
joined 1 year ago
[–] wisdomperception@lemmy.world 0 points 3 weeks ago

This is an interesting frame, and spot about the value of mindfulness and daily practice to see these more clearly. I would also consider the aspect of the neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings, which per the Buddha are associated with the abiding of the fourth jhāna and which one cannot experience and thus have an opportunity to gain wisdom about until the mind keeps cycling through pain resistance and pleasure seeking behavior


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/21587144

Ugga, the householder of Vesālī is endowed with eight wonderful and marvelous qualities.

Once, the Blessed One was staying at Vesālī in the Great Wood, in the Hall with the Peaked Roof. There, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: "Bhikkhus, remember Ugga the householder of Vesālī as being endowed with eight wonderful and marvelous qualities."

The Blessed One said this. Having spoken thus, the Well-Gone One rose from his seat and entered his dwelling.

Then, a certain bhikkhu, after dressing in the morning and taking his bowl and robe, approached the residence of Ugga the householder of Vesālī; having approached, he sat down on a prepared seat. Then, Ugga the householder of Vesālī approached that bhikkhu; having approached, he paid homage to the bhikkhu and sat down to one side. As Ugga the householder of Vesālī was seated to one side, the bhikkhu said to him:

"Householder, the Blessed One has declared that you are endowed with eight wonderful and marvelous qualities. What are they?"

"Venerable sir, I do not know what eight wonderful and marvelous qualities the Blessed One has declared that I possess. However, there are indeed eight wonderful and marvelous qualities found in me. Listen to it and pay close attention, I will speak."

"Yes, householder," the bhikkhu responded to Ugga the householder of Vesālī. Then Ugga the householder of Vesālī spoke thus:

  1. "When I first saw the Blessed One from afar, with just that sight itself, venerable sir, my mind became inspired with confidence in the Blessed One. This, venerable sir, is the first wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  2. Venerable sir, with a confident mind, I attended upon the Blessed One. The Blessed One gradually gave me a discourse, first on giving, then on virtue, and then on the heavens. He explained the dangers, degradation, and defilement of sensual pleasures and the benefit of renunciation. When the Blessed One knew that my mind was ready, receptive, free of hindrances, uplifted, and confident, he then expounded to me the distinctive teaching of the Buddhas: suffering, its arising, its cessation, and the path. Just as a clean cloth with no dark spots would perfectly absorb dye, so too, as I was sitting there, the stainless, immaculate Dhamma eye arose in me: 'Whatever is subject to arising, is subject to cessation.' Venerable sir, I then became one who has seen the Dhamma, who has attained the Dhamma, who has understood the Dhamma, who has deeply penetrated the Dhamma, having crossed beyond doubt, with no more uncertainty, self-assured, and independent of others in the Teacher's instruction. Right there, I went for refuge to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha, and I undertook the training rules with celibacy as the fifth. This, venerable sir, is the second wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  3. Venerable sir, I had four young wives. I approached them and said: 'Sisters, I have undertaken the training rules with celibacy as the fifth. Whoever wishes may stay here and enjoy the wealth and perform meritorious deeds, or you may return to your own family. Or if there is another man you prefer, I will give you to him.' When I said this, my eldest wife replied: 'Give me to such and such a man, dear husband.' So, venerable sir, I called that man, and with my left hand I gave my wife to him, and with my right hand, I presented him with a ceremonial offering. Yet, venerable sir, even while parting with my young wife, I did not notice any alteration in my mind. This, venerable sir, is the third wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  4. Venerable sir, there is wealth in my family, and it is not withheld from those who are virtuous and of an upright nature. This, venerable sir, is the fourth wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  5. Venerable sir, when I attend upon a bhikkhu, I do so with proper respect, not without respect. This, venerable sir, is the fifth wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  6. Venerable sir, if that venerable one teaches me the Dhamma, I listen to it attentively, not carelessly. If he does not teach me the Dhamma, I teach him the Dhamma. This, venerable sir, is the sixth wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  7. It is not unusual for deities to come to me and announce: 'The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One, householder.' When this is said, venerable sir, I reply to those deities: 'Whether you deities say this or not, the Dhamma is indeed well-expounded by the Blessed One. However, venerable sir, I do not perceive any elation of mind because of this, thinking: 'Deities approach me, and I converse with them.' This, venerable sir, is the seventh wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.
  8. Venerable sir, regarding the five lower fetters taught by the Blessed One, I do not see anything within myself that has not been abandoned. This, venerable sir, is the eighth wonderful and marvelous quality that is found in me.

These, venerable sir, are the eight wonderful and marvelous qualities that are found in me. However, I do not know which eight wonderful and marvelous qualities the Blessed One declared that I am endowed with."

Then the bhikkhu, after taking alms food from the house of Ugga the householder of Vesālī, rose from his seat and departed. After his meal, the bhikkhu, having completed his alms round, approached the Blessed One; having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One and sat down to one side. As he was sitting to one side, the bhikkhu reported to the Blessed One all of his conversation with Ugga the householder of Vesālī.

The Blessed One said, "Good, good, bhikkhu. As Ugga the householder of Vesālī rightly explained, in the same way, I declare that he is endowed with these eight wonderful and marvelous qualities. Bhikkhu, remember Ugga the householder of Vesālī as being endowed with these eight wonderful and marvelous qualities."


Section VI. Deepening One’s Perspective on the World

The introduction to "The Path to Liberation" underscores the Buddha's teachings as a nuanced guide tailored for individuals across a spectrum of beliefs and behaviors, aiming to steer them from unwholesome paths towards actions that foster pleasant outcomes, understanding of karmic rebirth, and ultimately, liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Highlighting the adaptability of the Buddha's discourses, it points out that while heavenly rebirth is recognized as a positive step, it is merely provisional, with the cessation of suffering through the attainment of Nibbāna as the ultimate goal. This unconditioned state transcends the conditioned world and is accessible in this lifetime, signifying the end of craving and the beginning of perfect peace.

To navigate followers towards Nibbāna, the Buddha emphasized the impermanence and suffering inherent in all conditioned states, advocating for a path of complete mental purification and liberation. His teachings, presented as a new way of perceiving the world, revolve around a threefold insight process: recognizing the temporary gratification provided by worldly phenomena, understanding their inherent dangers, and realizing the path to escape attachment to them. This process mirrors the Four Noble Truths, guiding followers from recognizing suffering and its origin in craving to achieving cessation of suffering through detachment, dispassion, and enlightenment, thereby setting the foundation for a journey from the lure of sensual pleasures and attachment to worldly views towards the ultimate freedom of Nibbāna.


  1. Four Wonderful Things (AN 4.128)
  2. Gratification, Danger, and Escape
    1. Before My Enlightenment (AN 3.103)
    2. I Set Out Seeking (AN 3.104)
    3. If There Were No Gratification (AN 3.105)
  3. Properly Appraising Objects of Attachment (MN 13)
  4. The Pitfalls in Sensual Pleasures
    1. Cutting Off All Affairs (from MN 54)
    2. The Fever of Sensual Pleasures (from MN 75)
    3. Life Is Short and Fleeting (AN 7.74)
  5. Four Summaries of the Dhamma (from MN 82)
  6. The Danger in Views
    1. A Miscellany on Wrong View (AN1.306-308)
    2. The Blind Men and the Elephant (Ud 6.4)
    3. Held by Two Kinds of Views (Iti 49)
    4. From the Divine Realms to the Infernal (AN 4.125)
  7. The Perils of Saṃsāra
    1. The Stream of Tears (SN 15.3)
    2. The Stream of Blood (SN 15.13)

This is the first section of: In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon by Bhikkhu Bodhi, published by Wisdom Publications, but linked to the free translations available on SuttaCentral.net.

If you've enjoyed these and would like to purchase the print or e-book versions, you can do so here: https://wisdomexperience.org/product/buddhas-words/.