[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 50 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Any shithead not paying their taxes is a problem

-someone who actually pays taxes

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 100 points 6 months ago

Stop buying it. That's how we slowed down / stopped.

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 103 points 6 months ago

"Before, I used to buy eggs for 70 rubles ($0.78) a dozen. Now they cost between 130 and 140 rubles ($1.45 to $1.56)—twice as much," Ilia Zaroubine, a 21-year-old student, said.

Near the end

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 30 points 6 months ago

> The videos are part of at least 30 channels identified by researchers as being part of the "Shadow Play" network promoting pro-China and anti-U.S. narratives, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

> according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute

> Australian

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 64 points 6 months ago
  1. It's legal for the public to own guns in Czech Republic
  2. If you're going to try to start a anti gun control circlejerk - try not to do it under an article about a mass shooting, dipshit.
[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 24 points 6 months ago

It's easier to tear things down / trash talk things rather than advertise accomplishments / build something. That's why the R agenda of the govt doing nothing can be fulfilled by just having either the House, Senate, or Presidency, but the Ds need all three to do anything meaningful.

The same concept goes for Biden's accomplishments. It's easier / more palatable to go with the status quo and say lol milquetoast, all of them are the same, too old than actually make people care about what he did do. It takes multiple sentences to explain his positives (like what actually happened with the rail strike) and just a few words to call him useless and dismiss the conversation entirely.

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 28 points 7 months ago

This thread is the epitome of low information D voters parroting the R=bad line. Romney was one of that last reasonable republicans left.

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 31 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Just...ignore him. He's an attention-whore - this is what they do to stay relevant. Downvote articles/comments talking about him. Don't give these sites traffic, stop saying his name, and stop mentioning his sites and his stupidness.

Just stop feeding the attention whore.

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 24 points 8 months ago

That’s what gets me about the “do your own research” parrots. Ok - let me just google it and blindly trust the top SEOd results. That’s what most people’s research is going to be

It’s good advice if the audience knew how to critically evaluate articles, but people don’t even read the articles.

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 24 points 8 months ago

What we really need is a small group of Republicans to say the situation plainly. “The GOP is letting fascists take over and is becoming unamerican.

This is literally why Romney is quitting the senate after this term[0]. It’s a long, but pretty sad read. The problem is these articles get no traction so people don’t see it. And then maga keeps getting more powerful

[0] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/11/mitt-romney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/#

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 39 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This….sounds…reasonable..? I’m with OP - confused

[-] speff@disc.0x-ia.moe 41 points 8 months ago

Clickbait. Actual reason they were sued -

A few weeks ago, ZUMA Press filed a complaint at a federal court in California, accusing Plex of using a photo of actress Cuca Escribano on its website, without permission. The photo was shot by Jose Perez Gegundez who typically licenses it to third parties for a fee.

Not the reason people would think of with this type of title.

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