
joined 1 year ago
[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 20 points 6 months ago

A law that applies to all ethnicities except non-Muslims is for no other purpose than to further the agenda of the fascist goverment's plan of a "Hindu state", as such, the idea of such an ethnostate is extremely reactionary. Although the states where CPI (Marxist) has control won't implement this, so that is an extremely rare W by them. Modi's continous rule over the nation as well as the military occupation of Kashmir is bound to be the destruction of the Hinduvta project

[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

What genre are they? Also, do it. ill buy a copy :)

[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 12 points 7 months ago

Overheard a random conversation at uni where they said "and they'll say how anti-zionism is not anti-semitism but they forget more than 90% of Jews are Zionists", "Don't get me wrong, not all Palestinians are bad" or whatever other bullshit.

[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

The world was peaceful when I was a child because I didn't know what the world outside really was, the world to me back then was just my home, yet it wasn't really peaceful, it was hell because of fighting, alcoholism, the usual trauma a child faces.

The world as I see it now is a shithole, but precisely due to it being a shithole did I discover how to really love, and do it correctly. Love people, love animals, love nature. You can relate this to how the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and its efforts to maintain the status quo precisely due to its contradictions gives the proletariat everything necessary to fight. But I'm isolated right now, I don't really have anyone here, but I have more than enough love that is going empty due to not that many people being there to give it to, which I think of as a contradiction.

Marx says how you can't liberate others without liberating yourself, or at least I think he was the one who said it, but I see it as a contradiction with what I say here, that you can't liberate yourself without liberating others. The solution here precisely lies in the act of liberation. You don't liberate others necessarily during dialogue, during educating yourself through everyone, neither do you necessarily liberate others during this long, tiring process of waging a war. But people liberate each other. I think I got this from Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, which I recently finished. I see its influence on the words I typed out in the post just as I'm typing this right now lol, its a really good work that talks about education through dialogue, criticizing the banking mode of education (used in college, schools, etc) as preserving the status quo. He uses examples from Mao's cultural revolution to say that cultural action is a process of education that has to start before, and not after taking power. I can't describe everything ofcourse, its a short read, around 150 pages and I'll recommend it.

I think I lost track there and switched topics, anyways, that's about it, hope I was able to explain why I wrote that. I just write things and finish it off whenever I'm not in a particularly good mood. I think you should understand it for yourself too, instead of relying on my explanation. Your subjective perspectives of a work (or anything) also matters as much as that of the creator.

Anyways, have a good day!


[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)
[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 10 points 9 months ago

This is a purely non-antagonistic contradiction, regardless of your opinions on the PCP. As for the RGS, they maintain a political line, which you have to follow if you want to get in, like any other party.

Maybe start by studying PCP, they have multiple volumes from the 1960s till now. But for that you have to study M&E, Lenin then Mao.

As for the answer, Maoist analysis is that there is always potential of an inner bourgeoisie forming within the party, because class struggle continues under socialism, and the bourgeoisie will do anything they can to gain power back. If that is universal, then so is Maoism. Continuous purges are necessary, and the proletariat needs to get rid of the existing remenants of capitalism not just in the economic base, but in the cultural superstructure as well. I don't think it is any different from what Stalin did, and I hold that this is the praxis of Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony.

I don't really think anyone should look at self-identified Maoists on twitter and call them dogmatic, endless debates will not result in anything, the internet is not the class struggle. I think you should talk more with RGS, I don't hold them in any negative way, I've heard decent things from them. They are student groups afterall.

[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 1 points 9 months ago

they deliver consistent information about the various class struggles around the world, so I don't really have any negative opinion about them



To nobody, thin air, and the universe

The motor cortex in the brain activates

yet my mouth stays silent

"Something, get something out

Contribute so that you don't feel like a creep" My heart, screams those words

yet the action feels nothing short of a dream

What do you want me to do? How can I be here, in this world

in this room

where I cannot feel like I belong

My heart believes in me, still it does

I'm alive, that's proof of it

Maybe there's just something not right in me

Why won't the words come out

Maybe I unconsciously know it won't lead to anything

A friend, but one that stays in my mind

I'm trying so hard, I still continue to

feels like I'm eating nothing but failures

You know, when I walk, I see the people as dots

small, black dots

not because I see them as obstacles

but I see myself as one

If someone could tell me they see me

Me trying would mean something I feel like I'm going insane

Because when it rains

I see nothing but tears

"Don't do it now, there are people here"

Not like it matters, I'm not there in the room, even if they see me

"Okay, you're alone now, let it out my friend" All of it saying is my heart

Does it really matter anymore if I give away to my isolation or if I give it my all to socialize

what is the difference? is there any that meets the mere eye?

The very essence of a human being is one to connect

Social animals, as they say

I am one too

but deprived of all the social means that make me a human

Am I even a human anymore?

Why do I exist

I scream and I scream but nobody cares

because nobody is there

I've told this countless times

that I feel like an invisible soul

Like the shore besides the sea

its waves, beautiful crescendo of waves

but alas its midnight

Midnight is every second for me

Maybe I should be trying harder

I just don't know what to do

for now I lay in the bed, alone in my room

as my heart soothes me with tunes

and tells me that it is too soon

"When the time comes, so shall your fortune" Empty words don't have empty meanings

the meaning is simply that the heart has given up too


It matters how if I read today or tomorrow Won't change the world, nor my sorrow Give me happiness, and my love you can borrow

A world of snakes is all it is A few who're not also don't exist Come in my life and I'll believe your will

Happy friends is all it takes For me to stay awake for just this time, to let me say that I won't die, and to mean it this time Because I can be saved by you if I tried anyway But you, my love exist so far and you, my friend don't exist at all So what's the point besides the fall I won't be saved by the time you call

Knife, roof, or pills you choose and I'll oblige until Until you face my eyes and slap my face for even trying to think of this as a waste

but you aren't here, and you aren't there you are a screen who I just fear won't come true and I'll just sear over the skies waiting

not you I blame but if at least if I had others like yourself to keep me sane someone who would come by the lane when it rains, no raincoat but only us to blame getting wet as we laugh away the pains it is all in my head and like everything that is this is also to go in vain

so again, I repeat, pills, roof, or knife so that I can not submit to this life "none" you would say and I'll continue this strife

When will it forever end, I've chanted since the beginning I fear it has already made its way to the past I keep repeating and inventing new endings when I'm only creating the preludes to something more and more destructive in me

Why can't I just be free? From this entity called time.

Only time will tell Until then, be my friend? Alas I'm only talking to walls Just for the millionth time I hope there is someone behind them


[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

damn that's crazy, anyways, any of my trans and NB comrades want to hop into tf2 and legally convert everyone into a femboy?

[–] teeforlove@hexbear.net 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I don't think they teach SPE after the first psych 101 module in the first sem of undergrad, experiments like that and the Milgram experiments are the reason ethics approval board exists and became a necessity.

Psychology has a repeatability problem

Research in general does, but yeah, there are a lot of biases involved that need to be controlled for in psych experiments. Turns out measuring objective correlates of subjective behavior isn't so easy after all.


I'm revisiting my fav. clips from my fav piece of art of all time, Bojack Horseman. And I'm crying again. This show means so much to me, yet its so depressing. I find it so fucking funny, yet so sad, that the protagonist's life is one full of suicidal ideations and depression, and that is with a shit ton of addictions. And here I am, feeling the same without any of that, it was like I was made to feel shallow and empty, it was like my soul was never born with my body. The character is toxic to everyone and to himself, out of which his relationships are all dysfunctional. I'm not toxic, yet I feel dysfunction in my relationships and with myself, even though that may not truly be the case. I'm so fucked up. I can never convince myself that someone truly will cry like I am crying right now, for me, if I jumped. I can never convince myself that someone can selflessly love me and care for me. All that exists in my mind is a sense of extreme doubt and paranoia. All that exists in my heart is a love I give for others without any question, which I can't really receive without my own delusions intervening. I cannot receive love. I feel it but I'm not loved because I don't believe one ounce of it. I am so embarrassingly fucked up. It's so funny.

but hey, at least I have a favorite show, and I found my favorite song out of it. Let's rejoice.



There are bigger things happening right now, and this isn't particularly important to me. This is just for people who talk to me regularly/casually, want to talk to me, refer to me in conversations, or anyone vaguely interested.

Around the middle to end of last year was when I realized that the patriarchal monogamous nuclear family that capitalism pushes on everyone isn't really for me.

Lately I've felt the same for the concept of gender, gender norms and (especially) the binary that is pushed on, specifically for the purpose of division of labor between the nuclear cishet family (which effectively functions as private property) and to exploit the woman to an even greater extent.

So yeah, fuck it.

Pronouns for now are they/he. Will move on to they/them once I feel more comfortable.

Don't give this too much importance anyway, I'd rather you read Wretched of the Earth instead to get a better understanding of what's going on.

you can message me if you want a pdf.






What the Great October Socialist Revolution did was put the power in hands of the people, and started its construction of a world without any class struggle, or a state to divide classes. It shattered the illusion of oppression being the only reality, and paved the way towards proletarian internationalism. Today is indeed one of the days that shook the world.

Lenin walks around the world

Frontiers cannot bar him

Neither barracks nor barricades impede.

Nor does barbed wire scar him.

Lenin walks around the world

Black, brown, and white receive him.

Language is no barrier.

The strangest tongues believe him.

Lenin walks around the world.

The sun sets like a scar.

Between the darkness and the dawn,

There rises a red star.

~Langston Hughes


I thought I hated one of my lecturers, he seemed like he thought too much of himself as an academic, morally superior or whatever, and he has been cold to me a couple of times. I looked at his twitter and he retweeted some pro palestine shit and one related to RATM so I guess you shouldn't really judge a book by its cover eh?

even if it isn't much this is a start, I don't think he's a hardcore Marxist or whatever but even by retweeting this shit in the imperial core he is risking his job, which is a huge start.


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