[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 7 points 4 months ago

Nanny state etc. What do people want? A government that looks after them? The freedom to vote means the freedom to die of chicken-egg-poisoning. Dying of food poisoning is a fundamental British value that woke experts will have to rip from my stinking hands. (or something like that.)

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 7 points 4 months ago

I saw that one of the polls predicted the tories would be left with only 25 seats.

That’s 25 seats too many!

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 14 points 4 months ago

Time for UK to become Limitarian. Tax the excessively rich at 100% above £10 million. No one needs more money than that.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 6 points 4 months ago

This apparently "spontaneous" group of "ordinary mothers" looks surprisingly media-trained. I'd be interested in knowing more about the founders. When the "keep our schools open during covid" group were examined they turned out to be a puppet of a right-wing thinktank.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 12 points 4 months ago

HMRC claim that only 5% of UK don't pay their taxes.

That 5% is worth £36 billion a year!

I've got my suspicions about who that 5% are. Damn you you single-parent, new trainer-wearing, work-shy benefit claimants! Damn you!

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 24 points 5 months ago

Do dentists in other countries have the same sense of prestige as British ones? I used to work with a guy whose wife was a dentist and he constantly talked about being a dentist as being on the same level as a doctor. Said that entry requirements for dentistry at university is the same as medical doctors.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 6 points 5 months ago

This table was in an article discussing benefits including pensions from across Europe. I’ll see if I can locate it. I think the data comes from this calculator: https://www.oecd.org/els/soc/benefits-and-wages/tax-benefit-web-calculator/#d.en.500997

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 11 points 5 months ago

Britain’s benefits system is rated as the meanest in Western world, according to OECD. And yet there’s a misconception in UK that those on benefits live the life of Riley.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 23 points 5 months ago

I’m happy with having a “nanny state” if it means my sons can get dental treatment. The only NHS dentist in our area won’t take appointments (unless you go private) and say that if children are in pain to call 111. As a child I went for a check up every 6 months. That’s now not possible since Tory austerity.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 31 points 7 months ago

Great timing. The (supposed) tax cuts will pay for the electricity bosses’ new porsches.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 6 points 8 months ago

I’ve just read that and can’t see anything badly written. Where was the bad writing? (Or is it just their views you don’t agree with?)

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 13 points 8 months ago

so crushingly dull that it destroys any natural curiosity that kids have

You are right. Children have a much earlier start to school in the UK compared to other countries. This cuts short the time of their “play-based” development. By Year 1 (about 5-6) children in UK primary schools are sat at desks and taught in quite bizarre ways. From Reception (ages 4-5) they are tested continuously to a point where UK children are the most tested children in the Western World. Other, more successful countries (educationally and economically) don’t do this. We have a weird, damaging obsession with testing children and placing them into hierarchies in this country. When testing becomes the purpose and goal of an education system it is, as you say “so crushingly dull”.

Pinry - HELP! (feddit.uk)

Can anyone help me with Pinry?

I've run Pinry in a Docker container on a Synology NAS for a couple of years and it's always worked great with no problem... up until I upgrades DSM to 7.2.

Pinry still works fine if I upload saved images. If I try to use the Firefox extension or paste in the url it does nothing. It must be a permissions issue that changed when I upgraded the DSM. I've tinkered with all sorts of setting to no avail and the logs say nothing. I've done the obvious searches online to see if I can find a solution.

Does anyone who hosts Pinry know what the problem is? (It's bound to be REALLY obvious). Thanks in advance.

Pinry - help! (feddit.uk)

Can anyone help me with Pinry?

I've run Pinry in a Docker container on a Synology NAS for a couple of years and it's always worked great with no problem... up until I upgrades DSM to 7.2.

Pinry still works fine if I upload saved images. If I try to use the Firefox extension or paste in the url it does nothing. It must be a permissions issue that changed when I upgraded the DSM. I've tinkered with all sorts of setting to no avail and the logs say nothing. I've done the obvious searches online to see if I can find a solution.

Does anyone who hosts Pinry know what the problem is? (It's bound to be REALLY obvious). Thanks in advance.


Doubt being thrown at the accuracy of the KS2 tests. Again. Bearing in mind that these tests cost somewhere in the region of £45-50 million a year to administer (plus the time, staffing and resources primary schools put in) surely there are better, cheaper ways of monitoring pupil progress? Secondary schools frequently ignore data coming from primary and SATs results only seem to have a use in the equally questionable activity of predicting GCSE outcomes.

As a parent of a Year 6 child, I’ve been horrified at the pressure put on children and then - once the SATs were over - hardly any teaching going on (my son barely had a maths lesson after the tests and his time at school filled with “fun” activities like watching movies). I’d prefer my son’s education to be focused on his learning, not some high-stakes test. And I’d like it to carry on to the point he left school.


What is the state of current Big Finish Doctor Who?

I used to keep up with - and enjoy - the monthly ranges until they turned into the boxed sets which I was less engaged by. I recently tried Stranded and didn't like it at all.

I get the impression that BF is producing far too much material which isn't a good as it used to be. Is this the case?

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