[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 3 points 2 hours ago

isn't this the same thing the Bush admin tried with 9/11 that spawned all the "Bush did 9/11" memes? should just take a page from that book and pin 10/7 on Bibi. in both cases, there's a kernel of truth - the attacks are blowback. you can't claim to have known and ignored it without inviting the charge that you're responsible.

and it forced the US intel freaks to stfu about how they knew. it'll probably work again.

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 12 points 2 hours ago

the CIA admitting facts? hasan-stfu

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 2 points 3 hours ago

in a shocking, unforeseeable twist they turned out to be fascists

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 31 points 6 hours ago

I haven't gotten my check yet kitty-birthday-sad

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 19 points 12 hours ago

33% watched a man shit himself on stage and decided he won?

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

be the content you want to see posting

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 15 points 1 day ago

posting here is real work meow-tableflip

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 36 points 1 day ago

coup as long as site maintenance is peak collapsing empire

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

jesus christ the arrogance of this man. what the fuck possessed him to get on this stage with people who wrote the books that his Wikipedia research is summarizing. this man couldn't find israel on a map until a couple of days ago and thought Erdogan is the president of israel. and Norm just calls him on it over and over while continuously mispronouncing his name.

my favorite quote: "if Israel nuked Gaza and killed all 2 million people living there, I'm not sure it would count as genocide."

bonus: Hasan's coverage was so brutal that he rage quit his own stream 2 days in a row. he knows he got owned.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

they were all owned by the same company and sold to Kape, which has ties to the Israeli intelligence service, a few years back.

The issue is who he sold it to -- the notorious creator of some pernicious data-huffing ad-ware, Crossrider. The UK-based company was cofounded by an ex-Israeli surveillance agent and a billionaire previously convicted of insider trading who was later named in the Panama Papers. It produced software which previously allowed third-party developers to hijack users' browsers via malware injection, redirect traffic to advertisers and slurp up private data.

I personally use perfect-privacy, which didn't turn up any red flags when I did research a few years ago. it's a little lacking in features but openvpn isn't that hard to set up on linux & android. no clue how well their desktop app works.


want to share something that you don't think deserves it's own thread? wanna chill with your trans homies? wanna support your trans comrades? do it here!

Me irl (lemmygrad.ml)

want to share something that you don't think deserves it's own thread? wanna chill with your trans homies? wanna support your trans comrades? do it here!


skip past the drama at the start to the part where he gets to mega banning this guy's account for sharing known CSAM and why it's definitely CSAM.

yes, Mutahar is a liberal and his takes about cops are annoying. and yes, he buried the lede.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

my boss said he doesn't personally post here but some others might. and my boss thinks it's cool that I'm a leftist, he's one too, apparently, and that a bunch of our coworkers are leftists. some of them might post here?? it's a finance firm -- the last place I'd expect this. how the fuck do they have a positive opinion of this place??


(I use tree style tabs so they can read my tabs when I share my screen -- I didn't hide this place because who the fuck has heard of hexbear)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

lmao her cowardice is amazing. critical support to the greyxone and EI

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns@hexbear.net

it strikes me that internalized cissexism^[1]^ plagues our communities. we try to prove to ourselves that we are trans by asking ourselves if we would, in the press of a button, bring our selves and bodies into alignment, and in that act, make ourselves cis. we wonder and we obsess, pondering the question, "am I trans?" but we never ask "am I cis?"

but this self-directed transphobia runs much deeper. how many grieve for the selves they lost, for the person that might have been, had they been born cis? in this, we never stop to ask ourselves, "what would I have lost?"

for myself: everything I cherish, all I value most. to be cis, I must give up the experiences that have shaped me most, and in so doing, I'd make of myself someone else. there are many painful things I might have wished to avoid but, looking back, I see a clear trajectory of necessary action taken quietly and without fanfare to survive what had to be survived until freedom was within reach. to dream of living some other life would be a critique of that person inside who worked so hard to bring us to this point of inner tranquility and outer safety. and really, what do I have to critique? should I castigate the child for repressing in an unsafe home, especially after learning now, as an adult, that my father would hurt or kill me if he learns I'm trans? or should I reprimand the young woman for learning to endure, internally divided, and oh so alone? but, one might ask, "what of your body? do you not transition to make it as cis as possible?" to this: no. my trans body has endured so much, with both strength and grace, and it will weather so much more; I dare the coming storms.

rather, I transition now to make this body habitable for her, for the scarred and indomitable woman who would leave her mark on the world. I transition because a little remodeling frees her from repressive chains. I remake tomorrow, not yesterday. if instead, I chased a platonically perfect body, if I rumimated on the experience of a cis childhood, lost to the circumstances of my birth, if I obsessed over the impossible, I'd forget the diamond, dreaming of a reprieve from the heat of her makers' forge. I do not wish I were cis.

[1] the notion that we are all cis, with perhaps an asterisk to note the disquieting, uncomfortable, growing population of exceptions who wish they were cis, and must be helped to it.

submitted 5 months ago by silent_water@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

don't think you have something that deserves it's own post? wanna vent or get support? wanna share good vibes or support your trans comrades? post it here!


well-written analysis of the trans experience and the weird shit that goes on in the heads of repressed trans people.

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 86 points 10 months ago

it's such an unfunny joke I had to read it three times to even understand what she was trying to say

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 78 points 10 months ago

stop using chrome

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 88 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

maaaaybe we weren't federated until this week. but nah, paid bots makes more sense. very-intelligent

[-] silent_water@hexbear.net 124 points 10 months ago

no, I'm civilized. I use .tar.zstd

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