I am not much of a Reddit muckraker. I checked out the posts from the mods I didn't recognise. The longtime mod Son_of_Sophroniscus appears to now be alt-right? Other than that, I still can't make heads or tails of any of it.
Twice the sneer, double the… club?
We should have let Google cook on this one so they’d reveal their next ad targeted at olympic athletes, where the premise is that instead of thinking about how to respond to letters from kids, they just use AI. Obviously to save time and let them get back to training and inspiring more kids!
roided Clippy
idk the assets that came with my pirated word installs were better than today’s AI dreck
Harry Potter and the Broken Clock
Hmm could be cutesier. Maybe Phesius. Pronounced faece-us
If someone is talking in parables it’s a red flag for me dawg.
I ain't reading all this. I don't even know who Yglesias is.
My first thought: Man, why the fuck does the numbering of the sections annoy me so much?
Second thought: Ok, I'm skimming this because again fuck all these words. Looks like he's trying to explore something about "master" and "slave" morality that I will not dig into because it's probably a bunk formulation of thought. Why does Edward Teach, the pirate, come up? The section did not appear to explain it.
Final thought: Okay, I think I was right not to read any of this. Essentially, it is just a paean to some truly terrible people (Tate, Hanania, Ayn Rand etc.) in the form of a shaggy dog story, with Nietzche referenced a lot.
Anyway, now I'm fighting the urge to get drunk on scotch, listen to "No Surprises" by radiohead and walk into the fucking ocean
As someone who has recently been spending a lot of time rolling my own USB devices, this would require logitech to form a gang and throw out the current USB standards and completely vertically integrate for this idea to not be an abject failure. I guess it could happen! But yeah in terms of who gets to rule over our inevitable cyberpunk dystopia, I just don’t think it’ll be Logitech. Unless they pivot to bionics.
*edit: am now thinking Logitech will definitely pivot to bionic limbs and you’ll have to configure them with logitech options, ugh
it’s almost as if we’ve culturally deluded ourselves away from seeing that nostalgia is a toxic impulse and clinging to the past is self-imprisonment*
*in particular I thought it was cool to enjoy classic rock in high school because it was non-mainstream, not seeing the irony that I was just enjoying a mainstream from decades ago, making me even more mainstream