Well, you could try it with your kids and see how it goes 😁
5TB?! Well, I guess I need a new monitor ;)
Well, that's on mate then. In KDE you could remap to a combo of your choice with ease
The Wikipedia article actually makes reference to this
Got any good one liners from your old sets?
The ideal result? LLMs are just early versions of much better things that come later.
The unlikely result: we develop a separate human curated internet somewhere, complete with verification that a human wrote every bit. Basically verifiable digital id and signing on everything. Maybe.
The probable result: the internet turns to shit as AIs are trained on content created by AIs.
Vonnegut was such a character that I wouldn't trust him to build a game that could be won. Anyway, sawing off my arm as a handicap now so I get equal odds against my alien buddy.
I don't use mate, but assuming that it has a file manager and that file manager has hotkeys that conform to the muscle memory that is built using other file managers... Try it and see what happens?
The perspective on this one keeps throwing me off. That cat feels like a tiger in this photo.
Been on my wishlist. Been to the Netherlands a few times and never had enough time for the detour :)
How did you switch to Azerbaijan?