[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 6 points 2 weeks ago

I had to dig up some other sources for info, but this is the case. The new plant has nothing to do with coal, but it is being built to replace the power production and local power related jobs in that area.


[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 10 points 2 months ago

serving a warrant for a felon wanted for possessing a firearm

Opinions of law enforcement at large aside, they were engaged in activities that precisely align with keeping the community safe.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 37 points 4 months ago

The article is critical of GitLabs model, not celebrating it.

What GitLab does is far more open than what you'll see elsewhere, but the formula is actually pretty near to what most companies do already: Have pay bands for positions, and then a modifier based on the region, level factors, and some other inputs. Normally this produces a range, not a straight number, and then negotiations take place within that band (which is also why this information and formula is not typically shared).

As for the idea of paying a flat salary for a position regardless of where the person works, that is simply a non-starter for most companies, and essentially creates a race to the bottom to locate the region of the world that will produce qualified workers for the lowest possible salary possible. We as a society have no problem seeing fast fashion or other manufacturing that do this as being exploitive and evil, and this model is exactly the kind of thinking that drives that behavior. If we stop caring about where a person lives and instead look only at salary vs production, we will only ever hire in the absolute lowest cost of living places in the world capable of producing acceptable workers.

We need to look at this from another angle as well - Companies are buying labor, much in the same way that they buy raw materials, property, or utilities. When buying any of these inputs to your business, how do you decide how much to pay? Certainly you do not sit down in a board room and agree on a number and then go out into the world with that number and attempt to purchase what you need. You start by looking at what the going market rate for those inputs are. People, like materials, have some wiggle room in those numbers, and sometimes paying a little more will get you better quality or more reliability, so you will need to make decisions there to determine where on the spectrum you wish to fall, but never would you pay significantly more than market rate, nor would you be able to pay significantly below.

I see this kind of discussion constantly in the last few years, and often in terms of tying inflation to annual salary increases. "If inflation was 10%, why is my annual raise only 5%?" - because overall inflation was 10%, but the inflation in the cost for a person that can do your job was only 5%. It's truly and honestly that simple. You are a commodity item that goes to the highest bidder - act like it.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 4 points 7 months ago

That's what confused me about this too.

Abortion is a loser for the GOP. With the passage of this ballot issue, they could take their loss, played the "aw shucks" for their base, and moved on to other issues in 2024. Instead, they're giving the Ohio Dems their talking points for them and doubling down on a platform that's been killing them every time citizens cast ballots.

submitted 7 months ago by vinniep@beehaw.org to c/usnews@beehaw.org
[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

For drying it out, nothing special - clean out as much as you can with towels/vac/etc, and then get as much air circulating as you can.

For the leak itself, if it's the sunroof, the water is more likely to come from the sunroof itself and you'd see it raining on you along with wet seats. I'd wager it's more likely the trunk itself or a light assembly that's leaking.

Simplest thing to check is the trunk seal. Open the trunk and check around the seal for tears or areas where the seal is no longer attached. If there is any debris built up, clear that out too. Pour water around the outside of that seal and see if anything is coming through. Some weatherstrip adhesive fix up any cracks or breaks in the seal.

The other place you could be getting water in is the lights. Check around the housings to see if their seals are still intact and you can test by pouring water to see if any moisture is coming through. The "correct" fix here is to have the light housing removed and the gasket replaced. That can get spendy if you're not doing it yourself, though, so some clear silicon can be employed to seal up the gaps.

Now, I doubt it's the sunroof leaking, but just to be thorough: The sunroof has drains that can get clogged over time (usually see it with older cars or those that park outside under trees). Open the sunroof and check around the opening for debris. You should also be able to find the drain holes. They're small and run through the frame and out the bottom of the car. You can test to see if it's clogged by pouring a small amount of water into the gap and seeing if it drains or not. Some compressed air into the drain holes is usually enough to blow any loose debris out the bottom and clear the clog if there is one.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Being in a small company is different, but not worse (or better). With the roles you have on your plate already, you have a sprawling blank canvas to work from, and in a small company environment, you tend to have a significant amount of flexibility so long as you don't take your eye off of the main company objectives (vs a large company where "that's not your department" situations can squash many learning opportunities).

First, figure out what areas you want to focus on. This doesn't need to be forever, but you are going to need some degree of focus or you'll risk doing a hundred things poorly and not really learning much.

Once you've figured out what you want to focus on first and have done some basic research/discovery, seek a mentor. This is one place where small companies make things harder, as you almost always need to look outside to find mentoring.

With the Project Management and Cloud Architecture bits of your role, you can look at Financial Operations. Just make sure you take a high level look first to see if there's sense in that (make sure the ROI on you and your co-workers time plus any new services/providers needed makes sense for what you can potentially save - you want to be able to show that your time was well spent with any self-initiated project or you risk someone deciding that you need to be more closely monitored in the future).

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 2 points 11 months ago

While this community is generally a place to complain about and laugh at Reddit, I don't know that you'll get any sympathy here. You're admitting that you said you wanted to kill someone, but justifying it because they're someone everyone should really hate. I'm with you on the second part, but you still crossed a line with the first part no matter how you slice it.

submitted 1 year ago by vinniep@beehaw.org to c/news@beehaw.org
[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

I expect that in time, that's exactly what will happen. Some instance somewhere will offer guaranteed availability and performance for a monthly fee to it's members. That feels icky at first blush, but why should it? It's not everyone's cup of tea, but no one is forced to use that instance to be part of the larger community, and one instance can't hold the community hostage like a single company social media company could. They'll have success right up until they don't and the Fediverse will sort it out through migrations of users and communities.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

kind of a Christopher Columbus situation. While I realize that might be a little tone-deaf it’s the best analogy I have for it.

I definitely get the sentiment. Everyone is looking for how to make this what they "need" (want) without enough consideration for what it already is and who got it there. It's going to be a journey, that's for sure.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 31 points 1 year ago

Money. Tech was hot and trendy, so VCs were willing to continue pouring cash into a bottomless pit of unprofitable tech platforms, and now they're not so everyone has to figure out how to make money off of the community. In a surprise to absolutely no one that's been paying attention, companies filled with people that have never had to be profitable before are really bad at turning their company profitable and instead only manage to light large sections of it on fire. 🤷

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

That feeling makes sense, but I think everyone knows that the Fediverse wasn't created specifically to give them a landing in this event, just like Reddit wasn't created to catch the Digg refugees, etc. More of a "next phase in the evolution of this concept", and while it took a catastrophe, they're ready to consider that it's time to move on now.

The trick is going to be walking that line between preserving what made the Fediverse great and not alienating the newcomers. I think there's room for everyone, though, and really the big advantage of the Fediverse - we don't have to agree to co-exist, and can even co-existing completely separately if needed.

[-] vinniep@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

I'm also very optimistic right now. The challenges I see are more around funding, as continued work on the code bases and hosting seem to be the largest hurdles and ultimately easier with money than without. The Fediverse feels like an incredibly natural next step for a lot of users that are coming from a Reddit or Reddit-like background. Everything else (robust collection of communities, moderation, 3rd party tooling, etc) comes with the crowd and from the community, not from the "owner", and will only take time if we can solve for the funding/scaling challenges.

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