
joined 1 month ago
[–] 88 points 3 days ago (9 children)

Dear America, Please stop trying to shoot Donald Trump. He's got like 100 years of prison coming up in 2025. If you shoot him you make him a martyr and deny us the long crushing process of justice.


Is this #3 so far, if we count what Kamala did to him at the debate? And to think we are still in September.

[–] 19 points 3 days ago

It's Trump. Here is another angle

It seems the lighting was bad in that room and the media were a bit far back, because most of the shots I see online are low quality and zoomed in.


The people who support this tantrum toddler need to come clean.

[–] 31 points 6 days ago (3 children)
[–] 23 points 6 days ago

Trump is such a clown that when he speaks the internet is left talking about how he sounds like an angry idiot toddler. But he ends up getting a pass on his asinine policies because we are too busy talking about the insane stuff like "eating dogs" and him choosing to be Putin's bitch.

Let's not forget that his vision for "the economy" is also BS. His policy ideas are all bankrupt. The health care plan is not coming in 2 weeks. His administration inflicted on America's budget the most insane deficit and debt of any single presidential term:

His ideas on tariffs are insane and debunked by serious economists. The whole thing is bananas. His plan for tariffs would hurt American workers. And in typical GOP fashion, the pain hits harder on the working class.

For anyone that wants to read a real economics analysis, here is a detailed study from the Peterson Institute for International Economics,

Why Trump’s Tariff Proposals Would Harm Working Americans


Screenshot of the chart by the Peterson Institute, from a news TV broadcast on MSNBC.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

BTW, PBS Newshour just reported on their daily broadcast

"As the campaign enters the final 2 months sprint, voting can officially begin as the first absentee ballots hit mailboxes in North Carolina today"

4:25 :

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Are you the mod here messing with my account? because I want to file a formal complaint with whatever the systems are on this platform. It's one thing to correct people or ask for clarification or edits, it's another to start nuking people's posts and comments without asking and making stuff just disappear.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

Why was my comment deleted? WTF

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

The schedule for N.C. was to begin sending out mail ballots this Friday. I learned this fact from listening to NPR and made the meme planning for this day. Today apparently there is some temporary delay due to some RFK.jr nonsense, but N.C. is going to continue with the election, it's not like RFK.jr can stop us from voting.

You are taking some pedantic position to call my post "misinformation". There is little being added by your comments. While my comments and posts are getting deleted without regard, and I'm still waiting for an apology for mods deleting my last post and messing with my comments here.

WTF is up with the moderation in this place. Let's see how long it takes for this comment to get deleted too.


Today, Friday Sept 6, is the scheduled start to early voting in North Carolina.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

BTW, I heard your comments before about AI, so this time I went out with my camera and waited by the mail box until a proud patriot eagle showed up to cast its vote. The flag in the background is photoshopped.

[–] 34 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You guys know that I like to play with AI, so I asked AI what to make of this news channel. The AI told me to delete this meme because it has to be fake because no news channel would ever have aired that chyron nor have said such a ridiculous statement on prime time television.

Guys, this is real. September 4, 2024. The bottom right image was added for relating to the topic.


Top screenshot and [left] transcript are real and verbatim from Sept 4 broadcast on national TV.

[–] 20 points 2 weeks ago

I wanted to say that although I think the mods closed the Gaza thread, I am thankful that people joined in to have these serious conversations. Because no matter what your perspective is, I read every comment and I feel that everyone that commented there cares about trying to find solutions and figuring out how to do the right thing even when it's hard.

For democracy to work we have to talk to each other, even when it's uncomfortable. Thank you for caring and doing your part. I don't know how to fix all our problems, but I do know that we have this democracy to let us decide together. And the more we talk the closer we can get to real answers somehow. Have a great day.

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