[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 9 points 4 weeks ago

Your line of reasoning is very hard to follow. You are alternating between soldiers/civilians and people/individuals. You are arguing against a point I never made. You are not engaging with my concerns. So let me state this again. The video is highly emotional, completely one-sided. Contains no concrete information. And fits perfectly into the Kremlin's propaganda. I wonder if all these Mexicans still hate her after she tells them that she disagrees with Putin and his war.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 12 points 4 weeks ago

Either that, or it was a way to build a wide alliance to support Ukraine (with some countries being more eager and some more hesitant to help).

Regardless, it was a half measure and should be abandoned rather sooner than later.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 11 points 3 months ago

Sehr guter Artikel. Ich stimme ihm 100% zu.

Ich kann die Skepsis an der Marktwirtschaft nicht verstehen. Und Stöcker argumentiert an mehreren Stellen, was wir falsch machen. Z. B.: Diejenigen, die Schäden verursachen, müssen nicht dafür aufkommen. Darüberhinaus subventionieren wir fossile massiv, etc.

Es ist doch klar, dass die Marktwirtschaft ein extrem mächtiges Werkzeug ist. Nur die Parameter, mit welchen wir sie betreiben sind auf Zerstörung getrimmt. Da darf man sich dann auch nicht wundern, wenn sie die Welt zerstört.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago

Absolutely. Not sure what it does to morale, though, if the tanks you're receiving are getting older and older.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago

Perun talked about that two weeks ago (https://youtu.be/nQLI8xnINqk?si=fh-d-WXtQAEBXsi7, 64min).
If I remember correctly, the gist is that Russia can keep this up for a while, but the quality of the equipment is going down, not up. And in two years or so they will run out.

And here is another related video (https://youtu.be/bJK5NYxGNOQ?si=z_8zYB0bMqqsxD0Y, 11min).
Basically the same message. Russia is at an advantage right now, but the West can catch up, if we want to.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago

Yes, it is a boomer move. But don't let Cisco off the hook. What kind of specially certified security feature is that, if it can be turned off so easily by accident.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 8 points 5 months ago

Weiß nicht warum du das branchenabhänhig machen willst

Weil Landwirtschaft im allgemeinen - aber insbesondere die Tierhaltung - Ressourcen kostet (Geld und Umweltzerstörung). Und ich habe keine Lust auf hohe Steuern, um diese Dinge zu finanzieren. Insbesondere wenn ich mich freiwillig zurückhalte, um die Welt nicht mehr als notwendig zu belasten.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 8 points 6 months ago

Put me down for a pre-order. Thanks.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 8 points 7 months ago

Richtig. Warum wird in Deutschland nie über die lächerlich niedrige (und vermutlich verfassungswidrige) Erbschaftssteuer geredet???

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 14 points 7 months ago

Tatsächlich bringst du hier noch den besten Punkt. Die Argumentation in dem Interview halte ich für extrem einseitig und in vielen Fällen nicht korrekt.

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 11 points 8 months ago

I was under the impression that the border was extremely well guarded and secure. At least at some point it must have been. It seems like the government recently moved troops to the west bank in order to protect settlers instead. https://lemmy.world/post/6616736

[-] the_wise_wolf@feddit.de 9 points 9 months ago

US sanctions against China are absolutely minimal. There is a lot of room to escalate. But apart from that, I don't think that's what's happening. NK has nothing but weapons. Old and shitty ones, sure. But most of them can explode.

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