
joined 1 year ago
[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 10 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

I find as I get older and my vision is not what it once was, I need bigger screens with good contrast but don't care so much about resolution. I think it was on the show Corner Gas where they were talking about how big a screen you should get and concluded the size in inches should match your age. That made me laugh but I have to confess now there may be some truth in that…

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

It's been a long time since I got my astronomy degree, but your version is what I recall also. Whatever small rotational perturbation in the initial gas becomes more pronounced as it coalesces in on itself and defines the plane of the star system. Planets form within this plane after it is defined, and they all travel in the same direction around the star.

Regarding galaxies, the most common spiral ones like our own Milky Way follow the same principle at a larger scale. But there are also elliptical galaxies, not to mention irregular ones. In an elliptical galaxy, there is a more random movement of stars in a cloud around its core. So they look more 3D I guess, to go back to what the OP was asking about. I seem to recall the most accepted explanation for how these form is from the aftermath of a collision between 2 spirals? So presumably, when our galaxy collides with Andromeda in several billion years time, the resulting combined galaxy may emerge as an elliptical?

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 days ago

Oh I didn't know that! I will have to check out the original.

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 9 points 2 days ago

Geez don't give him any ideas!

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 18 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Last time I was on a road trip, the 10-minute-long "Stuck In The Drive-Thru" came up on my stream and about halfway through, my daughter in the back seat goes "Who is this?!? It's epic!" I think she's been hooked on Weird Al ever since?

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Can he put actual kombu (as in Japanese kelp) into kombucha?

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I rolled a d20 and can confirm. Wow, critical miss!

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 days ago

I'm wondering how far I can get learning to play the cajon from YouTube tutorials?

I'd say I kind of suck at this point, but I'm having a good time and it's early days still.

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 6 points 2 days ago

Probably, but he had to leave something for bored celibate monks to do. There are worse callings than to devote a lifetime to finding all manner of ways to fortify wines.

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 days ago

I've actually been having more trouble with Apple Maps lately.

My last trip was to perform at a country fair type thing and it couldn't locate the venue. So I thought maybe if I put on the satellite view, I could spot it and drop a pin? But the whole area was behind a cloud. Wow.

Then later, when we were returning, it tried to send me on a shortcut through a mall parking into an overgrown field.

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Thanks! I hadn't heard about that one. Here another article on it. Wow.

[–] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 28 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Articles like this really float my boat! It reminds me a bit of the discovery of the Wollemi Pine in Australia.


I have no idea how true this is? It is just a random shower thought.

It may be more true where I am in Canada than in the US? Here, senators are essentially appointed for life. I understand US senators are elected but have longer terms and generally more stable careers than their counterparts? In either case, there seems to be a lot of prestige that comes with the position.


Of relevance to Kingston:

For the last 10 years, Amélie Brack’s property-management company had no trouble renting out both halves of a duplex near St. Lawrence College in Kingston, one of Canada’s most notable student-dominated cities renowned for its high proportion of out-of-town students, with both St. Lawrence and Queen’s University in the area. This year, it’s still not rented out as the fall school term is about to start – a first for her. It’s not the only unit going empty, after demand for student housing in Kingston drastically fell in the past few months. “Up until last year, we would get 25 to 50 inquiries per week in August. This year, it’s been crickets. It’s quite a surprise,” said Ms. Brack, leasing manager for Limestone Property Management.

It’s a phenomenon that hasn’t shown up yet in any official statistical reports. But it’s one that many at ground level are observing, a noticeable U-turn from the last few years where there were often frantic bidding wars for student housing in the months leading up to the start of the fall term. They point to the cap on international students as a significant factor behind the drop. “The international student reduction has definitely affected us,” said Ms. Brack, who said that large, multibedroom houses in what’s called the student ghetto in Kingston are also going unrented and owners are finding themselves having to list them for rents closer to what a family could afford, rather than what five desperate students (or their parents) might be willing to pay: $2,700 a month for a four-bedroom, rather than the previous $4,000.

The cap for 2024 was set at 360,000 study permits for the country, a 35-per-cent reduction from the previous year.

In Ontario, internet searches for student housing near universities in Waterloo, Hamilton, and Kingston are down 46 per cent to 55 per cent, Ms. Yiu said.


The thrust of it is that the federal government would withhold funding to municipalities unless they meet certain home-building targets.

Critics worry that this will accelerate suburban sprawl in order to meet quotas. There are some provisions regarding rental housing and transit infrastructure, but with unrealistic time/budgeting constraints.


Rode my bike on this new section of Cataraqui Woods Dr today! You can now go from Centennial all the way to Sydenham Rd. Technically, there was still some heavy paving equipment working on a part of it so I'm not sure it is fully open to all traffic at this point? But they had taken down the barricades.


I think they’re here through the weekend?


Birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects? Sure. But no mammals.

So I had to google it. Apparently, there is a sloth that moves around so slowly moss grows all over it and it doesn't care. So it may appear green, but only in the sense that it wears it.


I was told by someone at Tourism Kingston that they are expecting more than 70K visitors to descend on the city for this, which is insane!


This is not far from where it crosses Little Cataraqui Creek, so they are probably trying to dam the creek. I should probably contact someone with the city? Anyone know who to call?


If you drive west from Collins Bay Rd, you should now see a "ghost" bicycle painted white on the south side of the road marking where the fatal collision occurred. Personally, I have lived in cities in which a cyclist fatality would barely garner attention by the local media, but as tragic as this is, I am glad the community here has not become jaded about such events.


I'd forgotten how much I missed going to concerts during the pandemic. They put on a good show!

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