 points 4 months ago

I just want to never have to hear about this cunt again. Is that why people like him?

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 54 points 5 months ago

Kids can be really sweet, when they're not being twats.

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 32 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

It must be nice to work in a place that won't mind if you arrive drenched in sweat.

coughs nervously in works-from-home

But yeah, it's more weather dependent for sure

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 74 points 6 months ago

I mean, it's red in the middle. That's not normal for a kiwi. Big fan, never seen these

[-] silasmariner@programming.dev 31 points 9 months ago

A troll fishing for downvotes! Finally this place is starting to feel like Reddit 😂

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