Look out! He’s turning on the old Wiggum charm!
Imagine doing this with the jawlines of incels
You know that guy’s biting into a simulated soyasil-poutinestador, an explosion of taste
Ah man I’m not gonna remember that
I had clear skies and the best pic I could get was distant cosmic nipple
Yes exactly I can’t wait to go abort up a school
It was a weird tv show back on some late night channel. That or a collective mass hallucination
The chastity is but a service for our christian eyes, for shame did not exist in the garden of eden. Indeed, Adam did walk with that thing in full swing, for then, the gentle sway of his wangdoodle was no more a sinful offence than birds singing, nor Eve’s hooters honking, amen
That sort of nonsense has NO place on the internet, buddy. I need you to either source that from a shady website or invent your own credentials on the spot.
You deserve sanctuary, not from the world, but in it. Your exhaustion from being denied that is all too real. Take rest wherever you find it, you’re beyond due.