only ever read the word cyan and eventually learned I'd been pronouncing it wrong my whole life when i said it out loud in conversation
it's probably because I'm on linux and the nvidia drivers aren't working as they should. steamVR opens and registers the hardware turned on but nothing connects.
is this for only wireless tracking?
been trying to get my original vive headset to work on linux but can't get past the tracking. I'm not buying a new headset
any opening that is a minute or less can play. anything longer will be skipped.
im too sick to answer the door, come back another day
glad to hear it!
ah i see. I just read the title, which framed it as needing help
i am generally a calm person in public until I'm triggered by a surveillance drone or police helicopter. I am only angry in public when i feel like I'm being watched. this will not bring out my best behavior. in fact it will do the opposite. i will scream and tear down everything in my vicinity if i feel i am being spied on.
if the point isn't that they're trying to find the article, yeah i don't get it. gonna have to explain this one.
see-EN instead of SY-en