[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 1 points 1 hour ago

I wouldn't equate voting for the lesser of two evils with "blind allegiance".

For all of Biden's faults (of which there are many) he's still the better candidate on offer.

All the issues you bring up are valid, of course, but unfortunately there's a lot at risk should Trump win. And voting for a senile old man is still preferable to voting for a fascist who is primarily running as a way to stay out of prison.

I'm not sure how we can hijack the DNC primaries to get a real quality candidate, but as far as improving our elections overall, that's where I'd like to see some progress.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 4 points 2 hours ago

Well, in the current economy, the statistical indicators that economists rely on are booming. GDP, etc. What folks on the left like us are saying is that those indicators are easily measurable but do not paint an accurate picture of what most Americans are experiencing. It doesn't feel like a boom out here because, well, it ain't.

It's not like we're sipping champagne, kicking it at the beach, and complaining that the guy next door has a nicer beach. We work just as hard as other generations and get a lot less to show for it.

Acknowledging that is important, but corporate politicians in either party seem like they just don't want to anything about it.

Still voting for Biden, but yeah, not enthusiastically.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 3 points 7 hours ago

Yeah it's not great, but like... coming across as coherent is important no matter the position. Biden kinda failed that basic competency test, probably just due to his age and not like, stupidity or a personal failing of any kind. I'm still voting for Biden, but yeah it's not exactly an enthusiastic vote.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social -1 points 7 hours ago

So, speaking from a purely pragmatic perspective, voting for Biden is better than other US electoral choices for the purpose of trying to help Palestinians.

I understand your reticence and moral indignation, I largely feel the same.

But the biggest reason Trump won in 2016 is because voters were not particularly enthused with their choices, and a great many decided not voting at all (or voting for Trump as a protest against the establishment) was preferable to voting for HRC.

I have to imagine that we both believe that Trump is worse than Biden when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Given that we're already in election year, it's down to Biden and Trump. One of them is going to be president come January next year.

Taking all that together, if we want things to get better for Palestine, we should vote for Biden because the alternatives are much worse.

Granted there is a lot you can do outside of elections to help, and I wouldn't recommend ignoring those. But given that voting for the US president takes a few hours out of one day every four years, it's not a good idea to ignore that either.

I hope this helps you understand those of us who don't really like Biden but will vote for him regardless.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 1 points 1 day ago

It's entirely possible I'm only familiar with the far right, and not so much the average mainstream conservative. Which is a wild thing to think about my life, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 8 points 1 day ago

You have not been listening to conservatives, then. I grew up on a steady diet of Rush Limbaugh and later Fox News. "Activist liberal judges" has been a decades-long refrain on the right.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 19 points 2 days ago

He was kind of a wet paper sack sitting the primaries, if he'd come in with this energy he might've gotten somewhere.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 6 points 2 days ago

You're not wrong.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 44 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Reefill.com isn't even a registered domain. I call horseshit.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 55 points 4 months ago

That's, uh. Certainly a thing you said. Cool.

[-] vonbaronhans@midwest.social 49 points 10 months ago

I may not be any of those things... but turns out I enjoy the humor of all of them greatly!

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