
joined 1 year ago
[–] void@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Actually no.

The professional format is Betacam, and incompatible with Betamax.

Betamax can be superior to VHS, but that’s easy if you just waste a lot of tape. If you put the formats on equal footing the difference is negligible: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_oJs8-I9WtA

Being theoretically better from a purely technical perspective doesn’t make something „superior“. VHS took over because the whole package was superior.

[–] void@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

I’m big on not branding someone in a “Kill the Messenger” sort if way

What is that even supposed to mean, lol.

you’re overly emotional

a) no, I'm not, you're just not used to people telling you to your face that you're the one who's a rude pedant with control issues.

b) being emotional is nothing bad, and calling other people emotional, again, is just a way for you to dismiss and deflect criticism.

Your nitpicking on points just to make your point in a strawman sort if way,

What nitpicking, what strawman, exactly? I was asking you to tell what "timely" is. You spend days whining about your son being "rude" yet you cannot even quantify what that means. Where's the strawman there?

is visible for all to see.

You're conflating your perception with reality. May I suggest you go to your inbox and then I think you'll quickly realize that it's quite the other way round.

you’re trying to protect your ability to be rude to others who have your cell number for texting reasons

Ah, so I don't know you, but you are allowed to speculate freely how I behave towards others, gotcha.

FTR, I do, as a matter of fact, respond to other people in "a timely manner" (though I'm sure it wouldn't meet your high standards). I also have enough respect for other people to not judge them just because I understand they don't have the same life, the same "rules", nor do I expect them to make me the center of the universe.

you are incorrect In them.

Sure, you get to decide who is "correct", lol. Any more delusions of grandeur you want to share?

Carry on, Internet Warrior.

Uuuuh. Yeah, you're clearly not emotional. At all. Your lack of self awareness is really quite something.

[–] void@lemm.ee 22 points 1 year ago

At „It’s the Jews!“ OP could have stopped and done some simple research – instead they decided to go on and post antisemitic lies.


[–] void@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

because you're mostly just foaming at the mouth at this point

Right, next page in the playbook: declaring criticism as emotional and irrational so you can continue ignoring it.

and have never met me, or know anything about me to make the presumptions you're making

Don’t worry. You’ve been quite vocal enough here to judge you. The fact that you completely fail to understand the concept of „consent“ speaks volumes already.

I feel it's a disrespect, but I honor him and let him do whatever he wants as he's his own person.

Nothing says you’re totally cool with things like going on to whine about how disrespected you feel to total strangers on the internet, lol.

I would just reiterate if you allow somebody an avenue to communicate with you, it's rude when they try to communicate with you and you don't respond.

What is it now, just moments ago he didn’t respond in a „timely matter“, now he doesn’t respond at all.

I would just like to reiterate that it’s not your right to decide if, when, and how other people respond to your communication attempts. But again, you’ve already established you do not understand consent.

[–] void@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

It was so expected that you immediately start digging your heels in. You don’t even understand that your behaviour is problematic.

You did „train“ your son (and probably a lot of other people) very well, by imposing your completely arbitrary definition of what you consider communication etiquette, by demanding they always (sic!) adhere to your rules, and by demonstrating that you do not respect other people’s, rules, choices, idiosyncrasies, and boundaries.

You’re the one who is incredibly rude and pedantic, but somehow it’s always the other people who are wrong.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t react to your calls. I wouldn’t either.

PS: how exactly were you „trained“ to send text messages. I’m old enough to have lived without computers. Do you know how quick people reacted to you when they were busy? Right, they didn’t.

[–] void@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

our generation was trained it’s rude to ignore someone

If you want something that reacts to you every time you want get a dog.

Unless it’s immediately important, you’re not entitled to communication, and trying to force people who don’t want to communicate just because you want to is the best way to alienate and lose them.

And this has nothing to do with „21st century“.

[–] void@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I went to university in the 2000s at a smallish German Technical University. Rarely anyone used jabber. What literally everybody in the early 2000s was using was ICQ. Every dorm had ethernet, everybody had a PC and everybody had ICQ running 24/7. The ones not living on campus were peer pressured into getting DSL (which was still uncommon elsewhere).

Then came Facebook, and suddenly all those ICQ contacts were gone. Still, rarely anyone used jabber, only those who didn’t like Facebook. I didn’t know a single person who was on Google Talk.

Then came Android, iOS and Whatsapp, and that’s what „killed“ XMPP, because XMPP was so not ready for mobile networks.

[–] void@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don’t understand why people think it looked like that 4000y ago…

The closest settlement, Giza, looked like this in 1800 CE (!): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Description_de_l%27Egypte_-_Etat_Moderne_-_Pl_16.jpg

You can look on a map how far it is to the pyramids from there…

Edit: ugh, link is broken. 🙄 Scroll down to history here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giza

[–] void@lemm.ee 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Uh… Do you think it looked like that ~2500 BCE when the pyramids where built? Cairo didn’t even exist at the time.

The closest „city“ was Giza (duh), which is miles away and looked like this around 1800 CE (!)

Of course they had a worker’s village next to the location, but that was it.

using ships

People knew how to build canals.

transporting all the stones would have been difficult

Yeah, that’s why people still haven’t found out exactly how they were able to built these things in the first place.